We have all heard the saying, "Strong is the new skinny" but that is a tad over used and not necessarily true. I hate the word skinny. Besides bringing negative self talk into my own head, to me "skinny" is a word used to describe a small-boned, petite framed, bony woman who doesn't exercise and has been little her entire life. Are people starting to come to your mind as you read that? Sure. We all know people like that. We see them at the pool, grocery stores, sporting events, school, etc.
Skinny isn't necessarily a word that I associate as a compliment. I wouldn't be offended if someone said it, I would just know that it's not really what they mean. (No part of my body is technically "skinny" unless you are referring to a particle of hair on my head.)
Now, the word "Strong" is a compliment. In my opinion, strong is a very powerful word. Being "strong" requires dedication, practice, persistence, failure, repetition, control, discipline and hard work. To me, THAT is what is beautiful. You don't wake up one day and just become strong. It's work. A lot of work and everything I described above.
I was browsing Facebook last night and found this picture with the caption below:
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"I debated on whether to share this or not because of how terrible I look. But, hey, it's a huge PR for me and I'm pretty darn proud of it:" |
I stopped. Looked at it again. Did the math. A 70 pound PR. Seventy freaking pounds. STOP RIGHT THERE. You just lifted 305 pounds and you hesitated to post the picture because of how you looked?!
Why do we do this to ourselves? I looked at this picture and was so proud of Jen. She is such a smart, intelligent, woman who has a full time career, raising two children, and is in the gym regularly. She not only shows up, she shows up to do the work....and the results are proof. To me, those are characteristics of an excellent role model.
We are all guilty of these thoughts. After all, people don't take a million selfies only to post the ones we don't like, right? After about eight attempts, the best angled picture with the most flawless looking filter is the one that is posted. When others take photos of us, we don't get to choose all of that. And most importantly, we don't choose what others will think. I (along with every other follower on Jen's page) don't see what she sees. We see something totally different. Something that she is over shadowing because of society and the images we think are "perfect".
Strong isn't the new skinny. If you want to be skinny, good for you. Skinny leads to a life full of disappoints and curve balls that you can't plan....you want to be skinny? Have a baby. Have a period. Have a family where your life isn't always your number one priority.
Strong is beautiful. Beautiful is inside and outside. Strong is a reflection of your choices inside and outside of the gym.
And Jen, I can't wait to see the next picture of you with a new PR. You are beautiful!
You are correct, you are BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats on a PR, I can only lift the bar! Keep up the good work. You are inspiring a lot of women :)