Wednesday, September 4, 2013


WOD: 2 Rounds
            5 squat snatch
            20 pull ups
            30 push ups
            40 sit ups
            50 squats

              1 mile run

3 days before the competition. Nervous as hell. The thought of being out there in front of people probably crosses my mind at lest once every 30 minutes. I walk into the gym. It's going to be an easy day for me. No heavy weight, just going through the motions. Well, wouldn't you of my teammates decided to drop out of our team. WTF! 3 days before? I wanted to drop out the minute after I said, "yes" but did I? NO. Was I ever going to? NO. Would I do that to my friends? NO. Ugh. Disappointed, yes. The bright side? It shifted my stress to something else besides my performance! I ended up doing the WOD at full speed ready to blast off somebody. Anger is always a good motivator. I worked out and I was over it. We will get another teammate. Probably someone better, someone more dedicated and someone who has put in the work the last 6 weeks. Rant over.

The carrot protein bars: almost gone. It went from a breakfast food to a dessert to a snack. Seriously. I ate an entire row.

To say I obsess about food is an understatement. Ask anyone who spends more than 5 minutes with me. I count calories, chart my protein, fat, and carbs, weigh my food, and map out the entire day before I go to bed the night before. It's crazy, yes. I know this. It's exhausting, but I can almost eyeball any weight. I just never seem to "get" what works for me. I had so much success on Weight Watchers 5 years ago. When I look back at my logs, I was eating 800 calories a day. Well, no wonder the weight was shedding off! (I don't recommend that approach.) Once I started Crossfit the weight slowly crept back on. On in a good way, but the number was (is) getting high. Do I like the way I look? Some days, yes. Most days, no. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a busy body. If I don't feel like I gave 100% one day, then my entire day has been a failure.

I decided to reach out (in other words, hire) someone to help me. I have friend requested him on an app and he is watching what I eat. Nick thinks I'm nuts. He is convinced this guy will tell me the exact same thing Nick says every day: You can't live off of 1300 calories a day! True story. I'm not hoping for a miracle answer, I just want to be more educated. I want someone who knows Crossfit and knows food to give me realistic examples of how to eat. So, stay tuned. I will share more as my journey continues with that!

I'm going on a retreat Thursday and Friday. I have packed my own breakfast and snack food. I'm freaking out about all the crap that will be served. I'm excited to get in some miles out in the woods! Should be a relaxing couple of days before Back at the Ranch!!!

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