About a month ago, I was at GNC buying some protein and pre-workout. I am not a fan of GNC but it's a quick fix when I'm waiting on a shipment. Hungry and at the counter, I started sampling some of the chews. I instantly loved the coconut chew. Caught up in the moment and feeling the urge that I had to have it, I bought two bags.
I started taking the chews in addition to the regular coconut oil that I used while cooking. When Josh recommend that my daily dose of coconut oil should be approximately five tablespoons I was happy. That was easy. I loved it. I began researching all of the benefits to eating coconut oil.
Today I made a shocking discovery. If I wanted to eat all of my daily intake of coconut oil in a chew, I would have to eat 49 chews a day. Then I started to question supplements. Why would anyone waste their money on chews when you can eat the real thing? Do people try to only do supplements thinking they will get what they need and avoid the food all together? Are people convinced that supplements will "fix" the problem?
And where is the balance? And how do we figure out the balance? And once we learn more about it, who do we trust? What resources are valid? Should we be taking supplements at all (assuming we are in good health and not pregnant)?
Real food offers greater nutrition, essential fiber and protective substances. Which brings to back to my meal plan of eating more of the right foods.
Someday we will get this all figured out. Someday...
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
WOD: teams of 4
20 min
P1 & P2: sled push and farmers carry
P3 &P4: 3 wall walks and 10 banded sit ups
A sick child at home made the weekend fairly uneventful. I do not like seeing him sick but it's always a nice break from our hectic life.
I did find time this weekend to go over to our rental property and trim the shrubs and the trees. (I'm warning you, this paragraph will show my craziness.) I got over to the house and trimmed the shrubs in the front yard and thinned out the trees. I didn't have an edger or weed whacker so I started pulling out the tall grass around the fence line and trees. I'm noticing weeds everywhere. I move to the side of the house and thin out the shrubs that were growing a tad wild. I got stung by a bee on the first shrub. Apparently they were building a nest under the ground. I move to the back yard. Holy cow. There were more weeds than there was mulch. I trimmed down the flowers, dead headed the plants, pulled out weeds. With every weed I was growing more angry. WHY?! This isn't even my yard. These people obviously don't care. I trimmed the trees in the back. Every plant I had planted at that house had a meaning. Easter lilies, a friend's iris, a plant here or there. I was about the cry. By the end of this coming week, there will be a new lawn service there to tend to the weeds and clean it up. I left the house feeling so disappointed.
Which brings me to my thought. Why don't people take care of the things they have? Or why do people take care of some things but not others? I don't necessarily LOVE doing yard work, but I take pride in what I have and I want it to look nice. I HATE cleaning out my car and picking up after dirty kids, but I spent a lot of money on my vehicle and I want it to last. It's easier to pick up something quick to eat or go through a drive through but I care more about long term health.
I always say you can tell a lot about a person by the looks of their yard in the summer and their driveway in the winter. I'm still holding true to that statement.
What if everyone treated their bodies like they did their vehicles or their lawns? Some do. Others don't. Why is it so easy to give inanimate objects more care and attention than we give our own bodies? When our oil light comes on, we don't wait 6 months to go get an oil change. Why do people wait to see a doctor when the signs are right there? Why do we consume crap food and then get upset when we can't perform? It's like putting gas mixed with oil in the lawn mower (speaking from experience). Why do we feed our children junk food? It's like saying we will let the grass grow and weeds flourish for another year and then worry about it.
Our bodies and health should be our top priority (and our children). Then our yards, driveways, houses and cars....but we should care about everything. Put in the effort. Appreciate compliments from your friends and family. And take pride in what you have.
This isn't called perfection, it's called being responsible.
Sidenote: New discovery over the weekend! If you have OCD or are lucky to live with someone who does, you MUST get a carpet cleaner. I can't believe I just discovered it. BEST thing ever!
20 min
P1 & P2: sled push and farmers carry
P3 &P4: 3 wall walks and 10 banded sit ups
A sick child at home made the weekend fairly uneventful. I do not like seeing him sick but it's always a nice break from our hectic life.
I did find time this weekend to go over to our rental property and trim the shrubs and the trees. (I'm warning you, this paragraph will show my craziness.) I got over to the house and trimmed the shrubs in the front yard and thinned out the trees. I didn't have an edger or weed whacker so I started pulling out the tall grass around the fence line and trees. I'm noticing weeds everywhere. I move to the side of the house and thin out the shrubs that were growing a tad wild. I got stung by a bee on the first shrub. Apparently they were building a nest under the ground. I move to the back yard. Holy cow. There were more weeds than there was mulch. I trimmed down the flowers, dead headed the plants, pulled out weeds. With every weed I was growing more angry. WHY?! This isn't even my yard. These people obviously don't care. I trimmed the trees in the back. Every plant I had planted at that house had a meaning. Easter lilies, a friend's iris, a plant here or there. I was about the cry. By the end of this coming week, there will be a new lawn service there to tend to the weeds and clean it up. I left the house feeling so disappointed.
Which brings me to my thought. Why don't people take care of the things they have? Or why do people take care of some things but not others? I don't necessarily LOVE doing yard work, but I take pride in what I have and I want it to look nice. I HATE cleaning out my car and picking up after dirty kids, but I spent a lot of money on my vehicle and I want it to last. It's easier to pick up something quick to eat or go through a drive through but I care more about long term health.
I always say you can tell a lot about a person by the looks of their yard in the summer and their driveway in the winter. I'm still holding true to that statement.
What if everyone treated their bodies like they did their vehicles or their lawns? Some do. Others don't. Why is it so easy to give inanimate objects more care and attention than we give our own bodies? When our oil light comes on, we don't wait 6 months to go get an oil change. Why do people wait to see a doctor when the signs are right there? Why do we consume crap food and then get upset when we can't perform? It's like putting gas mixed with oil in the lawn mower (speaking from experience). Why do we feed our children junk food? It's like saying we will let the grass grow and weeds flourish for another year and then worry about it.
Our bodies and health should be our top priority (and our children). Then our yards, driveways, houses and cars....but we should care about everything. Put in the effort. Appreciate compliments from your friends and family. And take pride in what you have.
This isn't called perfection, it's called being responsible.
Sidenote: New discovery over the weekend! If you have OCD or are lucky to live with someone who does, you MUST get a carpet cleaner. I can't believe I just discovered it. BEST thing ever!
Friday, September 27, 2013
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
WOD: Bench 5x5 at 90%
EMOTM for 10 minutes rope climbs (20ft)
EMOTM for 20 minutes hang C&J
There was a breakthrough! Two things happened that gave me faith in my workouts. First, I went in and did my entire workout with no chit chatting! I had my plan, I stuck to it, I stayed focused and I didn't visit with my neighbors until I was walking out the door. Second, my shoulder (knock on wood) didn't bother me during the bench press! I'm not back to my PR but I am only 20 pounds shy and I'm not afraid to keep pushing that number.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
WOD: Bench 5x5 at 90%
EMOTM for 10 minutes rope climbs (20ft)
EMOTM for 20 minutes hang C&J
There was a breakthrough! Two things happened that gave me faith in my workouts. First, I went in and did my entire workout with no chit chatting! I had my plan, I stuck to it, I stayed focused and I didn't visit with my neighbors until I was walking out the door. Second, my shoulder (knock on wood) didn't bother me during the bench press! I'm not back to my PR but I am only 20 pounds shy and I'm not afraid to keep pushing that number.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
how little has changed
February 2009, I started my fitness journey.
Someone asked me why I wanted to get in shape and this was my response:
"I want my children to grow up understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I want them to see the way I live and think that is "normal." I want to educate them on smart food choices and share with them my job and satisfaction from reaching new goals. I push myself to a new limit for ME. I hope that one day they will do that for themselves also."
I am happy that I stumbled across that quote today. Through the years, miles, sweat, calories and WODs, it still all comes down to a healthy lifestyle for myself and my family.
check out this old gem:
Someone asked me why I wanted to get in shape and this was my response:
"I want my children to grow up understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I want them to see the way I live and think that is "normal." I want to educate them on smart food choices and share with them my job and satisfaction from reaching new goals. I push myself to a new limit for ME. I hope that one day they will do that for themselves also."
I am happy that I stumbled across that quote today. Through the years, miles, sweat, calories and WODs, it still all comes down to a healthy lifestyle for myself and my family.
check out this old gem:
3 miles
6 hours later...
WOD: 1 minute max calorie row
hand release push ups
sit ups
I went to the gym with one thing in mind: giving 100% during the WOD. It was a quick WOD so it was easy to push myself. I was pleased with my performance. As much as I do NOT care about how others perform at the gym, I did want to beat Nick's time. And for maybe the second time in my life, it happened! I finished that last sit up, looked at the clock and JUMPED! up off the mat to shove it in his face. I WON! I WON! I BEAT YOU!!!!!
It kinda felt good to say that!
6 hours later...
WOD: 1 minute max calorie row
hand release push ups
sit ups
I went to the gym with one thing in mind: giving 100% during the WOD. It was a quick WOD so it was easy to push myself. I was pleased with my performance. As much as I do NOT care about how others perform at the gym, I did want to beat Nick's time. And for maybe the second time in my life, it happened! I finished that last sit up, looked at the clock and JUMPED! up off the mat to shove it in his face. I WON! I WON! I BEAT YOU!!!!!
It kinda felt good to say that!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Run 3 miles
Notice a trend?! I can't seem to make it to the gym to get in a WOD so here I am running, and running, and running.
The entire commute to work this morning thoughts were going through my mind about how I was going to compose this post today. I had my meeting with my food guy. I'm not sure why I call him my food guy. He has a name, Josh. Let me rewind back to the beginning. I reached out to a friend and asked her about Josh. I didn't know him personally. I have read his articles and posts. I have heard about his die hard attitude to diet and fitness and I admire that. Nervous as heck, I sent him an email. I didn't know what to say, how to say it or what I expected. The email went something like this:
I have excuses. But, I'm driven, I'm dedicated, and I can give 100% IF I knew how. All I know right now is I don't like what I see and I need help fixing it.
The same day we started the 10 day food details. Today we met for the first time. Still nervous, anxious to meet him and hear what he had to say, I drove over there. He pulls out his computer and starts taking notes. I'm describing my food, activity level, purposely leaving out all excuses and owning up to what I did or did not do. I found myself saying things like, "I don't like my stomach area, I wish I could work on my back." I stopped myself and started laughing. I sounded ridiculous.
God has blessed me with a healthy body. Will there ever be a time when I am happy with it? There are so many things that could be wrong in my life, that aren't. Why in the world are these my issues?!
Josh smiled and assured me that it's okay to want to look/feel better. We will do some tweaking to the plan. The meals will change and the number of times I'm eating will change. We will revisit the plan every 10 days to make adjustments.
A few changes: NO RUNNING unless sprints. If I workout, I will workout at 100% and not chit chat. Give it all I've got during the slotted time period.
He also suggested I take pictures of myself. (remember my post from yesterday?) Pictures. Just what I need.... haha
My journey will continue. I have faith and I have determination!
Notice a trend?! I can't seem to make it to the gym to get in a WOD so here I am running, and running, and running.
The entire commute to work this morning thoughts were going through my mind about how I was going to compose this post today. I had my meeting with my food guy. I'm not sure why I call him my food guy. He has a name, Josh. Let me rewind back to the beginning. I reached out to a friend and asked her about Josh. I didn't know him personally. I have read his articles and posts. I have heard about his die hard attitude to diet and fitness and I admire that. Nervous as heck, I sent him an email. I didn't know what to say, how to say it or what I expected. The email went something like this:
I have excuses. But, I'm driven, I'm dedicated, and I can give 100% IF I knew how. All I know right now is I don't like what I see and I need help fixing it.
The same day we started the 10 day food details. Today we met for the first time. Still nervous, anxious to meet him and hear what he had to say, I drove over there. He pulls out his computer and starts taking notes. I'm describing my food, activity level, purposely leaving out all excuses and owning up to what I did or did not do. I found myself saying things like, "I don't like my stomach area, I wish I could work on my back." I stopped myself and started laughing. I sounded ridiculous.
God has blessed me with a healthy body. Will there ever be a time when I am happy with it? There are so many things that could be wrong in my life, that aren't. Why in the world are these my issues?!
Josh smiled and assured me that it's okay to want to look/feel better. We will do some tweaking to the plan. The meals will change and the number of times I'm eating will change. We will revisit the plan every 10 days to make adjustments.
A few changes: NO RUNNING unless sprints. If I workout, I will workout at 100% and not chit chat. Give it all I've got during the slotted time period.
He also suggested I take pictures of myself. (remember my post from yesterday?) Pictures. Just what I need.... haha
My journey will continue. I have faith and I have determination!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
mirror, mirror on the wall
3.5 mile run- easy pace
If you've noticed I haven't posted any WODs recently it is because I haven't gone to the gym! Holy smokes! Not working out is an excuse. I have a gym in my garage and a treadmill in my basement. Luckily, I can catch up on Law & Order reruns while running so I opt for the miles!
I'm always thinking things through on my commute to work. The mirror. Isn't it crazy how you can stand in front of a mirror and one minute LOVE the way you look and the next minute find 5 million flaws? What the heck is that about. And if you get on the scale and the number is decent your reflection in the mirror looks even better. Those 5 million flaws aren't so bad after all. If the number on the scale is higher than you expected those 5 million flaws just are now intensified.
The mirror is just a mirror. A mirror image of how we think we see ourselves. A mirror image is a reversed image of ourselves. I can tilt my head, angle down, suck in, twist to hide a curve, etc.
A picture is a true testament of how others see us. A picture captures different angles. It shows true actual reflection of yourself.
Let's spend more time taking pictures and less time in front of the mirror!
If you've noticed I haven't posted any WODs recently it is because I haven't gone to the gym! Holy smokes! Not working out is an excuse. I have a gym in my garage and a treadmill in my basement. Luckily, I can catch up on Law & Order reruns while running so I opt for the miles!
I'm always thinking things through on my commute to work. The mirror. Isn't it crazy how you can stand in front of a mirror and one minute LOVE the way you look and the next minute find 5 million flaws? What the heck is that about. And if you get on the scale and the number is decent your reflection in the mirror looks even better. Those 5 million flaws aren't so bad after all. If the number on the scale is higher than you expected those 5 million flaws just are now intensified.
The mirror is just a mirror. A mirror image of how we think we see ourselves. A mirror image is a reversed image of ourselves. I can tilt my head, angle down, suck in, twist to hide a curve, etc.
A picture is a true testament of how others see us. A picture captures different angles. It shows true actual reflection of yourself.
Let's spend more time taking pictures and less time in front of the mirror!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
3 miles - race pace
Tonight I enjoyed an evening run with Nick. There wasn't much catching up or chit chatting along the way. I was running at my max pace.
I'm on day 9 of the meal plan. I wouldn't say I cheated, but I strayed a little on Friday night due to a wedding and today due to a baptism. I won't call it a "cheat day" because it was one meal, two different days.
I hope to meet with my food guru this week to talk about an action plan for continuing this and seeing results.
I hope to get in some good workouts this week. I'm ready to push myself!
Tonight I enjoyed an evening run with Nick. There wasn't much catching up or chit chatting along the way. I was running at my max pace.
I'm on day 9 of the meal plan. I wouldn't say I cheated, but I strayed a little on Friday night due to a wedding and today due to a baptism. I won't call it a "cheat day" because it was one meal, two different days.
I hope to meet with my food guru this week to talk about an action plan for continuing this and seeing results.
I hope to get in some good workouts this week. I'm ready to push myself!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
WOD: Helen (3 rounds for time)
400 m run
21 KB swings
12 pull ups
15 hspu's
6 sled push
Day 5 on my meal plan. I feel like I have gained 150 pounds from eating. I'm always stuffed to the gills and feel like I can't possible shove any more food in my mouth. Each meal takes at least 10 minutes longer than usual and I have to drink a lot of water to wash it down. BUT...day 5 means I'm half way there. Half way to what, I don't really know but I guess the results will come. Thank goodness I lack the need for variety because I'm still eating the same food everyday. Favorite meal of the day? Dinner. Why? Because I eat about half of what I eat for breakfast and lunch.
400 m run
21 KB swings
12 pull ups
15 hspu's
6 sled push
Day 5 on my meal plan. I feel like I have gained 150 pounds from eating. I'm always stuffed to the gills and feel like I can't possible shove any more food in my mouth. Each meal takes at least 10 minutes longer than usual and I have to drink a lot of water to wash it down. BUT...day 5 means I'm half way there. Half way to what, I don't really know but I guess the results will come. Thank goodness I lack the need for variety because I'm still eating the same food everyday. Favorite meal of the day? Dinner. Why? Because I eat about half of what I eat for breakfast and lunch.
This is my new favorite picture. Check out the smile on Parker's face!!! |
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
WOD: with partner
60 wb passovers
200 m run with dball
30 burpee jump overs
200 m run with dball
20 box jump overs
200 m run with dball
1 mile run
Everyone loves the fall weather. Turn off the a/c, open the windows, pull out the hoodies. Cooler weather for a working lady= pull out the dress pants! AHHH! You know the drill. Eat breakfast, go to the bathroom, look in the mirror at least 3 times to make sure you look skinny enough. Then, walk to the closet, scan the rack for the "good" pants, breathe in-pull up- lean over- button- hook...Viola! Good news: the pants still fit!
I'm on day 4 of my meal plans. I'm not feeling convinced but I will keep going. I wonder what I will do when the 10 days is up?
More to come.
60 wb passovers
200 m run with dball
30 burpee jump overs
200 m run with dball
20 box jump overs
200 m run with dball
1 mile run
Lunch: Day 4 |
I'm on day 4 of my meal plans. I'm not feeling convinced but I will keep going. I wonder what I will do when the 10 days is up?
More to come.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
up in here, up in here
WOD: Teams of 3
15 min
legless rope climbs (P 1 & 2)
burpee lunges (P 3)
before & after Core Test
A few pictures of the new gym! It's wonderful. It's clean! It smells news! AND, I'm starting to walk in and feel like I belong. I do love some treadmill action on the side, too. I'm ready to get some new PR's in here!
15 min
legless rope climbs (P 1 & 2)
burpee lunges (P 3)
before & after Core Test
A few pictures of the new gym! It's wonderful. It's clean! It smells news! AND, I'm starting to walk in and feel like I belong. I do love some treadmill action on the side, too. I'm ready to get some new PR's in here!
i'm a liar
I couldn't take it any longer.... I had to figure out exactly how much food I was consuming. So much for the NOT going to worry about it!
I fixed my breakfast. It took a little bit longer than usual but I woke up at 6am to get the day started. I had to stomach down what was left on my plate and then I realized I forgot the avocado. I felt so full. I felt like I was going to explode.
I did a little myfitnesspal for today's meals and this is what I came up with: 2,498 calories. Of my diet, 65% fat, 26% protein, and 9% carbs. I'm trying not to think about this. Regardless, I'm sticking with this for 10 days because apparently I've been doing everything wrong. So, this is my opportunity to learn. (I can't believe I ate almost 2500 calories and 0 of that came from chocolate, wth?!)
This is some of my breakfast and my dinner. I ate so much food today. I still can't even believe it.
9 more days of this... Have you ever taken a spoon full of coconut oil and ate it? I did, three times day. That means, only 27 more times. Oh crap.
I fixed my breakfast. It took a little bit longer than usual but I woke up at 6am to get the day started. I had to stomach down what was left on my plate and then I realized I forgot the avocado. I felt so full. I felt like I was going to explode.
I did a little myfitnesspal for today's meals and this is what I came up with: 2,498 calories. Of my diet, 65% fat, 26% protein, and 9% carbs. I'm trying not to think about this. Regardless, I'm sticking with this for 10 days because apparently I've been doing everything wrong. So, this is my opportunity to learn. (I can't believe I ate almost 2500 calories and 0 of that came from chocolate, wth?!)
This is some of my breakfast and my dinner. I ate so much food today. I still can't even believe it.
9 more days of this... Have you ever taken a spoon full of coconut oil and ate it? I did, three times day. That means, only 27 more times. Oh crap.
Friday, September 13, 2013
wild Friday night
WOD: 20-15-10
hang snatch
10 40 sec 100m sprints
I've been working on a project for ummm.....19 months. I finally have everything I need to make it happen BUT it hasn't happened. I think I have memorized the technical guide and can program the entire thing with my eyes closed. SO JUST WORK ALREADY!
Needless to say, today's WOD relieved a lot of built up stress and it was a great start to the weekend. The weather is wonderful. (I'm already wearing sweat pants and I'm freezing in the house.) I can't wait to run outside and feel that brisk air hit my face and watch the dew rise off the fields.
Tomorrow three important things are happening. 1) Connor's first football game 2) Infinity Open House 3) My new dietary plan is starting!
This is what I did tonight. Check this out:
hang snatch
10 40 sec 100m sprints
I've been working on a project for ummm.....19 months. I finally have everything I need to make it happen BUT it hasn't happened. I think I have memorized the technical guide and can program the entire thing with my eyes closed. SO JUST WORK ALREADY!
Needless to say, today's WOD relieved a lot of built up stress and it was a great start to the weekend. The weather is wonderful. (I'm already wearing sweat pants and I'm freezing in the house.) I can't wait to run outside and feel that brisk air hit my face and watch the dew rise off the fields.
Tomorrow three important things are happening. 1) Connor's first football game 2) Infinity Open House 3) My new dietary plan is starting!
This is what I did tonight. Check this out:
My sister bought me this handy scale for Christmas last year. It was the perfect gift to add to my obsessive measuring behavior. I cooked all of my beef that I'm supposed to eat for lunch and divided it into 4oz containers.
I'm NOT going to weigh myself for 10 days. I'm NOT going to fall off the plan. I'm NOT going to count the calories on the food list. I'm NOT going to think about it. I can do this!
Sidenote: I had a wonderful birthday. I received a text that said, "Have a wonderful strong day." and my reply was, "Everyday is wonderful and I'm strong so...just a typical day." Bad moods take too much energy.
Off to bed. Tomorrow's WOD will be here before I even have time to prepare this massive breakfast I'm scheduled to eat!
Being 32 makes me tired.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
birthday, WHAT?!
8 KB Swings 53#
1 min hollow rocks
1 min burpess
1 min squats
Every year I feel like I have to "prove" to myself that I still have what it takes. I'm sure I exactly know what it takes, but I walk into the gym on a mission to KILL the WOD for the day. My 30th birthday I did my first unassisted pull up (11 in a row, thankyouverymuch), 31st did this crazy workout with 5 consecutive rope climbs for 5 rounds, 32nd (see above). It was 103 degrees when I got into my car to head to the gym so my "kill it" attitude was quickly forgotten when the reality of the heat sunk in.
FOOD GUY: Last week (or the week before) I shared with you that I was working with someone to help me with my food. He suggested that I log my food for a few days and then he will get an idea of what I'm doing so he could make suggestions. I tracked my food. I realized that some days were better than others. Overall, I don't make crappy food decisions. I tend to lean towards quality food and reasonable choices, I just tend to not stay consistent on my fat intake or I will eat like 800 calories one day and 2000 the next. It's a roller coaster. I admire people that have this under control because I do not!
I heard back from him yesterday. I went almost exactly like this (not exaggerating): "Congratulations, I reviewed what you have been eating and the good news is you are doing EVERYTHING wrong! So...if you commit to my suggestions, EVERYTHING will change!"
I'm laughing. What the hell.
So, starting on Saturday, I will follow his suggestions and report back in 10 days. I give him credit. Everything he suggested was reason, nothing fancy, nothing expensive. This will be very manageable.
8 KB Swings 53#
1 min hollow rocks
1 min burpess
1 min squats
Every year I feel like I have to "prove" to myself that I still have what it takes. I'm sure I exactly know what it takes, but I walk into the gym on a mission to KILL the WOD for the day. My 30th birthday I did my first unassisted pull up (11 in a row, thankyouverymuch), 31st did this crazy workout with 5 consecutive rope climbs for 5 rounds, 32nd (see above). It was 103 degrees when I got into my car to head to the gym so my "kill it" attitude was quickly forgotten when the reality of the heat sunk in.
birthday selfie |
I heard back from him yesterday. I went almost exactly like this (not exaggerating): "Congratulations, I reviewed what you have been eating and the good news is you are doing EVERYTHING wrong! So...if you commit to my suggestions, EVERYTHING will change!"
I'm laughing. What the hell.
So, starting on Saturday, I will follow his suggestions and report back in 10 days. I give him credit. Everything he suggested was reason, nothing fancy, nothing expensive. This will be very manageable.
WOD: 10, 9, 8, 7...1 rounds for time
hang snatches 65#
deadlift 135#
KB swings 44#
pull ups
2 mile run
Lesson learned: don't walk into the gym without a plan! We made this up and what we thought it wouldn't be long and it ended up taking FOREVER! I ripped the skin on my hands between my knuckle and joint. Weird place.
So, here is some REALLY good news. I was talking to my brother yesterday and he told me that he started going to a Crossfit gym! He didn't sound convinced but didn't sound discouraged...yet! I can't wait. He will "drink the juice" and become addicted. He has to. This attitude is in his blood!
Although we have always been separated by many miles, we share the same passion for running. He was the first in my family to run a marathon and it wasn't long after that we all ran the Army 10milers together. I'll keep you posted on his progress! Maybe he can even be a guest blogger someday....
Sidenote: my mom wins the marathon race total. Next month she will complete race #9 (who's counting?)
hang snatches 65#
deadlift 135#
KB swings 44#
pull ups
2 mile run
Lesson learned: don't walk into the gym without a plan! We made this up and what we thought it wouldn't be long and it ended up taking FOREVER! I ripped the skin on my hands between my knuckle and joint. Weird place.
So, here is some REALLY good news. I was talking to my brother yesterday and he told me that he started going to a Crossfit gym! He didn't sound convinced but didn't sound discouraged...yet! I can't wait. He will "drink the juice" and become addicted. He has to. This attitude is in his blood!
Although we have always been separated by many miles, we share the same passion for running. He was the first in my family to run a marathon and it wasn't long after that we all ran the Army 10milers together. I'll keep you posted on his progress! Maybe he can even be a guest blogger someday....
Sidenote: my mom wins the marathon race total. Next month she will complete race #9 (who's counting?)
![]() | |||
This is a picture of my family running the Army 10 miler together! |
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
"sometimes the right path is not the easiest one" -Grandmother Willow
![]() |
After a few times, it becomes easier so you challenge yourself. You push yourself to skip a step, move faster, time yourself.
After multiple attempts it becomes second nature. You find the next challenge.
And forget the elevator. That is for the weak.
*photo by K. Lush. St. Mary's Hall has exactly 74 stairs to the 4th floor- my office :)
Monday, September 9, 2013
rest day
My typical Monday: drop off kids at 7:30am
work 8:30-4:30 (lunch at my desk)
football at 5:30pm
soccer game at 6pm
drop off kids from football at 8pm
homework, showers, reading, bed 9pm
dinner....what am I going to do for dinner?
Today wasn't a scheduled rest day. I try to "rest" every 7th day (Just like J.C., ya know).
My breakfast was eggs. My lunch was Parker's eggs that he didn't eat for breakfast. Don't judge. I was running out the door and had to pack something! And dinner was frozen chicken breast in the microwave.
I threw in the towel today. I didn't "cheat" at all today and NO SUGAR!!!!!
My typical Monday: drop off kids at 7:30am
work 8:30-4:30 (lunch at my desk)
football at 5:30pm
soccer game at 6pm
drop off kids from football at 8pm
homework, showers, reading, bed 9pm
dinner....what am I going to do for dinner?
Today wasn't a scheduled rest day. I try to "rest" every 7th day (Just like J.C., ya know).
My breakfast was eggs. My lunch was Parker's eggs that he didn't eat for breakfast. Don't judge. I was running out the door and had to pack something! And dinner was frozen chicken breast in the microwave.
I threw in the towel today. I didn't "cheat" at all today and NO SUGAR!!!!!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Back at the Ranch Competition
First off, there aren't enough pictures on my camera to do this competition justice. It was crazy. I was scared out of my mind. The only goal I had was to not have an accident in my pants from being scared.
I don't even know where to begin. I had to be there at 6:30am. By 7:30am I was loaded on a party bus (stripper pole and all) and headed to a remote location. We get off the bus and our team was given an 8' 4x4 and told to run. Hills, fields, hills, road, field, hills and finish. Okay. (huge relief having the run be first, I can run, I've done that before, I can run fast if I have to) Running, not so bad. My team did great. We were the third team to finish. (50 teams total in the competition) Okay, great. Got that done. Time to rest.
Second WOD was not as pretty. Jumping squats, swing across a ditch and land on straw, kettle bell swings, sled push. The sled push was nasty. It was in grass, going uphill. Being in the first heat did not have any advantages, lets just say that. I was so tired on the second round I don't even remember squatting. (I was almost in a blackout stage. I didn't hear anything around me and I was just puhsing myself to give more.) At this point I was getting upset with myself. I should have done better, I should have pushed faster, I should have, should have, should have....
Third WOD was a team scavenger hunt. 300 squats, 150 pistols, max burpess while someone on your team is out getting bales of straw or swimming for flags. Kyle and I went out to the lake to grab the flags, Kevin found one flag in the tree and then we found 3 bales of straw. Okay, that was fine. We did well and I even contributed to 5 pistols! Making progress there. (Who holds an event in a field full of ragweed, in September, and adds 250 bales of hay?! Someone that has never experienced allergies, apparently.)
Fourth WOD was the strength. Max back squat with 3 ring muscle ups in between attempts. We each took two attempts and I squatted my 1 rep max. Okay. I did the best I could with that one. (Would have been the perfect opportunity to try for a PR. Lesson learned.)
Going into the 4th WOD, we were in 12th place. In the back of my head, I knew Kevin really wanted to be in the top 10. (This was noted after I made the comment I didn't want to come in last place!) After the last WOD, we were in 10th place (even better, we tied with another team from our gym)!
I'm not sure if I'm up for doing another competition. I gained valuable lessons from this experience. Two of the three kids were there to watch. That was a wonderful feeling having them be a part of the day also. I was so worried about letting my team down. I know that they know I tried my hardest. I just fear that they thought my "hardest" was better than what I was able to do. I don't mean that in an "oh feel sorry for me" type of way. I just mean it like maybe next time they would want someone stronger, faster, better... I hate letting people down.
The big group picture is of everyone from Infinity who competed today. What a fun group!!!
First off, there aren't enough pictures on my camera to do this competition justice. It was crazy. I was scared out of my mind. The only goal I had was to not have an accident in my pants from being scared.
I don't even know where to begin. I had to be there at 6:30am. By 7:30am I was loaded on a party bus (stripper pole and all) and headed to a remote location. We get off the bus and our team was given an 8' 4x4 and told to run. Hills, fields, hills, road, field, hills and finish. Okay. (huge relief having the run be first, I can run, I've done that before, I can run fast if I have to) Running, not so bad. My team did great. We were the third team to finish. (50 teams total in the competition) Okay, great. Got that done. Time to rest.
Second WOD was not as pretty. Jumping squats, swing across a ditch and land on straw, kettle bell swings, sled push. The sled push was nasty. It was in grass, going uphill. Being in the first heat did not have any advantages, lets just say that. I was so tired on the second round I don't even remember squatting. (I was almost in a blackout stage. I didn't hear anything around me and I was just puhsing myself to give more.) At this point I was getting upset with myself. I should have done better, I should have pushed faster, I should have, should have, should have....
Third WOD was a team scavenger hunt. 300 squats, 150 pistols, max burpess while someone on your team is out getting bales of straw or swimming for flags. Kyle and I went out to the lake to grab the flags, Kevin found one flag in the tree and then we found 3 bales of straw. Okay, that was fine. We did well and I even contributed to 5 pistols! Making progress there. (Who holds an event in a field full of ragweed, in September, and adds 250 bales of hay?! Someone that has never experienced allergies, apparently.)
Fourth WOD was the strength. Max back squat with 3 ring muscle ups in between attempts. We each took two attempts and I squatted my 1 rep max. Okay. I did the best I could with that one. (Would have been the perfect opportunity to try for a PR. Lesson learned.)
Going into the 4th WOD, we were in 12th place. In the back of my head, I knew Kevin really wanted to be in the top 10. (This was noted after I made the comment I didn't want to come in last place!) After the last WOD, we were in 10th place (even better, we tied with another team from our gym)!
I'm not sure if I'm up for doing another competition. I gained valuable lessons from this experience. Two of the three kids were there to watch. That was a wonderful feeling having them be a part of the day also. I was so worried about letting my team down. I know that they know I tried my hardest. I just fear that they thought my "hardest" was better than what I was able to do. I don't mean that in an "oh feel sorry for me" type of way. I just mean it like maybe next time they would want someone stronger, faster, better... I hate letting people down.
The big group picture is of everyone from Infinity who competed today. What a fun group!!!
What does one take to a competition that is in the middle of a field, has two ponds and no WODs posted?
- 2 pairs of Nanos (old and current)
- Running shoes
- Vibrams
- 4 tank tops
- 4 bras
- 6 pairs of shorts
- 1 pair of pants
- 2 t-shirts
- 4 pairs of socks
- 4 headbands
OH! and the best news is, I didn't have any accidents in my pants!!!
my journey
Thursday: hike 4.5 miles
Friday: Run 4miles
70 squats
25 sit ups
This is my journey. I did not invite anyone to come along. I am only doing this for myself. I welcome any encouragement and avoid any negative comments. This is my lifestyle, this isn't a trend. We are all on a journey following different paths. No one asked you to follow. You can go your own way and I will be just as supportive. To each their own.
You never know where someone is on their journey or how far they have come. I wish my feelings were as strong as my heart. Sometimes people can poke fun and laugh when it's only for their own pleasure.
Unfortunately, sometimes they are they people that we have to see everyday.
On a different note:
Friday: Run 4miles
70 squats
25 sit ups
This is my journey. I did not invite anyone to come along. I am only doing this for myself. I welcome any encouragement and avoid any negative comments. This is my lifestyle, this isn't a trend. We are all on a journey following different paths. No one asked you to follow. You can go your own way and I will be just as supportive. To each their own.
You never know where someone is on their journey or how far they have come. I wish my feelings were as strong as my heart. Sometimes people can poke fun and laugh when it's only for their own pleasure.
Unfortunately, sometimes they are they people that we have to see everyday.
On a different note:
I have to give a shout out to two of my co-workers who joined me on my Friday morning (early) run. It was such a peaceful morning. The brisk air, the calm trees and deer running along the road. It was one of those moments in time when nothing seemed to matter.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
a new home

My home away from home box is Crossfit Cohesion in New Phila. Check that one out if you are in the area!
I stole these pictures off Facebook but here's a picture of the outside of the buidling and a picture of Nick from our partner WOD on Monday.
WOD: 2 Rounds
5 squat snatch
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
1 mile run
3 days before the competition. Nervous as hell. The thought of being out there in front of people probably crosses my mind at lest once every 30 minutes. I walk into the gym. It's going to be an easy day for me. No heavy weight, just going through the motions. Well, wouldn't you know...one of my teammates decided to drop out of our team. WTF! 3 days before? I wanted to drop out the minute after I said, "yes" but did I? NO. Was I ever going to? NO. Would I do that to my friends? NO. Ugh. Disappointed, yes. The bright side? It shifted my stress to something else besides my performance! I ended up doing the WOD at full speed ready to blast off somebody. Anger is always a good motivator. I worked out and I was over it. We will get another teammate. Probably someone better, someone more dedicated and someone who has put in the work the last 6 weeks. Rant over.
The carrot protein bars: almost gone. It went from a breakfast food to a dessert to a snack. Seriously. I ate an entire row.
To say I obsess about food is an understatement. Ask anyone who spends more than 5 minutes with me. I count calories, chart my protein, fat, and carbs, weigh my food, and map out the entire day before I go to bed the night before. It's crazy, yes. I know this. It's exhausting, but I can almost eyeball any weight. I just never seem to "get" what works for me. I had so much success on Weight Watchers 5 years ago. When I look back at my logs, I was eating 800 calories a day. Well, no wonder the weight was shedding off! (I don't recommend that approach.) Once I started Crossfit the weight slowly crept back on. On in a good way, but the number was (is) getting high. Do I like the way I look? Some days, yes. Most days, no. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a busy body. If I don't feel like I gave 100% one day, then my entire day has been a failure.
I decided to reach out (in other words, hire) someone to help me. I have friend requested him on an app and he is watching what I eat. Nick thinks I'm nuts. He is convinced this guy will tell me the exact same thing Nick says every day: You can't live off of 1300 calories a day! True story. I'm not hoping for a miracle answer, I just want to be more educated. I want someone who knows Crossfit and knows food to give me realistic examples of how to eat. So, stay tuned. I will share more as my journey continues with that!
I'm going on a retreat Thursday and Friday. I have packed my own breakfast and snack food. I'm freaking out about all the crap that will be served. I'm excited to get in some miles out in the woods! Should be a relaxing couple of days before Back at the Ranch!!!
5 squat snatch
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
1 mile run
3 days before the competition. Nervous as hell. The thought of being out there in front of people probably crosses my mind at lest once every 30 minutes. I walk into the gym. It's going to be an easy day for me. No heavy weight, just going through the motions. Well, wouldn't you know...one of my teammates decided to drop out of our team. WTF! 3 days before? I wanted to drop out the minute after I said, "yes" but did I? NO. Was I ever going to? NO. Would I do that to my friends? NO. Ugh. Disappointed, yes. The bright side? It shifted my stress to something else besides my performance! I ended up doing the WOD at full speed ready to blast off somebody. Anger is always a good motivator. I worked out and I was over it. We will get another teammate. Probably someone better, someone more dedicated and someone who has put in the work the last 6 weeks. Rant over.
The carrot protein bars: almost gone. It went from a breakfast food to a dessert to a snack. Seriously. I ate an entire row.
To say I obsess about food is an understatement. Ask anyone who spends more than 5 minutes with me. I count calories, chart my protein, fat, and carbs, weigh my food, and map out the entire day before I go to bed the night before. It's crazy, yes. I know this. It's exhausting, but I can almost eyeball any weight. I just never seem to "get" what works for me. I had so much success on Weight Watchers 5 years ago. When I look back at my logs, I was eating 800 calories a day. Well, no wonder the weight was shedding off! (I don't recommend that approach.) Once I started Crossfit the weight slowly crept back on. On in a good way, but the number was (is) getting high. Do I like the way I look? Some days, yes. Most days, no. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a busy body. If I don't feel like I gave 100% one day, then my entire day has been a failure.
I decided to reach out (in other words, hire) someone to help me. I have friend requested him on an app and he is watching what I eat. Nick thinks I'm nuts. He is convinced this guy will tell me the exact same thing Nick says every day: You can't live off of 1300 calories a day! True story. I'm not hoping for a miracle answer, I just want to be more educated. I want someone who knows Crossfit and knows food to give me realistic examples of how to eat. So, stay tuned. I will share more as my journey continues with that!
I'm going on a retreat Thursday and Friday. I have packed my own breakfast and snack food. I'm freaking out about all the crap that will be served. I'm excited to get in some miles out in the woods! Should be a relaxing couple of days before Back at the Ranch!!!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
WOD: 4 Rounds for time
500 m row
20 DUs
I know I've mentioned this little competition coming up on Saturday....and that I'm a tad bit nervous?! Today I went to the gym to work on some of my skills (or lack there of). I started practicing with what I thought was the 95# atlas stone. It took a little bit of effort but I was able to get it to my shoulder. Only later to find out that I was using the 115# stone. Okay, I think I have that covered. Moved on to the ring swings. I attempted these as a kid at the lake but never as an adult and I had no idea what was going to happen. Well, it worked! I had a lot of fin.Who knows is that will be at the competition, but I was able to try something new and I didn't give up when I got scared. Making progress.
After the workout, I came home and made some delicious Carrot Protein Breakfast Bars. Who cares about breakfast, these are like dessert!
Carrot Breakfast Protein Cake
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 35 mins
Total time: 45 mins
Serves: 8
2 large carrots, finely shredded
⅔ cup almond butter
2 eggs
3 tablespoons raw honey
35 grams (or 1 heaping scoop) Formulx Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (or 2 tablespoons coconut flour if you do not eat use protein powder)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
½ cup raisins
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Shred carrots as thin as possible. Place in large bowl.
Add almond butter and eggs and mix well.
Then add honey, protein powder, cinnamon, baking powder and salt and mix well.
Fold in raisins.
Grease an 8×8 glass baking dish with coconut oil, pour batter into the dish and place in oven. Bake for 35 minutes or until the top of the cake has a nice crust to it.
Let cool before cutting.
Makes 8 pieces of cake
(I doubled the recipe and used a 9x13 dish)
500 m row
20 DUs
I know I've mentioned this little competition coming up on Saturday....and that I'm a tad bit nervous?! Today I went to the gym to work on some of my skills (or lack there of). I started practicing with what I thought was the 95# atlas stone. It took a little bit of effort but I was able to get it to my shoulder. Only later to find out that I was using the 115# stone. Okay, I think I have that covered. Moved on to the ring swings. I attempted these as a kid at the lake but never as an adult and I had no idea what was going to happen. Well, it worked! I had a lot of fin.Who knows is that will be at the competition, but I was able to try something new and I didn't give up when I got scared. Making progress.
After the workout, I came home and made some delicious Carrot Protein Breakfast Bars. Who cares about breakfast, these are like dessert!
Carrot Breakfast Protein Cake
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 35 mins
Total time: 45 mins
Serves: 8
2 large carrots, finely shredded
⅔ cup almond butter
2 eggs
3 tablespoons raw honey
35 grams (or 1 heaping scoop) Formulx Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (or 2 tablespoons coconut flour if you do not eat use protein powder)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
½ cup raisins
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Shred carrots as thin as possible. Place in large bowl.
Add almond butter and eggs and mix well.
Then add honey, protein powder, cinnamon, baking powder and salt and mix well.
Fold in raisins.
Grease an 8×8 glass baking dish with coconut oil, pour batter into the dish and place in oven. Bake for 35 minutes or until the top of the cake has a nice crust to it.
Let cool before cutting.
Makes 8 pieces of cake
(I doubled the recipe and used a 9x13 dish)
WOD: Teams of 2:
Wall Balls
Dball slams
Mason Twists (L=R=1)
*After each element, 20 G2OH
I wish I had a picture of what Nick and I looked like after this workout! Oooohhhh mmmmm ggggeeeee, it was HOT! About one element into the WOD, I started regretting asking Nick to be my partner. He is just so stinking fast that I would just get a breath and it was my turn again. It felt great to be pushed and when it was over I felt like I had worked. No complaints.
The new gym is ah-mazing! I will take pictures this week to show it off. It was fun to feel the energy the new building has brought to so many people.
5 days until my first Crossfit competition. I'm trying not to think about it or I will just freak out and run away. Speaking of running...when I get nervous, I always feel the need to run. In my mind, running will make it all go away.
Nick has drill this weekend so he won't even be there to watch. Gosh.... the things I get myself into sometimes.
Wall Balls
Dball slams
Mason Twists (L=R=1)
*After each element, 20 G2OH
I wish I had a picture of what Nick and I looked like after this workout! Oooohhhh mmmmm ggggeeeee, it was HOT! About one element into the WOD, I started regretting asking Nick to be my partner. He is just so stinking fast that I would just get a breath and it was my turn again. It felt great to be pushed and when it was over I felt like I had worked. No complaints.
The new gym is ah-mazing! I will take pictures this week to show it off. It was fun to feel the energy the new building has brought to so many people.
5 days until my first Crossfit competition. I'm trying not to think about it or I will just freak out and run away. Speaking of running...when I get nervous, I always feel the need to run. In my mind, running will make it all go away.
Nick has drill this weekend so he won't even be there to watch. Gosh.... the things I get myself into sometimes.
We were camping in the hills over the holiday weekend. I didn't mind the hills because the camp food was straight out of a can. Anything to help burn off that crud, the better!
We had such a great time!
No gym available so I did some hill work with Nick on my back. The kids got a kick out of that.
I typically don't complain about food and eat whatever is being served but Sunday for lunch I had to draw the line. I walked into the hall and saw the menu was corn dogs and french fries. Nick and I bailed on the family and headed to the grocery store where we purchased a pound of turkey and salsa!
Never a dull moment.
We had such a great time!
No gym available so I did some hill work with Nick on my back. The kids got a kick out of that.
I typically don't complain about food and eat whatever is being served but Sunday for lunch I had to draw the line. I walked into the hall and saw the menu was corn dogs and french fries. Nick and I bailed on the family and headed to the grocery store where we purchased a pound of turkey and salsa!
Never a dull moment.
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