WOD: 5 min AMRAP
5 Hang Power Clean
10 T2B
EMOTM 10 min
1 Squat Clean
2 Split Jerks
Thanks to a friend, I have discovered the Jillian Michael's podcast. Yesterday's podcast was about freeing yourself up. She was referencing material items like sports cars and wrist watches. But this made me think about how one could unload all of the negative thoughts and how freeing that would be in your mind.
So much of my typical day is spent being so hard on myself. I have such unrealistic goals, unattainable goals and expectations for myself that it's always a sense of failure. And when I hit that plateau weeks can feel like months and months can feel like eternity.
So what do I let go of?
1. Negative friends (And they can feel free to let go of me, too. I could be the negative one!)
2. Scale
3. Tempting snacks
4. Clothes that don't fit right and I know but insist trying them on
5. Unrealistic goals
6. Unrealistic expectations
7. Triple booking of events hoping that I can be all three places and make everybody happy
8. Clean bedrooms and bathrooms :)
If these things didn't matter, a burden would be uplifted off of my mind. I'm going to make a list and keep it by my computer so I can be reminded of this.
What can be added to enhance the quality of my day?
1. Time to relax, even if it is just 15 minutes
2. Work towards small and attainable goals
3. Seek out individuals who are positive
4. Hug my kids more often!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
my main sqeeze
This year, Nick and I are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary. He's an amazing guy. Looking back over the last 10 years we have survived living 4 states apart for 2 years, raising three children (not finished yet) and deployments that have totaled living apart for over 3 years. If you have never witnessed Nick and I together, you wouldn't know how much alike we are. Opposites don't always attract. And when they don't, you get one loud and vocal couple. That's us!
There aren't too many people I try to please, but this guy is one of them. I have heard compliments about how Nick coaches. He's a good coach. He is patient, hands on, and takes his time explaining the technique. Recently, his doctor referred some athletes to Nick to help train.
Nick knows his stuff but this is where he is different. I can be screaming in his face. Telling him to shut up, get lost, I can't do it, that's stupid, whatever it may be. He just stands there. He waits until I'm done yelling, and he picks up right where he left of.
He cheers for me because he knows I have the strength, and before he watches me fail.
He puts his bar down and watch my lift in the middle of a set.
He constantly goes over every move over and over and over again to help me understand.
He sees my strengths when I only see my failures.
My favorite gym memory with Nick was when I dead lifted last December. He was standing beside me and he couldn't believe I had pulled up the weight. I could see his face to the left side. He was so excited.
Recently, I did well in a workout. When I woke up the next morning, I had a text message from him. It just said, you did Fran in 5:50.
We all need a cheerleader. We all need that extra burst of confidence. We all need someone to believe.
There aren't too many people I try to please, but this guy is one of them. I have heard compliments about how Nick coaches. He's a good coach. He is patient, hands on, and takes his time explaining the technique. Recently, his doctor referred some athletes to Nick to help train.
Nick knows his stuff but this is where he is different. I can be screaming in his face. Telling him to shut up, get lost, I can't do it, that's stupid, whatever it may be. He just stands there. He waits until I'm done yelling, and he picks up right where he left of.
He cheers for me because he knows I have the strength, and before he watches me fail.
He puts his bar down and watch my lift in the middle of a set.
He constantly goes over every move over and over and over again to help me understand.
He sees my strengths when I only see my failures.
My favorite gym memory with Nick was when I dead lifted last December. He was standing beside me and he couldn't believe I had pulled up the weight. I could see his face to the left side. He was so excited.
Recently, I did well in a workout. When I woke up the next morning, I had a text message from him. It just said, you did Fran in 5:50.
We all need a cheerleader. We all need that extra burst of confidence. We all need someone to believe.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue what counts." - Winston Churchill
WOD: Skill: butterfly pull ups
Strength: Power Cleans & Snatch
While I didn't get a new PR last night, my failure came in my food choices. I wouldn't even call it a choice. I basically ate anything that was in sight and didn't stop until I forced myself to go to bed.
Failure at something doesn't make me a failure. I woke up bright and early and hit the treadmill allowing myself little time to come up with an excuse why I couldn't get out of bed. I'm not afraid or discouraged by one bad day. I can have a better day tomorrow.
This weekend I'll be in KS. I get to try out a new Crossfit gym with my brother. I'm looking forward to this!
Strength: Power Cleans & Snatch
While I didn't get a new PR last night, my failure came in my food choices. I wouldn't even call it a choice. I basically ate anything that was in sight and didn't stop until I forced myself to go to bed.
Failure at something doesn't make me a failure. I woke up bright and early and hit the treadmill allowing myself little time to come up with an excuse why I couldn't get out of bed. I'm not afraid or discouraged by one bad day. I can have a better day tomorrow.
This weekend I'll be in KS. I get to try out a new Crossfit gym with my brother. I'm looking forward to this!
Monday, October 28, 2013
WOD: teams of 2
100 Dball slams
100 warrior burpees
100 Dball sit ups
If you have never experienced the satisfaction of eating maple almond butter, you need to try this! I only buy the small packets because I would eat the entire container. Delicious!
However, this is not on my plan. Tonight I was really hungry. I was craving something sweet and sugar is my addiction.
My current meal plan has me right at about 1300 calories for two days and then the next two days it will probably be close to 700. YIKES! Stay away from me tomorrow and Wednesday. This will be going on for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
Tonight, I missed my friends at my old gym. There's something to be said about the Crossfit family. I sometimes miss Vince screaming at me like a drill sergeant or Stephanie jumping up and down during the last 10 seconds and Darren asking how the week is going. I spent 7 days a week there most weeks. Now I need to find the drive to get myself off the couch and work on lifts at home on closed gym days.
My goal this week is to max out on C&J. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!
100 Dball slams
100 warrior burpees
100 Dball sit ups
If you have never experienced the satisfaction of eating maple almond butter, you need to try this! I only buy the small packets because I would eat the entire container. Delicious!
However, this is not on my plan. Tonight I was really hungry. I was craving something sweet and sugar is my addiction.
My current meal plan has me right at about 1300 calories for two days and then the next two days it will probably be close to 700. YIKES! Stay away from me tomorrow and Wednesday. This will be going on for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
Tonight, I missed my friends at my old gym. There's something to be said about the Crossfit family. I sometimes miss Vince screaming at me like a drill sergeant or Stephanie jumping up and down during the last 10 seconds and Darren asking how the week is going. I spent 7 days a week there most weeks. Now I need to find the drive to get myself off the couch and work on lifts at home on closed gym days.
My goal this week is to max out on C&J. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!
WOD: Teams of 2
2, 4, 6, 8...
5 minutes at each station: Burpees, Superman, Sit Ups
Saturday night was the Halloween party at the gym. This gathering reminded me why I never go anywhere solo. Even for an extreme extrovert, being the third wheel is horrible. Here is the group picture that was taken of all the people that didn't come with a date/spouse:
The best part about the party? There was a ton to eat that was paelo or close enough to paleo that I didn't regret eating anything. Felt good to walk away from the other food because I was full. AND, I tried brussel sprouts for the first time. Not going to lie, it tasted kinda like dirt sprinkled with oil.
This week I am going to work on some lifts. I had two PRs on Friday which has now motivated me to start checking some things off my goal sheet! Boo ya!
2, 4, 6, 8...
5 minutes at each station: Burpees, Superman, Sit Ups
Saturday night was the Halloween party at the gym. This gathering reminded me why I never go anywhere solo. Even for an extreme extrovert, being the third wheel is horrible. Here is the group picture that was taken of all the people that didn't come with a date/spouse:
![]() |
Alone and Awesome. |
This week I am going to work on some lifts. I had two PRs on Friday which has now motivated me to start checking some things off my goal sheet! Boo ya!
Friday, October 25, 2013
the ugly truth about clean eating
WOD: 15min AMRAP
3 Man Makers
6 Pistols
9 Barrel Roll Burpees
If you are here reading the blog for my recent updates, it's about to get real. If you have stumbled across my blog for the first time, I'm sorry this is the first thing you are learning about me.
About 45 days ago (rough estimation), I started my journey through clean eating with a little help. Okay, a lot of help. The only thing I do is practice a lot of self control and follow the directions. Simple enough. There have been days here and there that my control was weak, my mind was stronger than my will and I just gave in. Wedding cake, for instance. Gets me every time. Why? Because I know I can only have one piece and I know it isn't around all of the time. On a typical "cheat" day, I'm eating strict paleo just not following my plan. So, even the worst days aren't always that bad.
Every article I read goes on and on about the benefits of eating clean. Performance at the gym, more energy, better complexion, etc. Nobody ever warns you what will happen to your bowels. So please consider this to be a public service announcement that will better prepare you for your journey:
Eating clean will make you constipated, then you will have stomach cramps that feel like a baby is growing in your belly, then you will have diarrhea, more diarrhea, and more diarrhea just when you think you don't have anything left in your body followed by being constipated. The cycle continues. You never know when it will hit, IF you even have a bathroom close enough, or if it's a false alarm.
You may ask yourself, "Why is she so open to talking about this?" Well, my friends, I have to be so open talking about this because these problems have caused me to be late to work, quit in the middle of a WOD, almost pass out on my way home from work (from holding it in), run out of a meeting, miss a choir concert and barge in the restroom while the custodian was still cleaning. People start to wonder what is going on. I have to make a joke out of it.
When this, we'll call it an "attack" happens, I get two responses:
1. "Are you sure this diet (yes, I said diet) is working?" or
2. "Yup, we understand."
Response #1 comes from the person who has no idea what I'm trying to accomplish and response #2 comes from the person who has been where I am.
So, after about 15 days of this shenanigans, I decided that I would build up enough courage to tell Josh. Thinking maybe the fat or something would be tweaked accordingly. I've only known him for 45 days. I started typing an email to him but couldn't really think of the right words. How does one translate into general terms, "If I don't change something, diapers are in my near future." I made it sound like I just had extreme bathroom behaviors that weren't normal. (haha, this sounds ridiculous even reading it now)
So, the short of all of this is, I need to cut out the coffee in the afternoon and stick to my vegetables as given on the plan. As for cheat days, I'll almost guarantee 99% of the time, non paleo won't exist. The benefits by far outweigh the output/outcome.
3 Man Makers
6 Pistols
9 Barrel Roll Burpees
If you are here reading the blog for my recent updates, it's about to get real. If you have stumbled across my blog for the first time, I'm sorry this is the first thing you are learning about me.
About 45 days ago (rough estimation), I started my journey through clean eating with a little help. Okay, a lot of help. The only thing I do is practice a lot of self control and follow the directions. Simple enough. There have been days here and there that my control was weak, my mind was stronger than my will and I just gave in. Wedding cake, for instance. Gets me every time. Why? Because I know I can only have one piece and I know it isn't around all of the time. On a typical "cheat" day, I'm eating strict paleo just not following my plan. So, even the worst days aren't always that bad.
Every article I read goes on and on about the benefits of eating clean. Performance at the gym, more energy, better complexion, etc. Nobody ever warns you what will happen to your bowels. So please consider this to be a public service announcement that will better prepare you for your journey:
Eating clean will make you constipated, then you will have stomach cramps that feel like a baby is growing in your belly, then you will have diarrhea, more diarrhea, and more diarrhea just when you think you don't have anything left in your body followed by being constipated. The cycle continues. You never know when it will hit, IF you even have a bathroom close enough, or if it's a false alarm.
You may ask yourself, "Why is she so open to talking about this?" Well, my friends, I have to be so open talking about this because these problems have caused me to be late to work, quit in the middle of a WOD, almost pass out on my way home from work (from holding it in), run out of a meeting, miss a choir concert and barge in the restroom while the custodian was still cleaning. People start to wonder what is going on. I have to make a joke out of it.
When this, we'll call it an "attack" happens, I get two responses:
1. "Are you sure this diet (yes, I said diet) is working?" or
2. "Yup, we understand."
Response #1 comes from the person who has no idea what I'm trying to accomplish and response #2 comes from the person who has been where I am.
So, after about 15 days of this shenanigans, I decided that I would build up enough courage to tell Josh. Thinking maybe the fat or something would be tweaked accordingly. I've only known him for 45 days. I started typing an email to him but couldn't really think of the right words. How does one translate into general terms, "If I don't change something, diapers are in my near future." I made it sound like I just had extreme bathroom behaviors that weren't normal. (haha, this sounds ridiculous even reading it now)
So, the short of all of this is, I need to cut out the coffee in the afternoon and stick to my vegetables as given on the plan. As for cheat days, I'll almost guarantee 99% of the time, non paleo won't exist. The benefits by far outweigh the output/outcome.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
3 Man Makers
6 Pistols
9 Barrel Roll Burpees
This is a video of me doing Fran in 2010. I didn't have a full squat, the weight on the bar was 45#, and I had a band for my pull ups. On December 25, 2012, I did Fran RX'd and it took me 10:15. I am happy to report that I did Fran again yesterday RX'd in 5:50!!!!!!!!
Josh said to focus on gym performance and not the scale. He was right. No number on the scale feels as good as a PR at the bar.
I have to give Nick credit. I did exactly what he told me to do throughout the entire workout. I focused and listed.
3 Man Makers
6 Pistols
9 Barrel Roll Burpees
This is a video of me doing Fran in 2010. I didn't have a full squat, the weight on the bar was 45#, and I had a band for my pull ups. On December 25, 2012, I did Fran RX'd and it took me 10:15. I am happy to report that I did Fran again yesterday RX'd in 5:50!!!!!!!!
Josh said to focus on gym performance and not the scale. He was right. No number on the scale feels as good as a PR at the bar.
I have to give Nick credit. I did exactly what he told me to do throughout the entire workout. I focused and listed.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
WOD: Fran
I have been blessed with the ability to eat just about anything (minus onions and sauerkraut) in its simplest form. I have never needed salt or butter on my food. Within the last 3 years, I have quit using spices and herbs. I can cook any piece of meat or vegetable and eat it plain.
It's getting easier to eat to fuel my body without thinking about the taste. There are times I force the tablespoons of oil down or plug my noise to eat the fish because it's my 15th day eating salmon, but for the most part, I don't crave certain foods. It is still always a challenge to resist if the food is in sight or to clear my mind from trying to tell myself I have to have that piece of chocolate.
I am starting a new food plan tonight (going on day 31 with Josh) and so last night I treated myself to a creation of what I "thought" would cover everything I needed to eat.
1 cup Squash
2 slices of bacon
2 T guac
2 oz chicken
1 T coconut oil
2 eggs
Fat: 35g
Net Carbs: 7g
Protein: 33g
PointsPlus: 13
I have been blessed with the ability to eat just about anything (minus onions and sauerkraut) in its simplest form. I have never needed salt or butter on my food. Within the last 3 years, I have quit using spices and herbs. I can cook any piece of meat or vegetable and eat it plain.
It's getting easier to eat to fuel my body without thinking about the taste. There are times I force the tablespoons of oil down or plug my noise to eat the fish because it's my 15th day eating salmon, but for the most part, I don't crave certain foods. It is still always a challenge to resist if the food is in sight or to clear my mind from trying to tell myself I have to have that piece of chocolate.
I am starting a new food plan tonight (going on day 31 with Josh) and so last night I treated myself to a creation of what I "thought" would cover everything I needed to eat.
1 cup Squash
2 slices of bacon
2 T guac
2 oz chicken
1 T coconut oil
2 eggs
Fat: 35g
Net Carbs: 7g
Protein: 33g
PointsPlus: 13
Monday, October 21, 2013
pa·tience /ˈpāSHəns/
Getting caught up in THE RESULTS AREN'T SHOWING RIGHT NOW mentality today, I turned to Josh to express my "concern" or my complaining, whatever you want to call it.
It was a weak moment, yes. I told him I was going to bash in my scale, eat less to remind myself that I'm in control, take pictures like he told me to do in the beginning, and a few other things that if I typed again would confirm just how crazy I really am about this.
His response?
" Everyone feels trapped. You're lucky to know what the issue is, it's easier to fix that way.
Focus on getting stronger and faster. Chase performance in the gym, eat what your told, simple isn't easy but it works. "
Putting head into hands and resting on my desk. Don't mistake my frustration for giving up. I'm not there yet.
It was a weak moment, yes. I told him I was going to bash in my scale, eat less to remind myself that I'm in control, take pictures like he told me to do in the beginning, and a few other things that if I typed again would confirm just how crazy I really am about this.
His response?
" Everyone feels trapped. You're lucky to know what the issue is, it's easier to fix that way.
Focus on getting stronger and faster. Chase performance in the gym, eat what your told, simple isn't easy but it works. "
Putting head into hands and resting on my desk. Don't mistake my frustration for giving up. I'm not there yet.
WOD: Partner
30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off- 5 min
KB Swings (44#) 1 pt
Push Ups 3 pts
DU 1 pt
Box Jumps (24") 5 pt
The key to a great partner workout is having a GREAT partner. I pushed myself. On top of being sore from the day before, I didn't want to let her down. I think it was my best workout of the week!
I was watching Biggest Loser on DVR over the weekend. The first episode was all about second chances. Hum, sounds familiar. But something that Jillian said stuck with me. I heard it once, went back and listed to it again, and then wrote it down. She said,
"If you don't have that 'why', every single day will feel like a punishment. Once you have the why, you will succeed."
This is probably why I am stuck in a slump right now. I am missing the why. I am not working towards a goal. I don't even have a goal. That is next on my list of things to do this week: goals. I will post them here and keep them updated.
30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off- 5 min
KB Swings (44#) 1 pt
Push Ups 3 pts
DU 1 pt
Box Jumps (24") 5 pt
The key to a great partner workout is having a GREAT partner. I pushed myself. On top of being sore from the day before, I didn't want to let her down. I think it was my best workout of the week!
I was watching Biggest Loser on DVR over the weekend. The first episode was all about second chances. Hum, sounds familiar. But something that Jillian said stuck with me. I heard it once, went back and listed to it again, and then wrote it down. She said,
"If you don't have that 'why', every single day will feel like a punishment. Once you have the why, you will succeed."
This is probably why I am stuck in a slump right now. I am missing the why. I am not working towards a goal. I don't even have a goal. That is next on my list of things to do this week: goals. I will post them here and keep them updated.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
opting out of Thanksgiving
WOD: 3 rounds for time
14 chest to bar
7 snatches
*If I counted every time I fell on my butt, I probably did an entire extra round of snatches. But Ken did tell me, if I'm falling down, that means I'm getting under the bar. I guess I am making some progress.
This afternoon we invited some friends over to watch football. I decided that I was going to make this yummy paleo pizza. Well, I never cook. I usually will make something if it has less than four ingredients. The pizza had 2 steps and required kneading the dough, cooking it ahead of time, cutting up food, blah blah blah. By the time the pizza was actually finished I was so hungry I could have eaten the entire thing by myself. AND, I was tired. I just don't get how people can find cooking fun. Thank goodness my family is used to boring bland food.
The pizza and bacon wraps turned out to be delicious! Everyones favorite football team won and the beer was cold. Success!
Early night.
14 chest to bar
7 snatches
*If I counted every time I fell on my butt, I probably did an entire extra round of snatches. But Ken did tell me, if I'm falling down, that means I'm getting under the bar. I guess I am making some progress.
This afternoon we invited some friends over to watch football. I decided that I was going to make this yummy paleo pizza. Well, I never cook. I usually will make something if it has less than four ingredients. The pizza had 2 steps and required kneading the dough, cooking it ahead of time, cutting up food, blah blah blah. By the time the pizza was actually finished I was so hungry I could have eaten the entire thing by myself. AND, I was tired. I just don't get how people can find cooking fun. Thank goodness my family is used to boring bland food.
The pizza and bacon wraps turned out to be delicious! Everyones favorite football team won and the beer was cold. Success!
Early night.
WOD: Run 800m
Burpee, Box Jumps, Pull Ups
So, a few days ago I was pumped for this next competition. I think it's going to be fun and totally relaxed doing it with a friend. So, I'm talking to my friend about the competition and the conversation is:
D: So, I can probably do about 20 hand stand push ups, butterfly pull ups and don't worry, I will do all the pistols. What do you think will be your strength?
Me: ummmmmm..........
What is my strength? What is the one skill or the one lift that I can do really well? I have NO idea. (insert lack of self confidence here). I can do everything "ok" but nothing "great" so here we are back at square one.... scared out of my mind about a competition I probably have no business being a part of. Why do I do this to myself!?!?! Gesh.
Then, I go to the gym and Rick says, "Jenn, I tried 300 again and didn't get it." Talking about the video I posted a couple weeks ago. He was still determined to get it next time.
So, I guess putting this into perspective, I will keep doing the best I can. I will find my "strength" in something determined to keep trying.
Burpee, Box Jumps, Pull Ups
So, a few days ago I was pumped for this next competition. I think it's going to be fun and totally relaxed doing it with a friend. So, I'm talking to my friend about the competition and the conversation is:
D: So, I can probably do about 20 hand stand push ups, butterfly pull ups and don't worry, I will do all the pistols. What do you think will be your strength?
Me: ummmmmm..........
What is my strength? What is the one skill or the one lift that I can do really well? I have NO idea. (insert lack of self confidence here). I can do everything "ok" but nothing "great" so here we are back at square one.... scared out of my mind about a competition I probably have no business being a part of. Why do I do this to myself!?!?! Gesh.
Then, I go to the gym and Rick says, "Jenn, I tried 300 again and didn't get it." Talking about the video I posted a couple weeks ago. He was still determined to get it next time.
So, I guess putting this into perspective, I will keep doing the best I can. I will find my "strength" in something determined to keep trying.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Skill work: Snatch
Practice makes perfect, right? I spent 90 minutes yesterday doing light snatch work. I need to probably spend that much time every week practicing that movement. Plus, I had a really hot trainer working with me. He knows a thing of two about snatches.
Meal plan: I'm starving. My calorie intake is barely 1200 calories and I'm consuming less than 17g or carbs a day. How can I even stay awake?!
Today, I have three mini Twix bars in my hand and I put them away. Who ever thought that would happen?!
Keep on keepin on, I suppose!
Practice makes perfect, right? I spent 90 minutes yesterday doing light snatch work. I need to probably spend that much time every week practicing that movement. Plus, I had a really hot trainer working with me. He knows a thing of two about snatches.
Meal plan: I'm starving. My calorie intake is barely 1200 calories and I'm consuming less than 17g or carbs a day. How can I even stay awake?!
Today, I have three mini Twix bars in my hand and I put them away. Who ever thought that would happen?!
Keep on keepin on, I suppose!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
WOD: w/ a partner:
100 hollow rocks- choppers- dball slams
75 sit ups- 1 armed kb snatch- wall balls
50 goblet squats- t2b- dball cleans
* props to my partner, Katie. She pushed me. I'm feeling it today!
I started my new 10 day meal plan Sunday. Yesterday was the first full day. I'm not sure what is going on but my stomach is killing me. I didn't have bacon the last 10 days so maybe it's just in shock from the grease. Who knows. I'm also still really hungry. I went from forcing food down to now being hungry after each meal. I'll give it two more days before I claim something needs to change. I've also gained weight. I keep telling myself that I'm in the "bulking" phase!
Speaking of weight. This has been on my mind since Saturday. I say a lot of things in a day and walk away from a conversation thinking, "Did I say the right thing?" or "I hope it wasn't taken the wrong way..." or "Why didn't I just shut my mouth." Most of my feelings stem from my urge to feel the need to talk, constantly, but never to intentionally hurt someone.
Recently, I heard a conversation between two ladies. It was in a group setting with probably 6 other ladies around the circle listening. Someone complimented her on how great she looked. Instead of the "thank you" (like we all sometimes fail to say), it turned into a conversation about how she has gained some weight back and it would be okay if she were ### and as long as she stays under that ###, it will be okay. A few people laughed and a few people agreed. Instantly, I looked around the circle at the group of ladies listening. Every single of one those women were beautiful, not out of shape, and certainly not overweight. I know for a fact that half of the women worked out on a regular basis. Now, I'm not an expert on guessing the scale, but I am almost certain that maybe only one of those women was under the weight that this gal was going on and on about as her goal. How does that make others feel? (Maybe like, "WTF! I work out 6 days a week, sweat my ass off, eat right and I'm 20 pounds from that number.") Does she start to reevaluate her body composition? what society thinks? More importantly, what her friends may think? I rolled my eyes and didn't say a word.
Why do we focus on the scale? Why do we constantly set ourselves up for disappointment? How do we change that behavior? I'm just as guilty... But sometimes hearing it out of other people makes me realize how ugly my mind can be and how shallow my thoughts can be spoken.
100 hollow rocks- choppers- dball slams
75 sit ups- 1 armed kb snatch- wall balls
50 goblet squats- t2b- dball cleans
* props to my partner, Katie. She pushed me. I'm feeling it today!
I started my new 10 day meal plan Sunday. Yesterday was the first full day. I'm not sure what is going on but my stomach is killing me. I didn't have bacon the last 10 days so maybe it's just in shock from the grease. Who knows. I'm also still really hungry. I went from forcing food down to now being hungry after each meal. I'll give it two more days before I claim something needs to change. I've also gained weight. I keep telling myself that I'm in the "bulking" phase!
Speaking of weight. This has been on my mind since Saturday. I say a lot of things in a day and walk away from a conversation thinking, "Did I say the right thing?" or "I hope it wasn't taken the wrong way..." or "Why didn't I just shut my mouth." Most of my feelings stem from my urge to feel the need to talk, constantly, but never to intentionally hurt someone.
Recently, I heard a conversation between two ladies. It was in a group setting with probably 6 other ladies around the circle listening. Someone complimented her on how great she looked. Instead of the "thank you" (like we all sometimes fail to say), it turned into a conversation about how she has gained some weight back and it would be okay if she were ### and as long as she stays under that ###, it will be okay. A few people laughed and a few people agreed. Instantly, I looked around the circle at the group of ladies listening. Every single of one those women were beautiful, not out of shape, and certainly not overweight. I know for a fact that half of the women worked out on a regular basis. Now, I'm not an expert on guessing the scale, but I am almost certain that maybe only one of those women was under the weight that this gal was going on and on about as her goal. How does that make others feel? (Maybe like, "WTF! I work out 6 days a week, sweat my ass off, eat right and I'm 20 pounds from that number.") Does she start to reevaluate her body composition? what society thinks? More importantly, what her friends may think? I rolled my eyes and didn't say a word.
Why do we focus on the scale? Why do we constantly set ourselves up for disappointment? How do we change that behavior? I'm just as guilty... But sometimes hearing it out of other people makes me realize how ugly my mind can be and how shallow my thoughts can be spoken.
I wear my CF socks to work. I always like to be prepared. You never know when I'll have to climb a rope or deadlift something ;) |
Monday, October 14, 2013
gone too long
Man, oh man! I have been away from the blog for a few days. Which also means, I have been away from the gym for a LONG time! There's no excuse, but I did have a great trip over the weekend visiting with lots of friends and I was moving around and on my feet for most of Friday and Saturday. So...
I heard back from Josh about my next 10 days of food. I have a few more vegetables added in (carrots, kale, squash, zucchini), less coconut oil and a little less meat. I hope this does the trick. I'm getting antsy about results.
Last night I portioned out all of my food for the week. I made little 1 ounce burgers so I will know exactly how many I have to eat for breakfast and dinner. Less thinking during the week is usually a good thing.
Excited to go to the gym tonight and even more excited that football is almost over and my routine can get back to semi normal.
I heard back from Josh about my next 10 days of food. I have a few more vegetables added in (carrots, kale, squash, zucchini), less coconut oil and a little less meat. I hope this does the trick. I'm getting antsy about results.
Last night I portioned out all of my food for the week. I made little 1 ounce burgers so I will know exactly how many I have to eat for breakfast and dinner. Less thinking during the week is usually a good thing.
Excited to go to the gym tonight and even more excited that football is almost over and my routine can get back to semi normal.
minus the bud light ;) |
Thursday, October 10, 2013
I've done it again.
![]() |
Yes, we were running here. Not crossfitting. We can only pray that there will be running in the competition! |
75 sit ups
50 burpees
15 min cap
Strength: push press
I have signed up for another CF competition. This was will be different. Kinda. First, my partner is awesome. Dianne and I were originally going to partner with our husbands and have a male/female team. Of course, that would be sold out. So we went with the next best option: female/female team! We will get the WODs the Wednesday before the competition so I guess we can come up with a stragetgy to determine our strengths and areas for improvement. The upside to this is I will continue to push myself at the gym knowing that this is around the corner.
This weekend I will need to exercise massive control. I will be at Heidelberg for a reunion and with all of my friends. I will go armed with my coconut oil and almonds and pray that everything works!
It's the freakin weekend baby......
WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
DB slams
In my moment of weakness, you are going to hear me complain....
I have finished my 10 days worth of meals. I'm still eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 10 days in a row and then I email Josh and we make changes. Well, I'm on day 13 of eating the same thing anxiously awaiting an email in my inbox from Josh. I'm like a young child at Christmas. I can't wait for it to arrive. I will send a gentle reminder this afternoon.
I'm eating my lunch right now. I have resorted to eating with my fingers as utensils are hard to come by in my office and the thought of having to cut all of the meat takes away from my Internet browsing time. So I sit here ripping apart pork chops with my teeth while holding it in my bare hands. Attractive, right?
I am results driven with little to no patience. I'm functioning off of little sleep (7 hours for me is not enough), sick of the food I'm eating, and I want something to change NOW. Make no mistake, I'm not giving up. I'd just like there to be a sign of change. I've been committed. SOMETHING needs to happen. If the scale isn't going to move, I'd better be shooting for some 15# PRs.
I know I'm just at a low point. Instead of being Debbie Downer, I think about what I would tell my best friend if she said this exact same thing to me? Keep your head up and keep moving. SO, that's just what I'm going to do!
Good news. Did you hear that PaleOMG! and Civilized Caveman are coming together for a cookbook?! Delish! I can't wait.
DB slams
In my moment of weakness, you are going to hear me complain....
I have finished my 10 days worth of meals. I'm still eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 10 days in a row and then I email Josh and we make changes. Well, I'm on day 13 of eating the same thing anxiously awaiting an email in my inbox from Josh. I'm like a young child at Christmas. I can't wait for it to arrive. I will send a gentle reminder this afternoon.
I am results driven with little to no patience. I'm functioning off of little sleep (7 hours for me is not enough), sick of the food I'm eating, and I want something to change NOW. Make no mistake, I'm not giving up. I'd just like there to be a sign of change. I've been committed. SOMETHING needs to happen. If the scale isn't going to move, I'd better be shooting for some 15# PRs.
I know I'm just at a low point. Instead of being Debbie Downer, I think about what I would tell my best friend if she said this exact same thing to me? Keep your head up and keep moving. SO, that's just what I'm going to do!
Good news. Did you hear that PaleOMG! and Civilized Caveman are coming together for a cookbook?! Delish! I can't wait.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
the pants that USED to fit like a glove

25 min AMRAP
8 Box Jump 24"
1 rope climb
How ironic that I'm doing hand stand push ups the day after I am on here bragging about doing one! I'm happy to report that I did the hspu's, but I used 1 mat. I think on the 40th one, I figured that I needed to get my head through the window because I felt like my neck was no longer attached to my back. A little stiff this morning, no doubt.
I know I'm not the only one out there attached to a piece of clothing...am I? I once did a tribute on my blog about my running shoes. I wish I would have never donated them. Okay, that sounded selfish. I miss those shoes so much. I am a stress binge cleaner. I throw away just about everything if it is in my way or creates clutter in my house/life. I have managed to save this one pair of pants. Who knows why. I originally bought the black pants with a suit from The Limited in 2003. I remember the mall, who was with me, the smell, and even the weather. I bought the pants for my grad school interviews. These pants are magical. I wore them in college, I wore then 3 weeks post baby (tight), I wore them on my WW glory days and I'm still wearing them today. They are wide leg so they fit my thighs very comfortably. I put them on and I feel like a million bucks! Today is going to be a great day!
Monday, October 7, 2013
all in a day's work
I'm borrowing a stability ball today to see if I notice a difference. It might be more of a distraction but I that's okay, too. After all, it is Monday. Oh! And today is day 10 of my meal plan so I need to touch base with Josh to figure out what is going to happen next.
I'm looking forward to this week. I have time to put in some extra time at the gym. Yeah buddy!
I did my first unassisted hand stand push up this weekend! I was in my kitchen and the mood struck me. I quit what I was doing (which was probably just watching Orange is the New Black) and grabbed a hand towel (for a little cushion) and just tried it. I was so excited. So was Maggie. She was my only witness. Oh, and she's blind! Gesh! Progress. It's been about 2 months since my shoulder finally quit hurting! YEHAWW!
I'm looking forward to this week. I have time to put in some extra time at the gym. Yeah buddy!
I did my first unassisted hand stand push up this weekend! I was in my kitchen and the mood struck me. I quit what I was doing (which was probably just watching Orange is the New Black) and grabbed a hand towel (for a little cushion) and just tried it. I was so excited. So was Maggie. She was my only witness. Oh, and she's blind! Gesh! Progress. It's been about 2 months since my shoulder finally quit hurting! YEHAWW!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
WOD: 20 min AMRAP
P1: 100m overhead carry
P2: wall sit/ ring hold
P3: 5 box jumps, 5 medball burpees, 5 thursters
I hope you can see the video that is posted above. I stole it off Facebook. I first read the caption, "3 hundo failo. I'll get it next time." I scanned over it and the thought about it later. I went back to watch the video. After watching it three times, I kept thinking about it. Not too many people post videos of them failing at a lift or skill. In fact, this might be the first (except the funny ones on youtube) that has appeared on my wall. Most of what people post are status updates of how they conquered their goat or got a new PR. I read all of those updates, "like" the status, and type my congratulatory comments. Truly, I'm happy for people. I love reading about how individuals are improving.
But for some reason, I loved this video. Not because Rick failed. But because he said he'd get it next time.
Isn't that the motivation that drives an individual to succeed? Expectations drive us to get to the next level. Our failures are what motivate us to get up and try again. Our determination is what drives us to keep going. I can't even count how many times I fell on my ass Thursday attempting to get under the bar for a squat snatch. In that case, falling meant I was getting low enough for the catch. But because I didn't do it, made me want it that much more. I probably squat snatched 50 times that evening and I am ready for more.
Failures along the way make the victory that much greater in the end!
Friday, October 4, 2013
5 Tbs of Coconut Oil a day. Straight from the jar! |
run-deadlift-strict pull ups
I want to give a shout out to some of the amazing women I have been working out with this week at Infinity. Denise, Sandy, Katie and Claire! I learned something from every single one of these ladies this week. THAT is what Crossfit is about. THAT is why I don't work out in my garage. THAT is why I keep going. Always room for improvement. If we aren't improving, we are getting worse! WORK!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
I want it baaaaaaaad.
WOD: EMOTM 20 min
1 power clean + 1 squat clean
10 min AMRAP
5 hang clean
5 push press
5 front squat
100 m run
It is so tempting to go back to the old ways of eating. The only good thing about eating the "old way" was it was thoughtless. I had done it for so long I knew exactly what to eat.
Nick and I were talking about dinner plans the other night and someone overheard me say that the boys could eat the Sloppy Joe and I would have the beef. She said, "oh, you don't like Sloppy Joe" and I replied, "yes, I like them but I'd rather just have the beef." She said, "I don't know how you do it." My thought was, it's easy. I want this bad enough.
Then, a friend called me on my way home from work and asked if I wanted to go play Keno (?) at a restaurant/bar. I had free time but how was I going to respond tactfully that I didn't want to go?
1. What the hell is Keno?
2. I don't hang out in bars/restaurants on Wednesday evenings.
3. I'd rather be by myself than sit in public and watch people eat about bunch a crap food and then smell like grease the rest of the night.
This isn't really something new. I'm much more of a coffee shop, let's meet early in the morning type visitor. Instead of just saying, "no, thank you" because that would have lead to an awkward pause, bitchy, weird moment, I just said, "I'm not really up for that. I don't drink, I am really sticking to this plan and I wouldn't be much fun." That entire sentence just came out wrong. Why? Because then it lead to the next question: "What plan are you sticking to?" to which my response was, "I'm not making a big deal out of it, just would rather not go." Huge fail. I need to work on that. Part of me cares and the other part of me doesn't. Instead, I went to the gym and burned my quads practically off my bones. It felt good.
I'm trying hard to figure this out. I don't know about the body or performance results, but my willpower is there. My attitude is there. And my drive.....because I want it bad enough.
1 power clean + 1 squat clean
10 min AMRAP
5 hang clean
5 push press
5 front squat
100 m run
It is so tempting to go back to the old ways of eating. The only good thing about eating the "old way" was it was thoughtless. I had done it for so long I knew exactly what to eat.
Nick and I were talking about dinner plans the other night and someone overheard me say that the boys could eat the Sloppy Joe and I would have the beef. She said, "oh, you don't like Sloppy Joe" and I replied, "yes, I like them but I'd rather just have the beef." She said, "I don't know how you do it." My thought was, it's easy. I want this bad enough.
Then, a friend called me on my way home from work and asked if I wanted to go play Keno (?) at a restaurant/bar. I had free time but how was I going to respond tactfully that I didn't want to go?
1. What the hell is Keno?
2. I don't hang out in bars/restaurants on Wednesday evenings.
3. I'd rather be by myself than sit in public and watch people eat about bunch a crap food and then smell like grease the rest of the night.
This isn't really something new. I'm much more of a coffee shop, let's meet early in the morning type visitor. Instead of just saying, "no, thank you" because that would have lead to an awkward pause, bitchy, weird moment, I just said, "I'm not really up for that. I don't drink, I am really sticking to this plan and I wouldn't be much fun." That entire sentence just came out wrong. Why? Because then it lead to the next question: "What plan are you sticking to?" to which my response was, "I'm not making a big deal out of it, just would rather not go." Huge fail. I need to work on that. Part of me cares and the other part of me doesn't. Instead, I went to the gym and burned my quads practically off my bones. It felt good.
I'm trying hard to figure this out. I don't know about the body or performance results, but my willpower is there. My attitude is there. And my drive.....because I want it bad enough.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Have you had your second chance?
10-8-6-4-2 power snatch
I have the ugliest snatch in this history of snatches. I'd rather do 5000 burpees than do one snatch. Well, that might be a little over kill...
Second chances. For those of you that don't know Nick, his father died from a massive heart attack at the young age of 48. Nick was 21 years old. His mother is an insulin dependent diabetic and has countless problems all related to health and obesity. When Nick turned 24, I mentioned to him that if he continued to live the life that either of his parents lived/was living, his life was already half over. He would die when his kids were 27, 24, 21. That became his motivation.
Both of his parents were given second chances at life and both decided to continue doing what were doing before. Nick decided to take his second chance and make it count.
The choices we all make in life don't only affect us.
I am so proud of Nick and what he has done for himself. Because of his hard work, he is someone's motivation, someone's inspiration, someone's determination to beat, and three little someone's hero!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Day 18: meal update
Today marks the 18th day since I changed my eating routine and increased my daily caloric intake by over 1500 calories. The first 10 days were a little iffy but I was putting my trust in Josh and his expertise. After all, whatever I "thought" I was doing right, wasn't working.
In addition to cleaning up my already clean diet, I cut back on running, sleep at least 9 hours at night and concentrate at the gym.
The results? The first 10 days I gained 2 pounds. I am never really consistent on the scale to begin with so I'm not sure if +2 was an accurate reading. Today when I weighed myself I was a little under 1 pound from what I thought was probably my original start weight.
I mentally had to prepare myself for this insignificant weight recording today. I decided today would be a great day to hop on because yesterday I felt awesome. My muffin top wasn't hanging over my jeans, my stomach felt tight and solid, I had a good bench press weight last week and to top it off, I was in a great mood! A number on the scale this morning wouldn't hurt my mood.
I'm on my second 10-day meal plan. I'd still say I'm in test mode to see exactly where I want to be but we are making progress folks!
I'm learning a lot in this process. My biggest discovery has been the fact that you can't lose weight but eating less! (okay...maybe Nick has been right this entire time)
In addition to cleaning up my already clean diet, I cut back on running, sleep at least 9 hours at night and concentrate at the gym.
The results? The first 10 days I gained 2 pounds. I am never really consistent on the scale to begin with so I'm not sure if +2 was an accurate reading. Today when I weighed myself I was a little under 1 pound from what I thought was probably my original start weight.
I mentally had to prepare myself for this insignificant weight recording today. I decided today would be a great day to hop on because yesterday I felt awesome. My muffin top wasn't hanging over my jeans, my stomach felt tight and solid, I had a good bench press weight last week and to top it off, I was in a great mood! A number on the scale this morning wouldn't hurt my mood.
I'm on my second 10-day meal plan. I'd still say I'm in test mode to see exactly where I want to be but we are making progress folks!
I'm learning a lot in this process. My biggest discovery has been the fact that you can't lose weight but eating less! (okay...maybe Nick has been right this entire time)
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