WOD: 21-15-9
10# WB
Warrior Burpees
24" Box Jumps
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
holiday binge eating
I can feel myself slowly falling into the trap of eating the sweets "because it's Christmas." I can come up with a holiday or reason to eat a sweet any day. But, when it is the holidays and you know that New Year's is right around the corner and the New Year's Resolution follows that, who gives a sh**. I'm going to shovel is cookie after cookie and not pay any attention.
I'm hoping to have a little more control this year. For starters, I didn't do any baking. I've already gone to three holiday gatherings. The first one I carb loaded on lasagna and did treat myself to a couple sweets. The good news was I wanted out of there so I ate and left. I didn't have time to sit around and talk and continue eating. The second meal was so filling, I skipped dinner. I have never been so full in my life! No room for sweets. The third gathering was planned. I looked at the menu ahead of time and made my selection and stuck to it. No sweets.
Christmas Eve will be a little different. I am going to have fondue and will probably have more sweets that day. It's one day. The day will end.
2015 will not come with any crazy diets. I'm learning to love who I am.

I'm hoping to have a little more control this year. For starters, I didn't do any baking. I've already gone to three holiday gatherings. The first one I carb loaded on lasagna and did treat myself to a couple sweets. The good news was I wanted out of there so I ate and left. I didn't have time to sit around and talk and continue eating. The second meal was so filling, I skipped dinner. I have never been so full in my life! No room for sweets. The third gathering was planned. I looked at the menu ahead of time and made my selection and stuck to it. No sweets.
Christmas Eve will be a little different. I am going to have fondue and will probably have more sweets that day. It's one day. The day will end.
2015 will not come with any crazy diets. I'm learning to love who I am.
Monday, December 15, 2014
rest days
I had a soccer game Friday night and Saturday and Sunday were rest days. Rest = no time to get to the gym. We had soccer, wrestling, shopping and Santa on Saturday and Sunday we had church and wrestling.
It feels good to rest. Resting is a mental battle. Going to the gym or running has become such a habit that missing a day feels like I'm sick or something; it throws everything off. I have never figured out a good "rest routine" mostly because my rest falls on days that it's impossible due to other commitments to make it there.
A few things to do on rest days:
1. Sit on the couch. Recover.
2. Stretch. Roll out those sore muscles.
3. Light cardio. Swim, hike, bike, shopping.....
4. Enjoy a treat you wouldn't normally eat.
5. Nookie. That's right. Do it. It's variation. Work on your mobility.
Do your body a favor and take a rest day!
It feels good to rest. Resting is a mental battle. Going to the gym or running has become such a habit that missing a day feels like I'm sick or something; it throws everything off. I have never figured out a good "rest routine" mostly because my rest falls on days that it's impossible due to other commitments to make it there.
A few things to do on rest days:
1. Sit on the couch. Recover.
2. Stretch. Roll out those sore muscles.
3. Light cardio. Swim, hike, bike, shopping.....
4. Enjoy a treat you wouldn't normally eat.
5. Nookie. That's right. Do it. It's variation. Work on your mobility.
Do your body a favor and take a rest day!
Friday, December 12, 2014
cancer? Well, this sucks.
WOD: 3 miles
3 rounds for time
7 Mason Twists (20#)
15 Box Jumps
I wish I was a better writer. I wish I was able to articulate every emotion, feeling and thought that has crossed my mind in the last 12 hours. More importantly, I wish I could describe to you the type of woman that I think my mom is and the amount of love that I feel for her. I will try my best, but it won't compare on paper.
At 1:39pm, I received the dreadful text. "I have cancer." I knew this was a possibility so I was a tad bit prepared for the worst. But, I was more than a tad bit hopeful that it was nothing and life would resume back to normal after my mom's doctor appointment that day.
But it didn't and it won't.
My chest grew tighter, the tears were flowing and the hate was beginning to creep in. I know it is okay to express the emotions but passing out from lack of oxygen, crying a river or punching something wasn't going to make this outcome any different. I laced up my shoes and I went for a run.
Running, crying, yelling, running, stomping, I did it all. Why? Because I could.
When someone comments on my determination, commitment or hard work, it's a compliment. It's a compliment because I have learned that from my mom. My mom is the strongest person I know. She will be a fighter. She will be a trooper and she will do it with all of the grace and dignity she has. Of course, all of this will happen as soon as she finishes running her marathons on January 12! Because she's cool like that.
Love you, Mommy. <3
3 rounds for time
7 Mason Twists (20#)
15 Box Jumps
I wish I was a better writer. I wish I was able to articulate every emotion, feeling and thought that has crossed my mind in the last 12 hours. More importantly, I wish I could describe to you the type of woman that I think my mom is and the amount of love that I feel for her. I will try my best, but it won't compare on paper.
But it didn't and it won't.
My chest grew tighter, the tears were flowing and the hate was beginning to creep in. I know it is okay to express the emotions but passing out from lack of oxygen, crying a river or punching something wasn't going to make this outcome any different. I laced up my shoes and I went for a run.
Running, crying, yelling, running, stomping, I did it all. Why? Because I could.
When someone comments on my determination, commitment or hard work, it's a compliment. It's a compliment because I have learned that from my mom. My mom is the strongest person I know. She will be a fighter. She will be a trooper and she will do it with all of the grace and dignity she has. Of course, all of this will happen as soon as she finishes running her marathons on January 12! Because she's cool like that.
Love you, Mommy. <3
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
a time of knowing nothing
WOD: 15 burpees
21 KB swings
12 pull ups
3 Rounds
Thanksgiving was wonderful. A tad stressful with the sports commitments and the traveling (3 kids and 2 dogs), but aside from my normal stress, it was a nice time spent with my family.
I crawled out of bed before extra early and bundled up. I was able to run 5 miles with my dog during a light snow shower. It was beautiful. I managed to only make one trip to the dinner buffet and two small pieces of dessert.
I find myself wanting to run more these days. There's something about being outside with the brisk air on my face and my feet hitting the pavement that makes me feel like I have some sort of control in this crazy life. The more I run, the more I can clear my head. The further I run, the more I know I can push my body. Sometimes I feel like the worries and stress will go away when I get back. It typically doesn't but for those few hours I am able to forget what's weighing me down.
21 KB swings
12 pull ups
3 Rounds
Thanksgiving was wonderful. A tad stressful with the sports commitments and the traveling (3 kids and 2 dogs), but aside from my normal stress, it was a nice time spent with my family.
I crawled out of bed before extra early and bundled up. I was able to run 5 miles with my dog during a light snow shower. It was beautiful. I managed to only make one trip to the dinner buffet and two small pieces of dessert.
I find myself wanting to run more these days. There's something about being outside with the brisk air on my face and my feet hitting the pavement that makes me feel like I have some sort of control in this crazy life. The more I run, the more I can clear my head. The further I run, the more I know I can push my body. Sometimes I feel like the worries and stress will go away when I get back. It typically doesn't but for those few hours I am able to forget what's weighing me down.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
where have I gone?
WOD: AMRAP 20 min
teams of 3
5 Hang Snatch, 5 OHS, 5 bar over burpees
It has been over a month since I last posted on here. I get into the routine of doing what I'm doing and this just seems to slip out of my mind. I think about blogging but then I feel like nothing I have to say is important enough to type or interesting enough to make others want to read!
Thanksgiving will be here in 2 days. I'm not sure I can handle another day in the gym. My muscles are screaming for a rest day and my feet wouldn't move faster than a speed walk if I was walking on hot coals. So, today will be a rest day!
Here are a few helpful tips to survive the mounds of food and the piles of sweets that will be tempting on Thursday:
1. Get up and run/workout.
Stick with your routine. There's no such thing as, "I'm not going to the gym because it's Thanksgiving." or "I'm just taking these days off." Hit the pavement. You won't regret it.
2. Nutrition Awareness.
Stick to the sweet potatoes, corn and turkey or ham. Give yourself a generous portion of the garden salad. Avoid gravy and sauces and toss that dinner roll to Aunt Gladys!
3. Get up and move!
Dinner is over. Your stomach is full. Time for a nap! OR......go play with the kids. Volunteer to wash dishes. Do whatever you have to do to keep moving. Once you sit down, game over. Keep your fitbit turned on and hit those 10,000 steps!
teams of 3
5 Hang Snatch, 5 OHS, 5 bar over burpees
It has been over a month since I last posted on here. I get into the routine of doing what I'm doing and this just seems to slip out of my mind. I think about blogging but then I feel like nothing I have to say is important enough to type or interesting enough to make others want to read!
Thanksgiving will be here in 2 days. I'm not sure I can handle another day in the gym. My muscles are screaming for a rest day and my feet wouldn't move faster than a speed walk if I was walking on hot coals. So, today will be a rest day!
Here are a few helpful tips to survive the mounds of food and the piles of sweets that will be tempting on Thursday:
1. Get up and run/workout.
Stick with your routine. There's no such thing as, "I'm not going to the gym because it's Thanksgiving." or "I'm just taking these days off." Hit the pavement. You won't regret it.
2. Nutrition Awareness.
Stick to the sweet potatoes, corn and turkey or ham. Give yourself a generous portion of the garden salad. Avoid gravy and sauces and toss that dinner roll to Aunt Gladys!
3. Get up and move!
Dinner is over. Your stomach is full. Time for a nap! OR......go play with the kids. Volunteer to wash dishes. Do whatever you have to do to keep moving. Once you sit down, game over. Keep your fitbit turned on and hit those 10,000 steps!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Is the decision we make today going to help or hinder us reach our goal tomorrow?
WOD: 6.5 mile run
Sunday is always my favorite day of the week! I always can count on getting in a longer run in the afternoon.
Friday was my first day off the Whole 30 Challenge. I had a strict 14 day streak and then a funnel cake! Then I had another 14 day streak. Friday was my birthday lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I had made the decision earlier in the week that I was going to order the customary Oreo Extreme cheesecake. It was worth the wait and the decision.
I didn't regret eating the cheesecake.
Is the decision we make today going to help or hinder us reach our goal tomorrow? And, if I make this decision today, will I regret it tomorrow?
Eat the cheesecake if it's worth it to you. Savor the taste, texture, and smell. When you are finished, walk away and move forward. No regrets. Next meal.
Sunday is always my favorite day of the week! I always can count on getting in a longer run in the afternoon.
Friday was my first day off the Whole 30 Challenge. I had a strict 14 day streak and then a funnel cake! Then I had another 14 day streak. Friday was my birthday lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I had made the decision earlier in the week that I was going to order the customary Oreo Extreme cheesecake. It was worth the wait and the decision.
I didn't regret eating the cheesecake.
Is the decision we make today going to help or hinder us reach our goal tomorrow? And, if I make this decision today, will I regret it tomorrow?
Eat the cheesecake if it's worth it to you. Savor the taste, texture, and smell. When you are finished, walk away and move forward. No regrets. Next meal.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
WOD: 20 pullups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
5 rounds
Keep going. Progress doesn't happen overnight. We have a years of bad habits that we are trying to break. We have hundreds of hours of media that has been ingrained into our head about how society thinks we should act, eat, and behave. We have triggers that make us associate memories with food. We have so much going on in our lives that we can only squeeze in a visit with friends over a meal.
Slow down. Find you.
Today I realized that every day is flying by. I don't have enough time in the day to appreciate all of the beauty that God has created.
Every day is a new day with new steps. All those steps are moving forward, which means we are making progress. Celebrate today and your accomplishments. And then do it again tomorrow. There's no rush.
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
5 rounds
Keep going. Progress doesn't happen overnight. We have a years of bad habits that we are trying to break. We have hundreds of hours of media that has been ingrained into our head about how society thinks we should act, eat, and behave. We have triggers that make us associate memories with food. We have so much going on in our lives that we can only squeeze in a visit with friends over a meal.
Slow down. Find you.
Today I realized that every day is flying by. I don't have enough time in the day to appreciate all of the beauty that God has created.
Every day is a new day with new steps. All those steps are moving forward, which means we are making progress. Celebrate today and your accomplishments. And then do it again tomorrow. There's no rush.
Monday, October 6, 2014
WOD: 5 mile run
Nut Bars (Whole 30 approved)
1 cup walnuts, almonds or cashews (or mix)
1 cup dates or raisins
1 cup dries cranberries
1 cup unsweetened coconut
Put in food processor.
Add 1 T water.
Press in 8x8 pan, chill.
Cut into bars.
When you are hungry, ask yourself, "Can I sit down and eat a plate full of fish and broccoli?"
If the answer is yes, you are hungry.
If the answer is no, you are bored.
Nut Bars (Whole 30 approved)
1 cup walnuts, almonds or cashews (or mix)
1 cup dates or raisins
1 cup dries cranberries
1 cup unsweetened coconut
Put in food processor.
Add 1 T water.
Press in 8x8 pan, chill.
Cut into bars.
Monday, September 29, 2014
too many apples?
WOD: 7 min to find 1 rm clean
1 min rest
Back Squats, Med ball sit ups, KB snatch
I love to eat apples. They tend to be a quick grab off the counter snack when I'm rushing around all summer. By fall, I'm ready for something different. Honeycrisp apples are my favorite but when the entire family likes apples, they get expensive. Here are a few ideas when you have apples that need to be eaten or you'd like a change:
1 min rest
Back Squats, Med ball sit ups, KB snatch
I love to eat apples. They tend to be a quick grab off the counter snack when I'm rushing around all summer. By fall, I'm ready for something different. Honeycrisp apples are my favorite but when the entire family likes apples, they get expensive. Here are a few ideas when you have apples that need to be eaten or you'd like a change:
Apples (with skin) in the crock pot for 4-6 hours.
Sprinkle cinnamon on top.
Smells delish!
Sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon.
Bake 400 degrees
60 minutes
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
WOD: 20 min AMRAP
4 ring dips + 4 pull ups
8 53# KB swing
There have been a ton of articles (76,100 to be exact) all related to the great debate: can Crossfit training prepare you for a half marathon. I have always been intrigued with these articles. So, I'll share my story and my two cents.
I ran races (both 13.1 and 26.2) before Crossfit. My best race times all happened during this time period. This could be related to age, commitment level, diet, who really knows.
Once I started Crossfit, I gained weight. It wasn't bad weight. It was muscle. I was okay with that. That's not the point. I continued to run. I would do my WOD and then sprint out the door for a very difficult pace run. When I was training for my long race (40.1), I remember running a 5k, jumping in the car to go to a WOD and then running after the workout again. My thought process? I needed to mentally train my brain to run when tired. I still followed my running plan and maintained all of my pace runs, long runs, etc... Run was successful. Recovery was successful. All good.
Then there was the race where I woke up in the morning and decided to trade my half bib for a full. A tad crazy. But, I had been training. I had been running distance. I had built up to 17 miles. I knew what to expect being on my feet for 4+ hours. All good.
Then we come to last weekend...the kids all had sports events and 2 of the 3 had been cancelled. I made the decision I was going to run the half. Was I ready? Absolutely not. I hadn't run over 4 miles in at least a month. Heck, the week prior I logged ZERO miles. But, I knew what to expect with the course.{I must also mention, I wore Nick's shoes because mine were brand new and never been worn!} I knew I was under no pressure for myself to bust out some new PR. I was just doing it because I had the time AND because I had been running so much over the summer it seemed like a perfect bookend to the summer.
RESULTS: My time was 8 minutes slower than my previous races at the same location. No big deal. I was proud of that. I kept a consistent pace for the first 10 miles. I was prepared to begin walking at every mile after 3. My body hurt. My body still hurts. I have hurts in places I have never hurt before.
I currently have the cleanest diet I have ever had in my life. I didn't carb load. I didn't get the right amount of sleep. Heck, I didn't even own a sports bra to keep me together for 13.1 miles!
Did Crossfit prepare me? I guess that would depend on my expected results. Yes, Crossfit prepared me to work through mental pain, muscle fatigue, and keeping the goal in site. But nothing, I repeat N-O-T-H-I-N-G prepares you to be on your feet for that amount of time constantly pounding the pavement, never stopping, fast pace. Crossfit didn't make my recovery any quicker. I might be a stronger runner, but stronger didn't help my speed. Stronger didn't help me catch my breath. A half marathon wasn't "just another workout" for me.
Will I do it again? Absolutely.
4 ring dips + 4 pull ups
8 53# KB swing
There have been a ton of articles (76,100 to be exact) all related to the great debate: can Crossfit training prepare you for a half marathon. I have always been intrigued with these articles. So, I'll share my story and my two cents.
I ran races (both 13.1 and 26.2) before Crossfit. My best race times all happened during this time period. This could be related to age, commitment level, diet, who really knows.
Then there was the race where I woke up in the morning and decided to trade my half bib for a full. A tad crazy. But, I had been training. I had been running distance. I had built up to 17 miles. I knew what to expect being on my feet for 4+ hours. All good.
Then we come to last weekend...the kids all had sports events and 2 of the 3 had been cancelled. I made the decision I was going to run the half. Was I ready? Absolutely not. I hadn't run over 4 miles in at least a month. Heck, the week prior I logged ZERO miles. But, I knew what to expect with the course.{I must also mention, I wore Nick's shoes because mine were brand new and never been worn!} I knew I was under no pressure for myself to bust out some new PR. I was just doing it because I had the time AND because I had been running so much over the summer it seemed like a perfect bookend to the summer.
RESULTS: My time was 8 minutes slower than my previous races at the same location. No big deal. I was proud of that. I kept a consistent pace for the first 10 miles. I was prepared to begin walking at every mile after 3. My body hurt. My body still hurts. I have hurts in places I have never hurt before.
I currently have the cleanest diet I have ever had in my life. I didn't carb load. I didn't get the right amount of sleep. Heck, I didn't even own a sports bra to keep me together for 13.1 miles!
Did Crossfit prepare me? I guess that would depend on my expected results. Yes, Crossfit prepared me to work through mental pain, muscle fatigue, and keeping the goal in site. But nothing, I repeat N-O-T-H-I-N-G prepares you to be on your feet for that amount of time constantly pounding the pavement, never stopping, fast pace. Crossfit didn't make my recovery any quicker. I might be a stronger runner, but stronger didn't help my speed. Stronger didn't help me catch my breath. A half marathon wasn't "just another workout" for me.
Will I do it again? Absolutely.
Friday, September 19, 2014
I woke up this morning to let the dogs outside to eat and it felt good. The air was crisp and I could smell the fall leaves. Getting ready in the morning, I decided to update my Facebook status to ask anyone if they had a race bib for the Air Force half marathon this weekend. By 12:30pm I will in the car heading over the the Nutter Center to pick up a race bib! Tomorrow at this time I will be resting on my couch after running 13.1 miles!
I can't wait. I'm excited. Not really nervous. Running gives me such a sense of freedom. I almost feel closer to God. For that brief moment in time, he is with me, only me, and it's all about me. It's wonderful. And having not trained AT ALL for this, I'm sure I will be doing a lot of praying and praising God along the path.
I'm on day 7 of the Whole30. In the past, I would have been carb loading but instead I have decided to stick to my plan. I'm anxious to see how my body will handle this with all of the running I did over the summer. Look forward to my next entry!
I am going to go home and lay out all of my clothes and get all prepared!!!
I woke up this morning to let the dogs outside to eat and it felt good. The air was crisp and I could smell the fall leaves. Getting ready in the morning, I decided to update my Facebook status to ask anyone if they had a race bib for the Air Force half marathon this weekend. By 12:30pm I will in the car heading over the the Nutter Center to pick up a race bib! Tomorrow at this time I will be resting on my couch after running 13.1 miles!
I can't wait. I'm excited. Not really nervous. Running gives me such a sense of freedom. I almost feel closer to God. For that brief moment in time, he is with me, only me, and it's all about me. It's wonderful. And having not trained AT ALL for this, I'm sure I will be doing a lot of praying and praising God along the path.
I'm on day 7 of the Whole30. In the past, I would have been carb loading but instead I have decided to stick to my plan. I'm anxious to see how my body will handle this with all of the running I did over the summer. Look forward to my next entry!
I am going to go home and lay out all of my clothes and get all prepared!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
WOD: 50 squats
25 T2B
50 DUs
3 Rounds for time
I need to work on my presentation of food. You get the point. It's real, it's happening at a quick pace between practices, and I have the help of a 6 year old. Delicious!
25 T2B
50 DUs
3 Rounds for time
I need to work on my presentation of food. You get the point. It's real, it's happening at a quick pace between practices, and I have the help of a 6 year old. Delicious!
breaded mahi mahi & sweet potato casserole |
sweet potato casserole (two large sweet potatoes, with skin, almond milk, walnuts, unsweetened coconut flakes) |
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
whole30 bonding experience on day 4
WOD: 10 strict press
200 m sprint
15 push press
200 m sprint
20 push jerks
200 m sprint
EOM: 5 strict pull ups/ 10 push ups
I am excited to hear others share their success with the Whole 30 challenge! All of the ideas, suggestions, tips are wonderful. I am trying everything and soaking it all in. It's fun to learn more about something new!
This morning was a bit of a challenge. In every effort to find the positive, I will share what happened. Josalyn had a doctor's appointment at 9:15am. Without hesitation, I accepted the request to help with this appointment. I have no problem with that. I blocked off my calendar until 10:30, giving my plenty of time to get her back to school and myself to work (26 miles away) and still have a productive day.
10:15 rolls around...we are still sitting there. Finally, we go back to the room. The nurse is annoyed by the doctor's tardiness and felt obligated to share her frustration with us. This only my my mood even worse. Then, the doctor came in and was all perky. No apology. No acknowledgement that she had wasted our time. NOTHING.
[Side note: When Connor was maybe 4 weeks old, I had a breakdown at his doctor's office. Like, real breakdown. I was tired of waiting, I was sleep deprived, I was stressed, I was doing everything wrong, etc. After I screamed and went nuts, I vowed I was never going back there again. Eight years later, Connor is now friends with the doctor's son. Fail. Hopefully she doesn't remember. I wasn't going to do this to Josalyn. At 13 years old, it might make somewhat of an impression. So, I decided to be patient, remain calm and keep my comments to myself. I didn't say a single curse word (out loud).]
But, the sweetest thing occurred during those 80 minutes. A friend loaned me a copy of her book, "It Starts with Food" that I downloaded on my kindle while waiting. Josalyn and I hoovered over my iPhone and began reading the book. We read to Chapter 3. The beginning was a bit dry but it had a lot of good points and laid the groundwork for the scientific research about the Whole 30. Josalyn was asking a bunch of questions and was more excited to jump on board. We talked about the food that she eats, how it is prepared, what better choices would be, etc. All of which, she has very little control over. I mean, what 13 year old asks if her food is prepared with vegetable oil or olive oil? We talked about the foods that the boys eat and what she eats at our house. At their ages and as active as they are, it's okay to have some of the things that I my chose to limit. I don't want to ban "bad" food because I want to help them learn how to make healthy choices.
In the introduction, the book claims that after we are finished reading we will "know in no uncertain terms which foods are improving the quality of your life and which are distracting your health." So, I pointed that out. And Josalyn said, "Jenn, you eat perfect all the time. You always have a Paelo-perfect meal." I explained to her that the Whole 30 isn't exactly what she needs to follow but she could read the book and take away some key points and try different things for awhile such as cutting out dairy. It's more about being aware. Even if you don't take action right away, the more you know the better choices you will make without even realizing it. She told me I was perfect. I had the perfect body and it was awesome that I did the things I do (I'm assuming she's talking about Crossfit here).
It was kind. It was the nicest, most innocent compliment I have ever received. The truth is, I don't eat perfect meals, I don't have a perfect body, I do do awesome things :) but I always see the gap which I refer to as my "improvement zone"- but to a 13 year old girl, who shows nothing but unconditional love, I am perfect. I hope she looks up to me. I hope that I can continue to be a female figure in her life that she admires and respects. I hope that I can be a positive role model.
On the drive to work, I stopped for a moment to thank God for giving me those 80 minutes with Josalyn.
200 m sprint
15 push press
200 m sprint
20 push jerks
200 m sprint
EOM: 5 strict pull ups/ 10 push ups
I am excited to hear others share their success with the Whole 30 challenge! All of the ideas, suggestions, tips are wonderful. I am trying everything and soaking it all in. It's fun to learn more about something new!
This morning was a bit of a challenge. In every effort to find the positive, I will share what happened. Josalyn had a doctor's appointment at 9:15am. Without hesitation, I accepted the request to help with this appointment. I have no problem with that. I blocked off my calendar until 10:30, giving my plenty of time to get her back to school and myself to work (26 miles away) and still have a productive day.
10:15 rolls around...we are still sitting there. Finally, we go back to the room. The nurse is annoyed by the doctor's tardiness and felt obligated to share her frustration with us. This only my my mood even worse. Then, the doctor came in and was all perky. No apology. No acknowledgement that she had wasted our time. NOTHING.
[Side note: When Connor was maybe 4 weeks old, I had a breakdown at his doctor's office. Like, real breakdown. I was tired of waiting, I was sleep deprived, I was stressed, I was doing everything wrong, etc. After I screamed and went nuts, I vowed I was never going back there again. Eight years later, Connor is now friends with the doctor's son. Fail. Hopefully she doesn't remember. I wasn't going to do this to Josalyn. At 13 years old, it might make somewhat of an impression. So, I decided to be patient, remain calm and keep my comments to myself. I didn't say a single curse word (out loud).]
But, the sweetest thing occurred during those 80 minutes. A friend loaned me a copy of her book, "It Starts with Food" that I downloaded on my kindle while waiting. Josalyn and I hoovered over my iPhone and began reading the book. We read to Chapter 3. The beginning was a bit dry but it had a lot of good points and laid the groundwork for the scientific research about the Whole 30. Josalyn was asking a bunch of questions and was more excited to jump on board. We talked about the food that she eats, how it is prepared, what better choices would be, etc. All of which, she has very little control over. I mean, what 13 year old asks if her food is prepared with vegetable oil or olive oil? We talked about the foods that the boys eat and what she eats at our house. At their ages and as active as they are, it's okay to have some of the things that I my chose to limit. I don't want to ban "bad" food because I want to help them learn how to make healthy choices.
In the introduction, the book claims that after we are finished reading we will "know in no uncertain terms which foods are improving the quality of your life and which are distracting your health." So, I pointed that out. And Josalyn said, "Jenn, you eat perfect all the time. You always have a Paelo-perfect meal." I explained to her that the Whole 30 isn't exactly what she needs to follow but she could read the book and take away some key points and try different things for awhile such as cutting out dairy. It's more about being aware. Even if you don't take action right away, the more you know the better choices you will make without even realizing it. She told me I was perfect. I had the perfect body and it was awesome that I did the things I do (I'm assuming she's talking about Crossfit here).
It was kind. It was the nicest, most innocent compliment I have ever received. The truth is, I don't eat perfect meals, I don't have a perfect body, I do do awesome things :) but I always see the gap which I refer to as my "improvement zone"- but to a 13 year old girl, who shows nothing but unconditional love, I am perfect. I hope she looks up to me. I hope that I can continue to be a female figure in her life that she admires and respects. I hope that I can be a positive role model.
On the drive to work, I stopped for a moment to thank God for giving me those 80 minutes with Josalyn.
Monday, September 15, 2014
whole 30
WOD: 15 Burpees
15 DB Thursters
5 rounds
If you know me well, you know I'm always up to trying something new. I have a lot of "trying something new"s lately. I got my hair cut. That could be considered new, but it's always the length that is the old me. I am going to commit to getting a manicure every two weeks. Why? Because it feels good and I really like it. I also bought about 8 new dresses for the fall. I dislike wearing pants. they are so uncomfortable. There's nothing like trying to find a pair of slacks that fits your waist, thighs, caves and long legs. I'm either wearing pants the the seam is going to bust at my butt crack or they are baggy and look like bell bottoms.
I had a lot of success on the Advocare 24 day challenge. I love the supplements and have really narrowed down what seems to work well with my body while running/lifting.
There were a few gals in the gym that had tried the Whole 30. I have had a few meals that were whole 30 and decided to continue to make those for my family. They were easy and tasty. So, I decided to go for it. Take the leap. It's only 30 days. I don't consider myself one to jump on the latest trend. Often times I jump on years after the trend started. I'm also up for a new challenge and anything that will help me learn more about food, myself, portions, nutrition and wellness. I am a perfectionist.
Day 1: I woke up and ate more than I normally do. Whole 30 doesn't count calories (I still do to an extent because it's a habit). Breakfast: 3 eggs and 2 slices of bacon. Lunch: lettuce, ground turkey, sweet potato with coconut oil and cinnamon. Dinner: 2 eggs, bacon, ground turkey. HOLY HEADACHE! I thought I was getting sick. Like flu sick. I have to live without Spark for 30 days. At 9pm, I ran through the Tim Horton's drive thru and grabbed a coffee. It took the splitting pain away until I fell asleep. Success! I survived the first day!
Day 2: Nick was away at drill and he claims that he is going to do this challenge with me. So, I thought it would be helpful to get a 2 day start so I knew what I was in for before I had him asking me a bunch of questions. What did I learn today? No snacking! Three meals. Breakfast: 3 eggs, 2 bacon. Tim Horton's coffee that I drank all day. No way was that headache going to come back. Did a little grocery shopping. Bought a bunch of new meats that I generally don't buy but know I will get sick of ground turkey eventually. Lunch: avocado, pork loin steak, sweet potato, coconut oil, cinnamon. The sweet potato really takes the edge off. Snack: before I learned that you shouldn't snack, diced banana, unsweetened coconut flakes, almonds. Dinner: lettuce, ground beef, avocado.
For a total of 1600 calories.
I must admit, I was a little tired the first two days. I'm not sure if it was because of the food or just because it was the weekend, I was running around like a mad woman or that Nick was gone and I was doing a lot of my own. I feel good. I feel full. Also, there is a rule that you aren't supposed to weigh yourself for 30 days. I broke that rule more than once. God, what is my problem. I suck at the scale part. I hate the scale!
*disclaimer: I'm not expert at the Whole 30 Challenge. I don't even own the book. I just google everything. I will probably make some mistakes along the way. Please feel to chime in and correct me if I'm eating something that I shouldn't have.
15 DB Thursters
5 rounds
If you know me well, you know I'm always up to trying something new. I have a lot of "trying something new"s lately. I got my hair cut. That could be considered new, but it's always the length that is the old me. I am going to commit to getting a manicure every two weeks. Why? Because it feels good and I really like it. I also bought about 8 new dresses for the fall. I dislike wearing pants. they are so uncomfortable. There's nothing like trying to find a pair of slacks that fits your waist, thighs, caves and long legs. I'm either wearing pants the the seam is going to bust at my butt crack or they are baggy and look like bell bottoms.
I had a lot of success on the Advocare 24 day challenge. I love the supplements and have really narrowed down what seems to work well with my body while running/lifting.
There were a few gals in the gym that had tried the Whole 30. I have had a few meals that were whole 30 and decided to continue to make those for my family. They were easy and tasty. So, I decided to go for it. Take the leap. It's only 30 days. I don't consider myself one to jump on the latest trend. Often times I jump on years after the trend started. I'm also up for a new challenge and anything that will help me learn more about food, myself, portions, nutrition and wellness. I am a perfectionist.
Day 1: I woke up and ate more than I normally do. Whole 30 doesn't count calories (I still do to an extent because it's a habit). Breakfast: 3 eggs and 2 slices of bacon. Lunch: lettuce, ground turkey, sweet potato with coconut oil and cinnamon. Dinner: 2 eggs, bacon, ground turkey. HOLY HEADACHE! I thought I was getting sick. Like flu sick. I have to live without Spark for 30 days. At 9pm, I ran through the Tim Horton's drive thru and grabbed a coffee. It took the splitting pain away until I fell asleep. Success! I survived the first day!
Day 2: Nick was away at drill and he claims that he is going to do this challenge with me. So, I thought it would be helpful to get a 2 day start so I knew what I was in for before I had him asking me a bunch of questions. What did I learn today? No snacking! Three meals. Breakfast: 3 eggs, 2 bacon. Tim Horton's coffee that I drank all day. No way was that headache going to come back. Did a little grocery shopping. Bought a bunch of new meats that I generally don't buy but know I will get sick of ground turkey eventually. Lunch: avocado, pork loin steak, sweet potato, coconut oil, cinnamon. The sweet potato really takes the edge off. Snack: before I learned that you shouldn't snack, diced banana, unsweetened coconut flakes, almonds. Dinner: lettuce, ground beef, avocado.
For a total of 1600 calories.
623 calories (57% fat, 25% carbs, 18% protein) |
Monkey Salad (bananas, unsweetened coconut flakes, almonds) |
I must admit, I was a little tired the first two days. I'm not sure if it was because of the food or just because it was the weekend, I was running around like a mad woman or that Nick was gone and I was doing a lot of my own. I feel good. I feel full. Also, there is a rule that you aren't supposed to weigh yourself for 30 days. I broke that rule more than once. God, what is my problem. I suck at the scale part. I hate the scale!
*disclaimer: I'm not expert at the Whole 30 Challenge. I don't even own the book. I just google everything. I will probably make some mistakes along the way. Please feel to chime in and correct me if I'm eating something that I shouldn't have.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
food is stressing me out
25 Box Jumps
50 Sit Ups
25 Burpees
50 Squats
25 DB Slams
50 Wall Balls
My youngest crossfitter baby has caused me a lot of grief over the last several months. He is a tiny little guy. I can count every rib on his body just looking at him and I don't think he has gained a pound in over a year. He eats NON STOP. This kid will ask about dessert while shoveling in dinner. I started to notice that he wasn't eating his sandwich in his lunch box. There would be mornings that he wouldn't eat breakfast. I'm not a scheduled "eater" and I do believe you eat when you are hungry, but there is always a healthy dinner option available at our house. And you eat when you are ready. Finish when you are done. Snack when you are hungry and have eaten your dinner.
He hides food. I find wrappers in his bedroom, pockets and basement couch. Last night he dumped half of his dinner in his brother's bowl and announced he was ready for dessert.
The snack options available at our house include string cheese, yogurt or pretzels. I know there needs to be a balance. I don't want him to horde food or overeat because he doesn't think there will be anything after. I just need to figure it out.
I was able to go outside a pick a few strawberries. That kept him quiet for several minutes. He's a little stinker, that's for sure!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Are you there blog? It's me, Jenn!
July 1 was my last post. Two months have passed (and probably weeks before that post) where you haven't heard a peep from me.
What have I been up to, you ask?
Well, the month of July I ran 147 miles. That was only running. No walks, no runs during a WOD, only dedicated runs.
And August? That month was in the 100s. It was no 147, but it was low 100s. And then there was my Crossfit totals.....those went way low. Partially because I'm not a fan of high temp days and sweating it out in a box and partially because I was taking advantage of the early morning time I had to myself when I'd rather be running.
My favorite part of my time away from my blog was the Crossfit competition that I did with my team. I had the best time ever! We laughed and laughed and laughed. We hit a PR and even surprised ourselves with one WOD!
Expect more fun posts! I'm back and ready for action!
What have I been up to, you ask?
Well, the month of July I ran 147 miles. That was only running. No walks, no runs during a WOD, only dedicated runs.
And August? That month was in the 100s. It was no 147, but it was low 100s. And then there was my Crossfit totals.....those went way low. Partially because I'm not a fan of high temp days and sweating it out in a box and partially because I was taking advantage of the early morning time I had to myself when I'd rather be running.
My favorite part of my time away from my blog was the Crossfit competition that I did with my team. I had the best time ever! We laughed and laughed and laughed. We hit a PR and even surprised ourselves with one WOD!
Expect more fun posts! I'm back and ready for action!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
WOD: 8 mi run
5 rounds for time
12 DL, 9 hpcl, 6 pj
*June running total: 109.68 miles
I always talk about how difficult it is to receive a compliment. We are our own worst enemy when someone gives us a compliment. I can give you at least five reasons why I looked good in that dress. None of which have anything to do with the amount of work I put into my fitness. It's the cut, the hair done differently, the sweater, etc. We all know this about ourselves and I have worked on saying, "THANK YOU" and moving on. Nobody cares about my insecurities.
Giving compliments: I was at the gym a few weeks ago. An older lady (with an awesome bod) gave me a compliment. She asked what I had been doing with my diet and I explained that it was mostly just the consistency, nothing else had changed. We walked outside and she told me that I should be proud. She really likes my body and thinks it looks good. Now, I didn't take this in a sexual way. I didn't take it the wrong way. I instantly said, "thank you" and offered no excuses. While I was running my mile I felt good. That compliment meant so much. Now, I don't expect everyone to agree. Nor should everyone agree. We all have our own sense of what "good" looks like. But hearing something so nice, felt amazing. Especially coming from someone who I know works her butt off.
I check out a lot of women. I instantly look for any sign of strength training: arms, legs, butt, shoulders...anything. I should be giving compliments. I know how hard it is to work at something. I should have no shame telling someone that I think they look good! It's not like they were born that way- they worked at it!
Compliments, either way, are hard. Try it!
5 rounds for time
12 DL, 9 hpcl, 6 pj
*June running total: 109.68 miles
I always talk about how difficult it is to receive a compliment. We are our own worst enemy when someone gives us a compliment. I can give you at least five reasons why I looked good in that dress. None of which have anything to do with the amount of work I put into my fitness. It's the cut, the hair done differently, the sweater, etc. We all know this about ourselves and I have worked on saying, "THANK YOU" and moving on. Nobody cares about my insecurities.
Giving compliments: I was at the gym a few weeks ago. An older lady (with an awesome bod) gave me a compliment. She asked what I had been doing with my diet and I explained that it was mostly just the consistency, nothing else had changed. We walked outside and she told me that I should be proud. She really likes my body and thinks it looks good. Now, I didn't take this in a sexual way. I didn't take it the wrong way. I instantly said, "thank you" and offered no excuses. While I was running my mile I felt good. That compliment meant so much. Now, I don't expect everyone to agree. Nor should everyone agree. We all have our own sense of what "good" looks like. But hearing something so nice, felt amazing. Especially coming from someone who I know works her butt off.
I check out a lot of women. I instantly look for any sign of strength training: arms, legs, butt, shoulders...anything. I should be giving compliments. I know how hard it is to work at something. I should have no shame telling someone that I think they look good! It's not like they were born that way- they worked at it!
Compliments, either way, are hard. Try it!
Monday, June 23, 2014
hit the "refresh" button
Saturday: 2.5 mi run
100 DB cleans
100 Plate Burpees
1 mi run
Monday morning rolls around. I get out of bed and think, "What the hell did I do to myself this weekend?" It's not always on a Monday that I think that. Sometimes it's even as early as Saturday night. For me, the downward spiral began on Friday after lunch. You know the story (excuse), thick butter cream icing on the ole birthday cake. You can smell it for a mile away. It weighs on my mind like a vest full of bricks. I finally give in and BAM! Next thing I know, I'm two pieces deep and licking frosting off my fingers. Then, Friday night is the cookout. You know where this is going, don't you?! Saturday was Parker's birthday party...oh my.
So, I woke up Saturday morning to a great workout with a friend. Having a buddy to hold you accountable is awesome. She's also a very fast runner (emphasis of very). We had a great run and we both pushed each other. I wish my Garmin was on because I felt like that last mile was a PR.
Sunday, was the day I hit the "refresh" button and back on track I went. Sugar Detox is what's in store. Here's to another new beginning of a great week!
100 DB cleans
100 Plate Burpees
1 mi run
Monday morning rolls around. I get out of bed and think, "What the hell did I do to myself this weekend?" It's not always on a Monday that I think that. Sometimes it's even as early as Saturday night. For me, the downward spiral began on Friday after lunch. You know the story (excuse), thick butter cream icing on the ole birthday cake. You can smell it for a mile away. It weighs on my mind like a vest full of bricks. I finally give in and BAM! Next thing I know, I'm two pieces deep and licking frosting off my fingers. Then, Friday night is the cookout. You know where this is going, don't you?! Saturday was Parker's birthday party...oh my.
So, I woke up Saturday morning to a great workout with a friend. Having a buddy to hold you accountable is awesome. She's also a very fast runner (emphasis of very). We had a great run and we both pushed each other. I wish my Garmin was on because I felt like that last mile was a PR.
Sunday, was the day I hit the "refresh" button and back on track I went. Sugar Detox is what's in store. Here's to another new beginning of a great week!
Friday, June 20, 2014
God gave me this body.
This issue has been on my mind and while I was on vacation it resurfaced. I'm not sure if I will finish this post, but I'll give it a try.
I don't want to pin myself as a "typical" thirty something year old that just has image and body issues. I would like to think that this isn't normal and what consumes most of my brain space isn't what others worry about. However, since I began my weight loss journey (that's what I call it, although at the time I didn't even realize weight was what I needed to lose) I had an image in my mind of what I thought I should look like. That image was how I measured myself and determined that I was successful.
I picked this picture because I have another one with the same pose. This picture was taken when I started watching how much food I ate. I still ate whatever I wanted, but it was all about portions. And, this was also in the midst of a lot of race training.
Today, I weigh about 14 pounds more than I did in that picture. I still have the same baby tummy skin and the same bathing suit (ha).
Up until this point, I would have told you that I was SOOO happy with how I looked in the first picture. That is "the body" I keep longing for today. However, when I look at the two side by side, there's not much difference (well....).
While running, I was thinking about how hard I am on myself. How I am constantly aiming for this level of achievement and constantly disappointed in myself when I think I have failed.
Why? God made me this way. This is the body he gave me. I don't starve myself. I don't binge eat. I watch what foods I put into my body and if it's healthy then who cares how much I eat. I am able to run at a decent pace, I can lift an okay amount of weight, I can keep up in a workout, I can fit in all my clothes, I can enjoy a piece of cake or a bowl of ice cream. So, why in the world do I not like myself?! It's okay. I can't change my broad shoulders or my large arms. I can't make the saggy skin disappear from my waistline. But, I can control my attitude and be thankful for the body I have been given. I can treat it with care and be respectful to what I do with it.
It's a hard shift in my attitude. I don't want to just accept myself. I want to love my "shell" and be thankful because it could be a lot worse!
I have a roof over my head, healthy children, a great career and a loving and hard working husband. That's what matters, right?!
I don't want to pin myself as a "typical" thirty something year old that just has image and body issues. I would like to think that this isn't normal and what consumes most of my brain space isn't what others worry about. However, since I began my weight loss journey (that's what I call it, although at the time I didn't even realize weight was what I needed to lose) I had an image in my mind of what I thought I should look like. That image was how I measured myself and determined that I was successful.
I picked this picture because I have another one with the same pose. This picture was taken when I started watching how much food I ate. I still ate whatever I wanted, but it was all about portions. And, this was also in the midst of a lot of race training.
Today, I weigh about 14 pounds more than I did in that picture. I still have the same baby tummy skin and the same bathing suit (ha).
Up until this point, I would have told you that I was SOOO happy with how I looked in the first picture. That is "the body" I keep longing for today. However, when I look at the two side by side, there's not much difference (well....).
While running, I was thinking about how hard I am on myself. How I am constantly aiming for this level of achievement and constantly disappointed in myself when I think I have failed.
Why? God made me this way. This is the body he gave me. I don't starve myself. I don't binge eat. I watch what foods I put into my body and if it's healthy then who cares how much I eat. I am able to run at a decent pace, I can lift an okay amount of weight, I can keep up in a workout, I can fit in all my clothes, I can enjoy a piece of cake or a bowl of ice cream. So, why in the world do I not like myself?! It's okay. I can't change my broad shoulders or my large arms. I can't make the saggy skin disappear from my waistline. But, I can control my attitude and be thankful for the body I have been given. I can treat it with care and be respectful to what I do with it.
It's a hard shift in my attitude. I don't want to just accept myself. I want to love my "shell" and be thankful because it could be a lot worse!
I have a roof over my head, healthy children, a great career and a loving and hard working husband. That's what matters, right?!
backed up or backed out?!
I would be telling a big fat lie if I said I was going to the gym as frequently as I have gone in the past. The truth is, I am lucky if I make it there once a week right now. I have been running, and running, and running. And frankly, when it's 90+ degrees outside, I'd rather be running and catching a cool breeze rather than sitting in gym with minimal air flow. Call me a fair weather fan if you will. Last month I clocked almost 100 miles and this month I'm raking them up also. I was thinking that I should try another 5k soon. I feel like I am gaining some speed these days. Who knows.
I'm trying to catch back up and stay accountable on here. It does seem to help when I feel the sense of responsibility to write it down.
Summer is here in full force. If you were working for that bikini body, now's the test!
I'm trying to catch back up and stay accountable on here. It does seem to help when I feel the sense of responsibility to write it down.
Summer is here in full force. If you were working for that bikini body, now's the test!
Monday, June 2, 2014
miles are up!
I try to keep track of how many miles and gym sessions I do each month. This helps me stay accountable and also make sure that my Crossfit membership is worth the cost.
I am happy to report that in May, I ran 93 miles!
It has been over two years since I last ran that much in a single month. I need to keep it going! Mapmyrun.com is a good app for my phone that helps me keep track.
Five days until we leave for Florida so I have to make the final push and keep it strong!
I am happy to report that in May, I ran 93 miles!
It has been over two years since I last ran that much in a single month. I need to keep it going! Mapmyrun.com is a good app for my phone that helps me keep track.
Five days until we leave for Florida so I have to make the final push and keep it strong!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
love a lot
WOD: 3 rounds for time:
20 Pull Ups, 30 Push Ups, 40 Sit Ups, 50 Squats
I heard a conversation on the radio yesterday. They were talking about "love" and how loosely Americans use the word love. We LOVE how food tastes, we LOVE that outfit, we LOVE this, we LOVE that. The difference being that Europeans don't use the word LOVE to describe everything. It's more of a saved word that is only used to describe the intimate emotion one feels about another. I LOVE my husband, I LOVE my children, etc...
What's wrong with LOVING everything? I spend so much effort on the end goal- whether it be at my job or my fitness or a project in my house, that I miss all the little things along the way. Instead of LOVING the end result, why not take the time to stop and LOVE the things that are happening around you on your journey?
It's okay to love a lot of little things:
1. fresh cut grass
2. the smell of saw dust
3. when my stylist washes my hair
4. the scent of a newborn baby
5. when Parker say's "Mudder's Day" (instead of Mother's Day)
6. the sound of weight hitting the ground
7. close parking spots
8. watching momma birds feed her babies
9. when the sun is high enough my visor works
10. my favorite song comes on the radio
11. vanilla ice cream with peanut butter
12. my mom's house
13. air conditioning
14. a slight breeze
15. giggles
16. the Lord's Prayer
20 Pull Ups, 30 Push Ups, 40 Sit Ups, 50 Squats
I heard a conversation on the radio yesterday. They were talking about "love" and how loosely Americans use the word love. We LOVE how food tastes, we LOVE that outfit, we LOVE this, we LOVE that. The difference being that Europeans don't use the word LOVE to describe everything. It's more of a saved word that is only used to describe the intimate emotion one feels about another. I LOVE my husband, I LOVE my children, etc...
What's wrong with LOVING everything? I spend so much effort on the end goal- whether it be at my job or my fitness or a project in my house, that I miss all the little things along the way. Instead of LOVING the end result, why not take the time to stop and LOVE the things that are happening around you on your journey?
It's okay to love a lot of little things:
1. fresh cut grass
2. the smell of saw dust
3. when my stylist washes my hair
4. the scent of a newborn baby
5. when Parker say's "Mudder's Day" (instead of Mother's Day)
6. the sound of weight hitting the ground
7. close parking spots
8. watching momma birds feed her babies
9. when the sun is high enough my visor works
10. my favorite song comes on the radio
11. vanilla ice cream with peanut butter
12. my mom's house
13. air conditioning
14. a slight breeze
15. giggles
16. the Lord's Prayer
Monday, May 19, 2014
pushing and pushing and pushing
WOD: Partner
5 MIN AMRAP: Run 200/ 10 hang cleans
5 MIN AMRAP: Run 200/ 10 DB slams
5 MIN AMRAP: Run 200/ 10 s2o
Run: 6 miles
I have a personality in which nothing ever lasts long. By the time one thing is finished, I'm already moving on to the next new idea. Having a plan is always a good thing. Starting fresh and being rejuvenated isn't so bad either. I feel like fresh starts bring excitement, energy and enthusiasm- which all help drive motivation.
So, I'm looking for my next plan. A competition, a vacation, a party...something that will motivate me to push harder and stricter.
This darn heat makes me crave ice cream!!!!
5 MIN AMRAP: Run 200/ 10 hang cleans
5 MIN AMRAP: Run 200/ 10 DB slams
5 MIN AMRAP: Run 200/ 10 s2o
Run: 6 miles
I have a personality in which nothing ever lasts long. By the time one thing is finished, I'm already moving on to the next new idea. Having a plan is always a good thing. Starting fresh and being rejuvenated isn't so bad either. I feel like fresh starts bring excitement, energy and enthusiasm- which all help drive motivation.
So, I'm looking for my next plan. A competition, a vacation, a party...something that will motivate me to push harder and stricter.
This darn heat makes me crave ice cream!!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
season 1 in the books!
Last December, I had this urge to do something more to help out at Connor's school. I knew I wouldn't be able to volunteer a ton of time in his classroom due to my work schedule. For whatever reason, Girls on the Run came to my mind and it all started from there.
I contacted the principal and told him I wanted to start up the program. He was 100% all in and helped organize the space and fill out the application.
The second week of the spring semester we had thirty one girls signed up and a waiting list! The energy and excitement was out pouring. We had five volunteer coaches (two of which didn't have kids in the program), teachers and the principal at our practices.
I feel almost selfish thinking this, but I learned so much from these girls. I gained so much knowledge and love from hearing their stories and listening to their experiences. Each girl is so special and unique. Each girl was being challenged and pushed in different ways, for different reasons.
I was there with the lesson. The girls did the rest. My favorite moment was watching each of them cross the finish line. Thank goodness it was raining because the tears were streaming down my face! I was at school on Monday and I saw one girl wearing her medal. I went to Kroger last night and saw another girl wearing her race shirt. They are so proud.
If you don't volunteer or don't think you have the time, I urge you to try to make time. Your talents shouldn't go unnoticed by others.
I contacted the principal and told him I wanted to start up the program. He was 100% all in and helped organize the space and fill out the application.
The second week of the spring semester we had thirty one girls signed up and a waiting list! The energy and excitement was out pouring. We had five volunteer coaches (two of which didn't have kids in the program), teachers and the principal at our practices.
I feel almost selfish thinking this, but I learned so much from these girls. I gained so much knowledge and love from hearing their stories and listening to their experiences. Each girl is so special and unique. Each girl was being challenged and pushed in different ways, for different reasons.
I was there with the lesson. The girls did the rest. My favorite moment was watching each of them cross the finish line. Thank goodness it was raining because the tears were streaming down my face! I was at school on Monday and I saw one girl wearing her medal. I went to Kroger last night and saw another girl wearing her race shirt. They are so proud.
If you don't volunteer or don't think you have the time, I urge you to try to make time. Your talents shouldn't go unnoticed by others.
this little beauty
I have been consumed with our new dog. Not an excuse to not work out but it's a choice I'm making in an effort to be home in the evening with the doggies.
Emmie was a rescue from Peace for Paws in Dublin, Ohio. After four failed attempts at other German Shepherds, my sister texted me a picture of Emmie. She is friends with one of the volunteers at the rescue organization. The text came the same night that Maggie had been a naughty girl. At this point, we were no longer looking for another dog. I had my hopes set so high on other dogs that I decided I was done and Maggie was going to be our solo dog warrior.
Now, here we are! Emmie was fostered after being hit by a car and placed in a kill shelter. She had numerous surgeries and was nursed back to health in a loving home with two other German Shepherds. We knew she'd be a good fit.
The boys adore her and I'm become pretty smitten myself with her. It was two weeks on Sunday that Emmie came to our home. It's hard to imagine what our life was like when she wasn't around. She is so perfect. I loved her from the very first second I saw her. My favorite part is watching the boys hug on her and seeing how big their hearts are for their animals.
Connor said this morning, "When I grow up, I'm going to build a dog park in my back yard and rescue animals."
Now, here we are! Emmie was fostered after being hit by a car and placed in a kill shelter. She had numerous surgeries and was nursed back to health in a loving home with two other German Shepherds. We knew she'd be a good fit.
The boys adore her and I'm become pretty smitten myself with her. It was two weeks on Sunday that Emmie came to our home. It's hard to imagine what our life was like when she wasn't around. She is so perfect. I loved her from the very first second I saw her. My favorite part is watching the boys hug on her and seeing how big their hearts are for their animals.
Connor said this morning, "When I grow up, I'm going to build a dog park in my back yard and rescue animals."
Thursday, May 8, 2014
best team ever
WOD: 3 Rounds
8 PU, 12 KB, 15 Push Ups, 20 SU
Run: 3.5 mi
The Girls on the Run season is coming to an end. We had our last practice yesterday and the big race is on Saturday. These girls are all so amazing. I have loved (almost) every minute of the time I have spent from them. It makes me appreciate differences, love a little more, care about things that others don't, push a little hard and give more hugs!
I am already looking forward to our team next year and all the amazing things they are going to accomplish.
Now, I can get back to the gym!
8 PU, 12 KB, 15 Push Ups, 20 SU
Run: 3.5 mi
The Girls on the Run season is coming to an end. We had our last practice yesterday and the big race is on Saturday. These girls are all so amazing. I have loved (almost) every minute of the time I have spent from them. It makes me appreciate differences, love a little more, care about things that others don't, push a little hard and give more hugs!
I am already looking forward to our team next year and all the amazing things they are going to accomplish.
Now, I can get back to the gym!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
blocking out time
WOD: walking the dogs ONE HUNDRED FREAKIN' MILES a day
I have been walking the dogs two miles in the morning and two miles before bed. How can I work out but be so tired from walking? I'm pooped!
Why do painters wear white pants?
Why do crossfitters wear high socks?
Who decided that the middle finger was bad?
If you could only have one would you rather have floss or toothpaste?
Why do dogs only poop facing north or south?
I have been walking the dogs two miles in the morning and two miles before bed. How can I work out but be so tired from walking? I'm pooped!
Why do painters wear white pants?
Why do crossfitters wear high socks?
Who decided that the middle finger was bad?
If you could only have one would you rather have floss or toothpaste?
Why do dogs only poop facing north or south?
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
WOD: 20 min AMRAP
Run 600
1 Bear Complex (95#)
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sqauts
Run 600 ......
I'd be lying if I told you I'm not enjoying the garage gym. I was able to squeeze in a decent run Friday evening and then go straight into a WOD with a little strength training at the end. It was wonderful!
I have also had my share of Easter candy. AHHHH! I am so glad it is out of my house. I resisted for over two weeks and then the last jar was standing....I went in for a taste, the next thing I knew the jar was almost empty. I threw away the last few pieces and went for a run.
My goal is to get at least 50 miles in this month. I realize that this is a pretty low number compared the months that I used to get 127 or higher. Life changes. Baby steps.
Run 600
1 Bear Complex (95#)
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sqauts
Run 600 ......

I have also had my share of Easter candy. AHHHH! I am so glad it is out of my house. I resisted for over two weeks and then the last jar was standing....I went in for a taste, the next thing I knew the jar was almost empty. I threw away the last few pieces and went for a run.
My goal is to get at least 50 miles in this month. I realize that this is a pretty low number compared the months that I used to get 127 or higher. Life changes. Baby steps.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
WOD: 100 pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats
I have been MIA for a couple weeks now. I have been working out and trying to stay on track with my eating. I just haven't felt like I've had anything to say or share. Every time I think it's time for an update, I go blank. What am I thinking? What is on my mind? and then....NOTHING!
Last week I was making eggs for dinner. I pulled an egg out of the refrigerator and SPLAT! The egg was running down the side of the fridge, on to the freezer, before finally dripping into a puddle on the floor. Maggie ran over and attempted to lick it up. I grabbed the dish towel and cleaned it up. Within a few quick moments, the mess was cleaned up and I was back to getting a fresh egg for the skillet.
My life should be like the egg incident. When I go off track with my eating or "drop the egg" I should clean it up and move on. One dropped egg shouldn't lead to a dropped meal, dropped day, dropped week, etc.
It's not the end of the world. I need to just keep moving forward!
Last week I was making eggs for dinner. I pulled an egg out of the refrigerator and SPLAT! The egg was running down the side of the fridge, on to the freezer, before finally dripping into a puddle on the floor. Maggie ran over and attempted to lick it up. I grabbed the dish towel and cleaned it up. Within a few quick moments, the mess was cleaned up and I was back to getting a fresh egg for the skillet.
My life should be like the egg incident. When I go off track with my eating or "drop the egg" I should clean it up and move on. One dropped egg shouldn't lead to a dropped meal, dropped day, dropped week, etc.
It's not the end of the world. I need to just keep moving forward!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
this my friends...is what beautiful looks like
3 mile run
We have all heard the saying, "Strong is the new skinny" but that is a tad over used and not necessarily true. I hate the word skinny. Besides bringing negative self talk into my own head, to me "skinny" is a word used to describe a small-boned, petite framed, bony woman who doesn't exercise and has been little her entire life. Are people starting to come to your mind as you read that? Sure. We all know people like that. We see them at the pool, grocery stores, sporting events, school, etc.
Skinny isn't necessarily a word that I associate as a compliment. I wouldn't be offended if someone said it, I would just know that it's not really what they mean. (No part of my body is technically "skinny" unless you are referring to a particle of hair on my head.)
Now, the word "Strong" is a compliment. In my opinion, strong is a very powerful word. Being "strong" requires dedication, practice, persistence, failure, repetition, control, discipline and hard work. To me, THAT is what is beautiful. You don't wake up one day and just become strong. It's work. A lot of work and everything I described above.
I was browsing Facebook last night and found this picture with the caption below:
I stopped. Looked at it again. Did the math. A 70 pound PR. Seventy freaking pounds. STOP RIGHT THERE. You just lifted 305 pounds and you hesitated to post the picture because of how you looked?!
Why do we do this to ourselves? I looked at this picture and was so proud of Jen. She is such a smart, intelligent, woman who has a full time career, raising two children, and is in the gym regularly. She not only shows up, she shows up to do the work....and the results are proof. To me, those are characteristics of an excellent role model.
We are all guilty of these thoughts. After all, people don't take a million selfies only to post the ones we don't like, right? After about eight attempts, the best angled picture with the most flawless looking filter is the one that is posted. When others take photos of us, we don't get to choose all of that. And most importantly, we don't choose what others will think. I (along with every other follower on Jen's page) don't see what she sees. We see something totally different. Something that she is over shadowing because of society and the images we think are "perfect".
Strong isn't the new skinny. If you want to be skinny, good for you. Skinny leads to a life full of disappoints and curve balls that you can't plan....you want to be skinny? Have a baby. Have a period. Have a family where your life isn't always your number one priority.
Strong is beautiful. Beautiful is inside and outside. Strong is a reflection of your choices inside and outside of the gym.
And Jen, I can't wait to see the next picture of you with a new PR. You are beautiful!
We have all heard the saying, "Strong is the new skinny" but that is a tad over used and not necessarily true. I hate the word skinny. Besides bringing negative self talk into my own head, to me "skinny" is a word used to describe a small-boned, petite framed, bony woman who doesn't exercise and has been little her entire life. Are people starting to come to your mind as you read that? Sure. We all know people like that. We see them at the pool, grocery stores, sporting events, school, etc.
Skinny isn't necessarily a word that I associate as a compliment. I wouldn't be offended if someone said it, I would just know that it's not really what they mean. (No part of my body is technically "skinny" unless you are referring to a particle of hair on my head.)
Now, the word "Strong" is a compliment. In my opinion, strong is a very powerful word. Being "strong" requires dedication, practice, persistence, failure, repetition, control, discipline and hard work. To me, THAT is what is beautiful. You don't wake up one day and just become strong. It's work. A lot of work and everything I described above.
I was browsing Facebook last night and found this picture with the caption below:
![]() | |
"I debated on whether to share this or not because of how terrible I look. But, hey, it's a huge PR for me and I'm pretty darn proud of it:" |
I stopped. Looked at it again. Did the math. A 70 pound PR. Seventy freaking pounds. STOP RIGHT THERE. You just lifted 305 pounds and you hesitated to post the picture because of how you looked?!
Why do we do this to ourselves? I looked at this picture and was so proud of Jen. She is such a smart, intelligent, woman who has a full time career, raising two children, and is in the gym regularly. She not only shows up, she shows up to do the work....and the results are proof. To me, those are characteristics of an excellent role model.
We are all guilty of these thoughts. After all, people don't take a million selfies only to post the ones we don't like, right? After about eight attempts, the best angled picture with the most flawless looking filter is the one that is posted. When others take photos of us, we don't get to choose all of that. And most importantly, we don't choose what others will think. I (along with every other follower on Jen's page) don't see what she sees. We see something totally different. Something that she is over shadowing because of society and the images we think are "perfect".
Strong isn't the new skinny. If you want to be skinny, good for you. Skinny leads to a life full of disappoints and curve balls that you can't plan....you want to be skinny? Have a baby. Have a period. Have a family where your life isn't always your number one priority.
Strong is beautiful. Beautiful is inside and outside. Strong is a reflection of your choices inside and outside of the gym.
And Jen, I can't wait to see the next picture of you with a new PR. You are beautiful!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
worth watching
Take the time to watch this video:
If you are going to the gym but not eating properly, you only have one oar in the water.
Day 52
I planned to do this wonderful Day 50 post where I went on and on about how wonderful my last 50 days have been and how great I feel. But guess what? I had dessert. Not one dessert, but two. On my celebratory day 50, I indulged in an ice cream brownie sundae. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did I deserve it? Probably. Do I regret it? Every second after I finished the licking the bowl.
It's crazy.
I shouldn't get caught up in two desserts in 50 days. That's NOTHING compared to my old eating habits. It wasn't unusual for me to eat ice cream every night last summer. But, the moment after I finished my dessert I felt all those inadequate feelings flood my mind. Minus the fact that I already clocked 10 miles on my feet or my meals for the last two weeks were perfect. I focused on that stupid ice cream. Why didn't I have the control to not eat it?
Is it the end of the world? Probably not. Will I dwell on it and obsess about it? Not out loud where others can hear, but honestly, probably yes.
My work vacation is over. My drive to continue to improve and see results is greater than ever.
Drive on.
Good news? I clocked over 20 miles last week!
It's crazy.
I shouldn't get caught up in two desserts in 50 days. That's NOTHING compared to my old eating habits. It wasn't unusual for me to eat ice cream every night last summer. But, the moment after I finished my dessert I felt all those inadequate feelings flood my mind. Minus the fact that I already clocked 10 miles on my feet or my meals for the last two weeks were perfect. I focused on that stupid ice cream. Why didn't I have the control to not eat it?
Is it the end of the world? Probably not. Will I dwell on it and obsess about it? Not out loud where others can hear, but honestly, probably yes.
My work vacation is over. My drive to continue to improve and see results is greater than ever.
Drive on.
Good news? I clocked over 20 miles last week!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Rubber meets the road
No workout yesterday but plenty of walking. We walked and walked and walked. California is a beautiful place. I am in Anaheim about one block from Disneyland. The city is cleans anywhere I walk, there are palm trees lining the road. When I was dropped off at the hotel I felt like Fresh Prince!
I ate a TON of food yesterday. I even had an ice cream sundae! It was totally worth it. Every single bite.
Today I'm headed to the beach to check things out. I can't wait. Another post coming soon....
I ate a TON of food yesterday. I even had an ice cream sundae! It was totally worth it. Every single bite.
Today I'm headed to the beach to check things out. I can't wait. Another post coming soon....
Saturday, April 5, 2014
I'm a crossfitter
WOD: 3 mile intervals on elliptical
Free weights- pumpin' iron yo!
It is a stretch to even call the above workout a "wod"- it's more like a desperate plea to burn some calories while at a hotel gym.
The conference I'm attending has been very informative. It's an overwhelming amount of information that I need to digest in a short amount of time. BUT, one thing that I keep talking about is the food here. Ahhhh-mazing. The breakfast buffet has a huge array of fresh fruit. It's totally worth waking up early. Lunch yesterday was also great. I had a spinach, walnut and cranberry salad topped with prime rib and shrimp! Here's the cheat: Brie and smoked Gouda cheese....YUMMY! Dinner was also great, I had a fillet mignon and lobster tail from Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I'm spoiled. To love my job, be in California and great food!
On my 6 hour plane ride here're I was thinking about my crossfit journey. It's now been four years. It started out as a birthday present for Nick. We we're only going to do it for three months. It was just so expensive and there was no way we could afford to this long term! Sounds familiar? When I started meeting other members, I also introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Jenn, and I'm a runner. This is new and exciting but my passion is running." Blah blah blah. Running had been my identity. Running was my life, my mental break, my time with God and my FREE exercise.
Fast forward to today. Crossift is my family. Crossfit is my mental break. It is not my time with God or my free exercise. This remains to be my running I time. What I found was it was safe to say I was a runner. It wasn't until I pushed the boundaries and challenged myself that I found that crossfit was fulfilling my needs, both mentally and physically.
Hi, I'm Jenn and I'm a crossfiter who just so happens to have killer endurance for marathon running :)
Free weights- pumpin' iron yo!
It is a stretch to even call the above workout a "wod"- it's more like a desperate plea to burn some calories while at a hotel gym.
The conference I'm attending has been very informative. It's an overwhelming amount of information that I need to digest in a short amount of time. BUT, one thing that I keep talking about is the food here. Ahhhh-mazing. The breakfast buffet has a huge array of fresh fruit. It's totally worth waking up early. Lunch yesterday was also great. I had a spinach, walnut and cranberry salad topped with prime rib and shrimp! Here's the cheat: Brie and smoked Gouda cheese....YUMMY! Dinner was also great, I had a fillet mignon and lobster tail from Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I'm spoiled. To love my job, be in California and great food!
On my 6 hour plane ride here're I was thinking about my crossfit journey. It's now been four years. It started out as a birthday present for Nick. We we're only going to do it for three months. It was just so expensive and there was no way we could afford to this long term! Sounds familiar? When I started meeting other members, I also introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Jenn, and I'm a runner. This is new and exciting but my passion is running." Blah blah blah. Running had been my identity. Running was my life, my mental break, my time with God and my FREE exercise.
Fast forward to today. Crossift is my family. Crossfit is my mental break. It is not my time with God or my free exercise. This remains to be my running I time. What I found was it was safe to say I was a runner. It wasn't until I pushed the boundaries and challenged myself that I found that crossfit was fulfilling my needs, both mentally and physically.
Hi, I'm Jenn and I'm a crossfiter who just so happens to have killer endurance for marathon running :)
Friday, April 4, 2014
Day 48
WOD: .25 mi on/off
Gym equipment
Today is the 48th away since I decided to make some major life changes and finally take control. I'm happy to report that I am feeling great, I have been empowered to make choices, and I have enough energy to probably go non stop for about 3 days! I had a minor set back when I was sick on and off for three weeks but I just attribute that to the germs finally catching up to my body. I have been very fortunate to avoid any illness for over 5 years, I was due.
As far as my progress report, I ran more miles last month than I have in the past year. (I track miles and crossfit workouts every month.) and {drum roll........} I have lost 9.8 pounds! I wish I was confident enough to post those pictures because the transformation is amazing. Maybe once my abs are defined I'll share, haha.
I'm in California for a conference for five days. I had walked over 5 miles yesterday before I even made it to the gym. With the three hour time difference, I was running on fumes. I went into the gym and felt like a fish out of utter. Instantly, I ran to the treadmill. It's my safe place. As I started running, I talked myself into getting down on the floor and trying to use the equipment to do some sort of weight training. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. Good thing that doesn't bother me.
I miss the boys and wish they were here. I felt guilty enjoying Disneyland without them! By the end of the day, we had logged 10 miles of walking/running. I had fabulous meals and even contemplated a dessert reform I opted against it. I'm not there yet. I've worked too hard.
I'll have more time to write over the next several days. Stay tuned. A lot runs through this brain.
Gym equipment
Today is the 48th away since I decided to make some major life changes and finally take control. I'm happy to report that I am feeling great, I have been empowered to make choices, and I have enough energy to probably go non stop for about 3 days! I had a minor set back when I was sick on and off for three weeks but I just attribute that to the germs finally catching up to my body. I have been very fortunate to avoid any illness for over 5 years, I was due.
As far as my progress report, I ran more miles last month than I have in the past year. (I track miles and crossfit workouts every month.) and {drum roll........} I have lost 9.8 pounds! I wish I was confident enough to post those pictures because the transformation is amazing. Maybe once my abs are defined I'll share, haha.
I'm in California for a conference for five days. I had walked over 5 miles yesterday before I even made it to the gym. With the three hour time difference, I was running on fumes. I went into the gym and felt like a fish out of utter. Instantly, I ran to the treadmill. It's my safe place. As I started running, I talked myself into getting down on the floor and trying to use the equipment to do some sort of weight training. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. Good thing that doesn't bother me.
I miss the boys and wish they were here. I felt guilty enjoying Disneyland without them! By the end of the day, we had logged 10 miles of walking/running. I had fabulous meals and even contemplated a dessert reform I opted against it. I'm not there yet. I've worked too hard.
I'll have more time to write over the next several days. Stay tuned. A lot runs through this brain.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
day 40....
WOD: 60ft lunges with 50#
5 wall walks
5 Rounds
I have been sick. Beyond sick. Sicker than I can ever remember being sick. Well, except morning sickness. That was 42 weeks. My energy is down the drain, my appetite is shot and my illness symptoms change every week. I just want it to warm up so I can open windows and clean out the funk!
Next week I'm headed to Anaheim, CA. When I'm not working, you can find me lounging by the pool with a good book.
We have one more week of the Crossfit Open. I'll be happy when that is over. It's amazing the side people bear when you put them into a competitive environment and then that lasts 5 weeks.
I have started a rowing class and next week I will be running again outside (all illness aside). Looking forward to some sunshine!
5 wall walks
5 Rounds
I have been sick. Beyond sick. Sicker than I can ever remember being sick. Well, except morning sickness. That was 42 weeks. My energy is down the drain, my appetite is shot and my illness symptoms change every week. I just want it to warm up so I can open windows and clean out the funk!
Next week I'm headed to Anaheim, CA. When I'm not working, you can find me lounging by the pool with a good book.
We have one more week of the Crossfit Open. I'll be happy when that is over. It's amazing the side people bear when you put them into a competitive environment and then that lasts 5 weeks.
I have started a rowing class and next week I will be running again outside (all illness aside). Looking forward to some sunshine!
Friday, March 21, 2014
here we go!
WOD: 1 rep max C&J
Cardio: Row 2 mi
I walked into the gym and Ashley was finishing her front squat. I asked what WOD she wanted to do and she shrugged her shoulders. My next question was met con or strength? Her response, strength. Okay. We decided to do our one rep max on clean and jerk. Ashley had a HUGE PR. Then we jumped to hand stand push ups. BAM! Then we jump up and do toes to bar. BAM! My favorite part of the evening was when she ran over to the rings and tried a muscle up because of all our other pr's.
I love crossfit. I love my friends at crossfit. I love the lifestyle changes that I have made over the years.
Cardio: Row 2 mi
I walked into the gym and Ashley was finishing her front squat. I asked what WOD she wanted to do and she shrugged her shoulders. My next question was met con or strength? Her response, strength. Okay. We decided to do our one rep max on clean and jerk. Ashley had a HUGE PR. Then we jumped to hand stand push ups. BAM! Then we jump up and do toes to bar. BAM! My favorite part of the evening was when she ran over to the rings and tried a muscle up because of all our other pr's.
I love crossfit. I love my friends at crossfit. I love the lifestyle changes that I have made over the years.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
bossy vs leadership
WOD: 12 min CAP
12 KB swings- 12 DB slams- 12 SU
Handstand Hold/ max DU
If you have paid any attention to the media lately, you have probably heard about this campaign to ban the word "bossy". As you can probably imagine, I have been called "bossy" a time or two in my life.
For example, my family is made up of a bunch of indecisive people. My mother is the typical "pleaser". She will go with the flow and will never made a wave. My step-dad is the "go ahead and figure it out, I'm up for whatever". He will wait to be told where or what we are doing. Not because he doesn't have an opinion or doesn't care- most of the time if he does speak up, someone else in the family will shout out something else. And my dad... well, even if you tell him something he will forget 5 minutes later, so it's best just to make the decision and then tell him right before. My sister and I are often the ones gathering all of the input, managing our families and young children and making a decision that is typically best for the younger kids. If you were an outsider looking in to a scenario that involves all of us, one could say my sister and I are bossy. In reality, we know what the task is that needs to be done and we do it.
I'm sure I was doing the same thing on the playground, with my social circle, and I certainly do this at work.
I don't take offense to the word "bossy". It's a compliment given by people who don't know that what I am doing is really my leadership style preference. We don't need to ban the word in our schools. We need to educate our children, especially girls, what leadership looks like and equip them with a more robust vocabulary to help them explain to someone what they see happening. It's all about awareness.
Now....GO DO IT. (just kidding)
12 KB swings- 12 DB slams- 12 SU
Handstand Hold/ max DU
If you have paid any attention to the media lately, you have probably heard about this campaign to ban the word "bossy". As you can probably imagine, I have been called "bossy" a time or two in my life.
For example, my family is made up of a bunch of indecisive people. My mother is the typical "pleaser". She will go with the flow and will never made a wave. My step-dad is the "go ahead and figure it out, I'm up for whatever". He will wait to be told where or what we are doing. Not because he doesn't have an opinion or doesn't care- most of the time if he does speak up, someone else in the family will shout out something else. And my dad... well, even if you tell him something he will forget 5 minutes later, so it's best just to make the decision and then tell him right before. My sister and I are often the ones gathering all of the input, managing our families and young children and making a decision that is typically best for the younger kids. If you were an outsider looking in to a scenario that involves all of us, one could say my sister and I are bossy. In reality, we know what the task is that needs to be done and we do it.
I'm sure I was doing the same thing on the playground, with my social circle, and I certainly do this at work.
I don't take offense to the word "bossy". It's a compliment given by people who don't know that what I am doing is really my leadership style preference. We don't need to ban the word in our schools. We need to educate our children, especially girls, what leadership looks like and equip them with a more robust vocabulary to help them explain to someone what they see happening. It's all about awareness.
Now....GO DO IT. (just kidding)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
one bad apple ruins the bunch
WOD: 3 mi run
bar work (upper body)
Where is the time going?! How can these days be speeding by with no time to sit and reflect on my fitness, goals, accomplishments, thoughts, etc! I have done a horrible job at making this a priority. Although, I do allow myself a 10 minute break to eat my morning snack. So, I will try to dedicate that time to also writing my blog.
I have had great success. My looks might not be changing, but my attitude is. I changed my clothes yesterday to go for a run. I looked in the mirror and for the first time in a LONG time, I was happy with what I saw. I liked my body. I was so happy. My entire run was positive. My entire evening turned out to be great!
I'm on day 32 of clean eating. I had one small treat (a mini cupcake) at Nick's surprise party but other than that, I have watched closely. I had great results from the Bod Pod and have an even more aggressive goal to meet in the next 6 months. What I have realized is this all takes time, patience and consistency. It isn't happening overnight.
The Crossfit Open has been an eye opening experience for me. Every year I say I'm not going to sign up. Every year I sign up. Every year it makes me sick to my stomach to think about how I'm going to prepare. Every year I'm stressed. One person bends a rule and the entire experience goes out the door.
People aren't the only bad apples in my life these days. No joke, I bought apples last week and they are horrible! I never want to eat another apple because I took two bites and it grossed me out. Now I can't get the taste of that apple out of my head!
bar work (upper body)
Where is the time going?! How can these days be speeding by with no time to sit and reflect on my fitness, goals, accomplishments, thoughts, etc! I have done a horrible job at making this a priority. Although, I do allow myself a 10 minute break to eat my morning snack. So, I will try to dedicate that time to also writing my blog.
I have had great success. My looks might not be changing, but my attitude is. I changed my clothes yesterday to go for a run. I looked in the mirror and for the first time in a LONG time, I was happy with what I saw. I liked my body. I was so happy. My entire run was positive. My entire evening turned out to be great!
I'm on day 32 of clean eating. I had one small treat (a mini cupcake) at Nick's surprise party but other than that, I have watched closely. I had great results from the Bod Pod and have an even more aggressive goal to meet in the next 6 months. What I have realized is this all takes time, patience and consistency. It isn't happening overnight.
The Crossfit Open has been an eye opening experience for me. Every year I say I'm not going to sign up. Every year I sign up. Every year it makes me sick to my stomach to think about how I'm going to prepare. Every year I'm stressed. One person bends a rule and the entire experience goes out the door.
People aren't the only bad apples in my life these days. No joke, I bought apples last week and they are horrible! I never want to eat another apple because I took two bites and it grossed me out. Now I can't get the taste of that apple out of my head!
Monday, March 10, 2014
"Obstacles are placed in our way to see if what we want is really worth fighting for." -unknown
WOD: 14.2
Ewwey! I didn't like that WOD at all. I even said halfway through, "This is stupid!" because I just didn't have the upper body strength to get up to the bar. I still always amaze myself with what I can do. Two down, three to go!
Today's post is about my sister. On Friday, she celebrated a goal she reached. Katie ran 100 days in a row. This challenge started the day after Thanksgiving and from what I remember, the goal was to keep moving from Thanksgiving to Christmas during the "frequent eating" season. I went out on a couple runs with her but by no means was I going for any streak. Somewhere in the midst of all of this, she decided to keep going. Over the Christmas season, she would post pictures from her daily run. It was fun to watch through her camera. The running streak is a pretty cool accomplishment.
If you have a sibling that you are close to, this will make sense to you. Katie and I are 22 months a part in age and very similar personalities. We fought like crazy when we were little but by 10th and 11th grade, we started becoming friends. A sister is a safe person. You can treat her like crap one second but then be her best friend the next. You can say hurtful things that you don't mean and almost instantly, you are forgiven. (Luckily, we are beyond that point now.)
Katie has endured pain like no one I have ever personally known. Pain that I prayed to God he would give to me because I didn't want to have to watch her go through it. But through everything, Katie comes out on top. She is a fighter. She knows what she wants and she works towards achieving it. Even in moments when the easier option is to not fight for it, she fights because she knows it the right direction to move.
It's no surprise to me that Katie reached this goal. It would be no surprise if she went another 100 days. Why? Because she can. And if she can, she will. She's a pretty cool person. xoxo
Ewwey! I didn't like that WOD at all. I even said halfway through, "This is stupid!" because I just didn't have the upper body strength to get up to the bar. I still always amaze myself with what I can do. Two down, three to go!
Today's post is about my sister. On Friday, she celebrated a goal she reached. Katie ran 100 days in a row. This challenge started the day after Thanksgiving and from what I remember, the goal was to keep moving from Thanksgiving to Christmas during the "frequent eating" season. I went out on a couple runs with her but by no means was I going for any streak. Somewhere in the midst of all of this, she decided to keep going. Over the Christmas season, she would post pictures from her daily run. It was fun to watch through her camera. The running streak is a pretty cool accomplishment.
If you have a sibling that you are close to, this will make sense to you. Katie and I are 22 months a part in age and very similar personalities. We fought like crazy when we were little but by 10th and 11th grade, we started becoming friends. A sister is a safe person. You can treat her like crap one second but then be her best friend the next. You can say hurtful things that you don't mean and almost instantly, you are forgiven. (Luckily, we are beyond that point now.)
Katie has endured pain like no one I have ever personally known. Pain that I prayed to God he would give to me because I didn't want to have to watch her go through it. But through everything, Katie comes out on top. She is a fighter. She knows what she wants and she works towards achieving it. Even in moments when the easier option is to not fight for it, she fights because she knows it the right direction to move.
It's no surprise to me that Katie reached this goal. It would be no surprise if she went another 100 days. Why? Because she can. And if she can, she will. She's a pretty cool person. xoxo
Thursday, March 6, 2014
really, only a pound?!
No WOD yesterday. I'm still recovering from being sick.
Still mad you only lost a pound last week? What about if you only lost .2 pounds?
I'm beginning to embrace my scale number. I'm not there 100%, but being reminded with a picture like this makes me realize that anything that shows a loss (even .2) is still progress!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
WOD: 14.1
After being on death's doorstep for 2 entire days, I am finally back at it. I'm not 100%, but I'm moving, which is progress. Nick and Parker will also sick so that left Connor to take care of everything. Maggie was the best nurse. She knew that something was wrong and she didn't leave my side. Plus, she likes to nap so I'm sure that was an added bonus for her.
I worked my tail off on Sunday and then Monday and Tuesday there was nothing. I had nothing to give. My body talked and I listened.
On the plus side, I have been on a 16 day clean streak. Going strong!!!
I have a lot on my mind. I hope to blog later this afternoon.
After being on death's doorstep for 2 entire days, I am finally back at it. I'm not 100%, but I'm moving, which is progress. Nick and Parker will also sick so that left Connor to take care of everything. Maggie was the best nurse. She knew that something was wrong and she didn't leave my side. Plus, she likes to nap so I'm sure that was an added bonus for her.
I worked my tail off on Sunday and then Monday and Tuesday there was nothing. I had nothing to give. My body talked and I listened.
On the plus side, I have been on a 16 day clean streak. Going strong!!!
I have a lot on my mind. I hope to blog later this afternoon.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Every once in awhile, I read something and it just hits close to home. The feeling you get when you think about what you read over and over again. This was an exert I took from another blog:
"I've never played victim in this game of life...and I'm not starting today.
If you want strength, you will endure pain.
If you desire wisdom, you will earn it through experience.
And if you seek happiness, you will only know it if you knew sadness.
There is always purpose behind your pain.
You just need to seek it, wait for it and pray for it."
"I've never played victim in this game of life...and I'm not starting today.
If you want strength, you will endure pain.
If you desire wisdom, you will earn it through experience.
And if you seek happiness, you will only know it if you knew sadness.
There is always purpose behind your pain.
You just need to seek it, wait for it and pray for it."
food again?! seriously?
WOD: Open Gym Style
1 RM Back Squat
Old School gym arm/back machines
HSPU skill work
You have heard me complain about this before. I'm going to complain about it today. Today is yet ANOTHER food day in the office. Another day of me FORCING off every craving based on smell, looks, and the descriptions from others opinions. Does this craving ever go away? Will I ever NOT care that the food is 5 feet from my desk? Will there ever be a day when I can take one bite and walk away?
Today is day twelve of my clean eating. Still no cheats. Are cheats okay? Sure. But if I have gone this long, why cheat now? It has now become a competition for myself. How long can I go? What is worth breaking the streak? Maybe Kristen Drake's cupcakes, but I can hold off until May 26th for those again!
Why do I believe that eating clean works? I have had four PRs in the last 12 days. PRs that I didn't think were possible with the amount of time I put in. And BAM!
I am ready for the Open this weekend. I am confident that I will do well in the first WOD. How will I compare to others? Who cares. This is all about me against me. I'm not out there to prove to other people what I can or can't do. I will enjoy working out with my friends!
1 RM Back Squat
Old School gym arm/back machines
HSPU skill work
New Back Squat PR last night! |
Today is day twelve of my clean eating. Still no cheats. Are cheats okay? Sure. But if I have gone this long, why cheat now? It has now become a competition for myself. How long can I go? What is worth breaking the streak? Maybe Kristen Drake's cupcakes, but I can hold off until May 26th for those again!
Why do I believe that eating clean works? I have had four PRs in the last 12 days. PRs that I didn't think were possible with the amount of time I put in. And BAM!
I am ready for the Open this weekend. I am confident that I will do well in the first WOD. How will I compare to others? Who cares. This is all about me against me. I'm not out there to prove to other people what I can or can't do. I will enjoy working out with my friends!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
there is no other option
WOD: 7 min AMRAP
21 Power Cleans + 21 Back Squats
3 mile run
I'm on day 11 of "clean" eating and when I count days, that means days in a row with NO exceptions. Will this last forever, probably not. But for now, I'm on a roll. Cheat days are okay. But for me, cheat meals turn into cheat snacks into cheat days. It goes on. Then the cheats become excuses.
I've been trying some new supplements. I'm still not convinced (yet) that those are helping. I still am a firm believer that it is the food I'm consuming that is giving me the extra energy, clear thinking and motivation to keep going. It certainly isn't the scale!
I don't believe in any lifestyle routine/diet/whatever you want to call it, that restricts certain foods. It's not about cutting something out, it's about moderation. If you are like me, my mind knows nothing about moderation. So, I choose to cut it out UNTIL my mind has control over the certain food. In this case, I'm referring to brownies, ice cream, and cheese-its.
I just need to keep moving forward. Every day brings new challenges, new temptations, and new hurdles. On the bright side, every day also brings a new reward and something that gives me the opportunity to be thankful!
21 Power Cleans + 21 Back Squats
3 mile run
I'm on day 11 of "clean" eating and when I count days, that means days in a row with NO exceptions. Will this last forever, probably not. But for now, I'm on a roll. Cheat days are okay. But for me, cheat meals turn into cheat snacks into cheat days. It goes on. Then the cheats become excuses.
I've been trying some new supplements. I'm still not convinced (yet) that those are helping. I still am a firm believer that it is the food I'm consuming that is giving me the extra energy, clear thinking and motivation to keep going. It certainly isn't the scale!
I don't believe in any lifestyle routine/diet/whatever you want to call it, that restricts certain foods. It's not about cutting something out, it's about moderation. If you are like me, my mind knows nothing about moderation. So, I choose to cut it out UNTIL my mind has control over the certain food. In this case, I'm referring to brownies, ice cream, and cheese-its.
I just need to keep moving forward. Every day brings new challenges, new temptations, and new hurdles. On the bright side, every day also brings a new reward and something that gives me the opportunity to be thankful!
Friday, February 21, 2014
rest day
Rest day....because I felt like it!
This is our last weekend of wrestling and then our weeks and routines will begin another new "normal" life.
This is day five of strict eating clean and no exceptions. I am probably drinking 80 ounces of water a day and going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I must say, I think that when I stick to eating clean, my head is clearer, my attitude is better and my outlook on the day is might brighter. How many days before something becomes routine???????
This is our last weekend of wrestling and then our weeks and routines will begin another new "normal" life.
This is day five of strict eating clean and no exceptions. I am probably drinking 80 ounces of water a day and going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I must say, I think that when I stick to eating clean, my head is clearer, my attitude is better and my outlook on the day is might brighter. How many days before something becomes routine???????
Thursday, February 20, 2014
lead by example
WOD: .25 mile sprints x 4
50 OHP Lunges
50 Back Squat
25 PU
25 MB Cleans
Josalyn. What can I say about this beautiful, strong, smart and loving girl?! I could devote an entire blog to just her and our special story. Josalyn is Nick's daughter. She was born when Nick was 21 years old. I met Josalyn when she was less than 2 months old. If I close my eyes, I can picture myself in the exact location and exactly what she looked like. Most of you (if you didn't know me) would be thinking, why the heck would you (20 years old at the time) be crazy enough to stay in a relationship with your boyfriend when he had a newborn?!
God had plans. There's no other way to describe the decisions I made at the time. God knew I needed Josalyn (and her other family) in my life just as much as Josalyn needed me in her life.
I am amazed at the beautiful young lady she is growing up to be. She is a true testament of hard work and determination.
I have enjoyed sharing my passion of exercise with Josalyn. We started running together when she was in 4th grade. This year, she started Crossfit. She's amazing. I wouldn't trade that time spent with her for anything. Some of the best conversations come out of the time spent between just the two of us.
God knew what he was doing when he gave me this crazy life and I'm enjoying the ride!
50 OHP Lunges
50 Back Squat
25 PU
25 MB Cleans
Josalyn. What can I say about this beautiful, strong, smart and loving girl?! I could devote an entire blog to just her and our special story. Josalyn is Nick's daughter. She was born when Nick was 21 years old. I met Josalyn when she was less than 2 months old. If I close my eyes, I can picture myself in the exact location and exactly what she looked like. Most of you (if you didn't know me) would be thinking, why the heck would you (20 years old at the time) be crazy enough to stay in a relationship with your boyfriend when he had a newborn?!
God had plans. There's no other way to describe the decisions I made at the time. God knew I needed Josalyn (and her other family) in my life just as much as Josalyn needed me in her life.
I am amazed at the beautiful young lady she is growing up to be. She is a true testament of hard work and determination.
I have enjoyed sharing my passion of exercise with Josalyn. We started running together when she was in 4th grade. This year, she started Crossfit. She's amazing. I wouldn't trade that time spent with her for anything. Some of the best conversations come out of the time spent between just the two of us.
God knew what he was doing when he gave me this crazy life and I'm enjoying the ride!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
WOD: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15....
Strength: 2 RM bench
Strength/Skill: Squat Snatch
I must admit, I'm feeling pretty good day! I have been eating clean (100% paleo, 100% of the time), not even coffee or any caffeine, for three days now. I know, it's not a lot but I'm shooing for 10 days before I go for my next goal.
I went to the gym last night and did 5 hand stand push ups in a row. IN A ROW. Not one, fall down, two fall down, etc... For whatever reason, the deadlift weight seemed heavy, but it was just the day. Then, I went into my two rep max for bench and was only shy 5 pounds of my 1 rep max= awesome.
I woke up this morning feeling great. The sun was shining so I'm sure that had something to do with it. I have Girls on the Run practice tonight and I never leave there feeling crappy! I'm looking forward to going for a run tonight with Josalyn, too!
Enjoy the sunshine!
Strength: 2 RM bench
Strength/Skill: Squat Snatch
I must admit, I'm feeling pretty good day! I have been eating clean (100% paleo, 100% of the time), not even coffee or any caffeine, for three days now. I know, it's not a lot but I'm shooing for 10 days before I go for my next goal.
I went to the gym last night and did 5 hand stand push ups in a row. IN A ROW. Not one, fall down, two fall down, etc... For whatever reason, the deadlift weight seemed heavy, but it was just the day. Then, I went into my two rep max for bench and was only shy 5 pounds of my 1 rep max= awesome.
I woke up this morning feeling great. The sun was shining so I'm sure that had something to do with it. I have Girls on the Run practice tonight and I never leave there feeling crappy! I'm looking forward to going for a run tonight with Josalyn, too!
Enjoy the sunshine!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
WOD: Teams or 2
P1: 5 ring dips, 10 cleans
P2: 5 DB thrusters, 10 c2b
100 DUs
75 burpees
50 t2b
25 front rack lunges
Once thing I have noticed over the past several weeks is that I tend to manage stress by over controlling something else in my life. This week, it is my diet. Clean and concise. I typically don't over think my work too much, but I have a project that is on my mind 24 hours a day. Well, 23, when I work out I'm not thinking about it.
Tonight, I vow to leave the project at work and devote my time at home to my family.
The sun is shining and the snow is melting. God is good!
P1: 5 ring dips, 10 cleans
P2: 5 DB thrusters, 10 c2b
100 DUs
75 burpees
50 t2b
25 front rack lunges
Once thing I have noticed over the past several weeks is that I tend to manage stress by over controlling something else in my life. This week, it is my diet. Clean and concise. I typically don't over think my work too much, but I have a project that is on my mind 24 hours a day. Well, 23, when I work out I'm not thinking about it.
Tonight, I vow to leave the project at work and devote my time at home to my family.
The sun is shining and the snow is melting. God is good!
Monday, February 17, 2014
WOD: Teams of 3
DB High Pulls Down
DB Lunges Back
back and forth box jumps while waiting
EMOTM 10 min
5 Burpees
5 Push Ups
Legs on machines
My brownie bacon delight turned out a success! I had a few left over so I delivered them to John in fear that I would eat them all! All of the food at the Bacon Feast was delish.
I'm ready to commit to working out 5 days this week with an additional cardio 3 days. I too measurements and photos this morning and it's time to get this train moving!!! Do you use My Fitness Pal? If so, follow me : jcreech1. I love that app. I only use it as a guide but it holds me accountable.
Happy Monday!
DB High Pulls Down
DB Lunges Back
back and forth box jumps while waiting
EMOTM 10 min
5 Burpees
5 Push Ups
Legs on machines
My brownie bacon delight turned out a success! I had a few left over so I delivered them to John in fear that I would eat them all! All of the food at the Bacon Feast was delish.
I'm ready to commit to working out 5 days this week with an additional cardio 3 days. I too measurements and photos this morning and it's time to get this train moving!!! Do you use My Fitness Pal? If so, follow me : jcreech1. I love that app. I only use it as a guide but it holds me accountable.
Happy Monday!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
WOD: 21-15-9
DB Squat Cleans
50 burpees
I started a Girls on the Run team at Connor's elementary school this spring. We have had two practices. I can't tell you how rewarding this experience has been and it's only the first week!!! Yesterday we talked about positive thoughts and how we control what we let in our minds and what we get out. When the girls were talking about being strong, athletic, smart, pretty their faces lit up with huge smiles. You could see them sit up straighter as their confidence grew. My heart has been over pouring with love as I get to know these girls and watch them grow. I am sad that it is only for 12 weeks!
I hope that if any of you every have the opportunity to volunteer for this program, you strongly consider it. Or if you don't have the opportunity, create it for yourself! We are moving forward and not looking back!
DB Squat Cleans
50 burpees
I started a Girls on the Run team at Connor's elementary school this spring. We have had two practices. I can't tell you how rewarding this experience has been and it's only the first week!!! Yesterday we talked about positive thoughts and how we control what we let in our minds and what we get out. When the girls were talking about being strong, athletic, smart, pretty their faces lit up with huge smiles. You could see them sit up straighter as their confidence grew. My heart has been over pouring with love as I get to know these girls and watch them grow. I am sad that it is only for 12 weeks!
I hope that if any of you every have the opportunity to volunteer for this program, you strongly consider it. Or if you don't have the opportunity, create it for yourself! We are moving forward and not looking back!
Monday, February 10, 2014
competition #3 in the books!
I am glad it is over. I was a nervous wreck from 9am until 3pm when my heat started. It actually went a lot faster than it felt when I was watching the other teams.
My nutrition was spot on, I was stretched out and I had plenty of sleep. The only thing that surprised me was my performance in the first two events was the same as the Sunday before when we practiced. I thought for sure I would get more reps.
My team did amazing. Rick and Sandy had an awesome score on the overhead squats. Ready to start kicking it into high gear for fun and not for competition!
My nutrition was spot on, I was stretched out and I had plenty of sleep. The only thing that surprised me was my performance in the first two events was the same as the Sunday before when we practiced. I thought for sure I would get more reps.
My team did amazing. Rick and Sandy had an awesome score on the overhead squats. Ready to start kicking it into high gear for fun and not for competition!
Friday, February 7, 2014
WOD: 7 min AMRAP
5 KB 7Swings
7 Box Jumps
It's the night before the competition. I worked out 7 days in a row with today as my rest day and tomorrow the big day. Registration doesn't begin until 11am so that will give me plenty of time to sleep in and get solid rest.
I'll post tomorrow after we are finished and hopefully have a few pictures.
I still need to figure out what I'm wearing and pack my bags!
Nighty Night!
5 KB 7Swings
7 Box Jumps
It's the night before the competition. I worked out 7 days in a row with today as my rest day and tomorrow the big day. Registration doesn't begin until 11am so that will give me plenty of time to sleep in and get solid rest.
I'll post tomorrow after we are finished and hopefully have a few pictures.
I still need to figure out what I'm wearing and pack my bags!
Nighty Night!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
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