25 min AMRAP
8 Box Jump 24"
1 rope climb
How ironic that I'm doing hand stand push ups the day after I am on here bragging about doing one! I'm happy to report that I did the hspu's, but I used 1 mat. I think on the 40th one, I figured that I needed to get my head through the window because I felt like my neck was no longer attached to my back. A little stiff this morning, no doubt.
I know I'm not the only one out there attached to a piece of clothing...am I? I once did a tribute on my blog about my running shoes. I wish I would have never donated them. Okay, that sounded selfish. I miss those shoes so much. I am a stress binge cleaner. I throw away just about everything if it is in my way or creates clutter in my house/life. I have managed to save this one pair of pants. Who knows why. I originally bought the black pants with a suit from The Limited in 2003. I remember the mall, who was with me, the smell, and even the weather. I bought the pants for my grad school interviews. These pants are magical. I wore them in college, I wore then 3 weeks post baby (tight), I wore them on my WW glory days and I'm still wearing them today. They are wide leg so they fit my thighs very comfortably. I put them on and I feel like a million bucks! Today is going to be a great day!
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