25 Box Jumps
50 Sit Ups
25 Burpees
50 Squats
25 DB Slams
50 Wall Balls
My youngest crossfitter baby has caused me a lot of grief over the last several months. He is a tiny little guy. I can count every rib on his body just looking at him and I don't think he has gained a pound in over a year. He eats NON STOP. This kid will ask about dessert while shoveling in dinner. I started to notice that he wasn't eating his sandwich in his lunch box. There would be mornings that he wouldn't eat breakfast. I'm not a scheduled "eater" and I do believe you eat when you are hungry, but there is always a healthy dinner option available at our house. And you eat when you are ready. Finish when you are done. Snack when you are hungry and have eaten your dinner.
He hides food. I find wrappers in his bedroom, pockets and basement couch. Last night he dumped half of his dinner in his brother's bowl and announced he was ready for dessert.
The snack options available at our house include string cheese, yogurt or pretzels. I know there needs to be a balance. I don't want him to horde food or overeat because he doesn't think there will be anything after. I just need to figure it out.
I was able to go outside a pick a few strawberries. That kept him quiet for several minutes. He's a little stinker, that's for sure!
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