Tuesday, October 15, 2013

WOD: w/ a partner:
           100 hollow rocks- choppers- dball slams
              75 sit ups- 1 armed kb snatch- wall balls
              50 goblet squats- t2b- dball cleans
                * props to my partner, Katie. She pushed me. I'm feeling it today!

I started my new 10 day meal plan Sunday. Yesterday was the first full day. I'm not sure what is going on but my stomach is killing me. I didn't have bacon the last 10 days so maybe it's just in shock from the grease. Who knows. I'm also still really hungry. I went from forcing food down to now being hungry after each meal. I'll give it two more days before I claim something needs to change. I've also gained weight. I keep telling myself that I'm in the "bulking" phase!

Speaking of weight. This has been on my mind since Saturday. I say a lot of things in a day and walk away from a conversation thinking, "Did I say the right thing?" or "I hope it wasn't taken the wrong way..." or "Why didn't I just shut my mouth."  Most of my feelings stem from my urge to feel the need to talk, constantly, but never to intentionally hurt someone.

Recently, I heard a conversation between two ladies. It was in a group setting with probably 6 other ladies around the circle listening. Someone complimented her on how great she looked. Instead of the "thank you" (like we all sometimes fail to say), it turned into a conversation about how she has gained some weight back and it would be okay if she were ### and as long as she stays under that ###, it will be okay. A few people laughed and a few people agreed. Instantly, I looked around the circle at the group of ladies listening. Every single of one those women were beautiful, not out of shape, and certainly not overweight. I know for a fact that half of the women worked out on a regular basis. Now, I'm not an expert on guessing the scale, but I am almost certain that maybe only one of those women was under the weight that this gal was going on and on about as her goal.  How does that make others feel? (Maybe like, "WTF! I work out 6 days a week, sweat my ass off, eat right and I'm 20 pounds from that number.") Does she start to reevaluate her body composition? what society thinks? More importantly, what her friends may think? I rolled my eyes and didn't say a word.

Why do we focus on the scale? Why do we constantly set ourselves up for disappointment? How do we change that behavior? I'm just as guilty... But sometimes hearing it out of other people makes me realize how ugly my mind can be and how shallow my thoughts can be spoken.

I wear my CF socks to work. I always like to be prepared. You never know when I'll have to climb a rope or deadlift something ;)