Monday, March 10, 2014

"Obstacles are placed in our way to see if what we want is really worth fighting for." -unknown

WOD: 14.2

Ewwey! I didn't like that WOD at all. I even said halfway through, "This is stupid!" because I just didn't have the upper body strength to get up to the bar. I still always amaze myself with what I can do. Two down, three to go!

Today's post is about my sister. On Friday, she celebrated a goal she reached. Katie ran 100 days in a row. This challenge started the day after Thanksgiving and from what I remember, the goal was to keep moving from Thanksgiving to Christmas during the "frequent eating" season. I went out on a couple runs with her but by no means was I going for any streak. Somewhere in the midst of all of this, she decided to keep going. Over the Christmas season, she would post pictures from her daily run. It was fun to watch through her camera. The running streak is a pretty cool accomplishment.

If you have a sibling that you are close to, this will make sense to you. Katie and I are 22 months a part in age and very similar personalities. We fought like crazy when we were little but by 10th and 11th grade, we started becoming friends. A sister is a safe person. You can treat her like crap one second but then be her best friend the next. You can say hurtful things that you don't mean and almost instantly, you are forgiven. (Luckily, we are beyond that point now.)

Katie has endured pain like no one I have ever personally known. Pain that I prayed to God he would give to me because I didn't want to have to watch her go through it. But through everything, Katie comes out on top. She is a fighter. She knows what she wants and she works towards achieving it. Even in moments when the easier option is to not fight for it, she fights because she knows it the right direction to move.

It's no surprise to me that Katie reached this goal. It would be no surprise if she went another 100 days. Why? Because she can. And if she can, she will. She's a pretty cool person. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Go, Katie! I love the sister talk, too. Makes me miss my little Laura.
