Every once in awhile, I read something and it just hits close to home. The feeling you get when you think about what you read over and over again. This was an exert I took from another blog:
"I've never played victim in this game of life...and I'm not starting today.
If you want strength, you will endure pain.
If you desire wisdom, you will earn it through experience.
And if you seek happiness, you will only know it if you knew sadness.
There is always purpose behind your pain.
You just need to seek it, wait for it and pray for it."
Friday, February 28, 2014
food again?! seriously?
WOD: Open Gym Style
1 RM Back Squat
Old School gym arm/back machines
HSPU skill work
You have heard me complain about this before. I'm going to complain about it today. Today is yet ANOTHER food day in the office. Another day of me FORCING off every craving based on smell, looks, and the descriptions from others opinions. Does this craving ever go away? Will I ever NOT care that the food is 5 feet from my desk? Will there ever be a day when I can take one bite and walk away?
Today is day twelve of my clean eating. Still no cheats. Are cheats okay? Sure. But if I have gone this long, why cheat now? It has now become a competition for myself. How long can I go? What is worth breaking the streak? Maybe Kristen Drake's cupcakes, but I can hold off until May 26th for those again!
Why do I believe that eating clean works? I have had four PRs in the last 12 days. PRs that I didn't think were possible with the amount of time I put in. And BAM!
I am ready for the Open this weekend. I am confident that I will do well in the first WOD. How will I compare to others? Who cares. This is all about me against me. I'm not out there to prove to other people what I can or can't do. I will enjoy working out with my friends!
1 RM Back Squat
Old School gym arm/back machines
HSPU skill work
New Back Squat PR last night! |
Today is day twelve of my clean eating. Still no cheats. Are cheats okay? Sure. But if I have gone this long, why cheat now? It has now become a competition for myself. How long can I go? What is worth breaking the streak? Maybe Kristen Drake's cupcakes, but I can hold off until May 26th for those again!
Why do I believe that eating clean works? I have had four PRs in the last 12 days. PRs that I didn't think were possible with the amount of time I put in. And BAM!
I am ready for the Open this weekend. I am confident that I will do well in the first WOD. How will I compare to others? Who cares. This is all about me against me. I'm not out there to prove to other people what I can or can't do. I will enjoy working out with my friends!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
there is no other option
WOD: 7 min AMRAP
21 Power Cleans + 21 Back Squats
3 mile run
I'm on day 11 of "clean" eating and when I count days, that means days in a row with NO exceptions. Will this last forever, probably not. But for now, I'm on a roll. Cheat days are okay. But for me, cheat meals turn into cheat snacks into cheat days. It goes on. Then the cheats become excuses.
I've been trying some new supplements. I'm still not convinced (yet) that those are helping. I still am a firm believer that it is the food I'm consuming that is giving me the extra energy, clear thinking and motivation to keep going. It certainly isn't the scale!
I don't believe in any lifestyle routine/diet/whatever you want to call it, that restricts certain foods. It's not about cutting something out, it's about moderation. If you are like me, my mind knows nothing about moderation. So, I choose to cut it out UNTIL my mind has control over the certain food. In this case, I'm referring to brownies, ice cream, and cheese-its.
I just need to keep moving forward. Every day brings new challenges, new temptations, and new hurdles. On the bright side, every day also brings a new reward and something that gives me the opportunity to be thankful!
21 Power Cleans + 21 Back Squats
3 mile run
I'm on day 11 of "clean" eating and when I count days, that means days in a row with NO exceptions. Will this last forever, probably not. But for now, I'm on a roll. Cheat days are okay. But for me, cheat meals turn into cheat snacks into cheat days. It goes on. Then the cheats become excuses.
I've been trying some new supplements. I'm still not convinced (yet) that those are helping. I still am a firm believer that it is the food I'm consuming that is giving me the extra energy, clear thinking and motivation to keep going. It certainly isn't the scale!
I don't believe in any lifestyle routine/diet/whatever you want to call it, that restricts certain foods. It's not about cutting something out, it's about moderation. If you are like me, my mind knows nothing about moderation. So, I choose to cut it out UNTIL my mind has control over the certain food. In this case, I'm referring to brownies, ice cream, and cheese-its.
I just need to keep moving forward. Every day brings new challenges, new temptations, and new hurdles. On the bright side, every day also brings a new reward and something that gives me the opportunity to be thankful!
Friday, February 21, 2014
rest day
Rest day....because I felt like it!
This is our last weekend of wrestling and then our weeks and routines will begin another new "normal" life.
This is day five of strict eating clean and no exceptions. I am probably drinking 80 ounces of water a day and going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I must say, I think that when I stick to eating clean, my head is clearer, my attitude is better and my outlook on the day is might brighter. How many days before something becomes routine???????
This is our last weekend of wrestling and then our weeks and routines will begin another new "normal" life.
This is day five of strict eating clean and no exceptions. I am probably drinking 80 ounces of water a day and going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I must say, I think that when I stick to eating clean, my head is clearer, my attitude is better and my outlook on the day is might brighter. How many days before something becomes routine???????
Thursday, February 20, 2014
lead by example
WOD: .25 mile sprints x 4
50 OHP Lunges
50 Back Squat
25 PU
25 MB Cleans
Josalyn. What can I say about this beautiful, strong, smart and loving girl?! I could devote an entire blog to just her and our special story. Josalyn is Nick's daughter. She was born when Nick was 21 years old. I met Josalyn when she was less than 2 months old. If I close my eyes, I can picture myself in the exact location and exactly what she looked like. Most of you (if you didn't know me) would be thinking, why the heck would you (20 years old at the time) be crazy enough to stay in a relationship with your boyfriend when he had a newborn?!
God had plans. There's no other way to describe the decisions I made at the time. God knew I needed Josalyn (and her other family) in my life just as much as Josalyn needed me in her life.
I am amazed at the beautiful young lady she is growing up to be. She is a true testament of hard work and determination.
I have enjoyed sharing my passion of exercise with Josalyn. We started running together when she was in 4th grade. This year, she started Crossfit. She's amazing. I wouldn't trade that time spent with her for anything. Some of the best conversations come out of the time spent between just the two of us.
God knew what he was doing when he gave me this crazy life and I'm enjoying the ride!
50 OHP Lunges
50 Back Squat
25 PU
25 MB Cleans
Josalyn. What can I say about this beautiful, strong, smart and loving girl?! I could devote an entire blog to just her and our special story. Josalyn is Nick's daughter. She was born when Nick was 21 years old. I met Josalyn when she was less than 2 months old. If I close my eyes, I can picture myself in the exact location and exactly what she looked like. Most of you (if you didn't know me) would be thinking, why the heck would you (20 years old at the time) be crazy enough to stay in a relationship with your boyfriend when he had a newborn?!
God had plans. There's no other way to describe the decisions I made at the time. God knew I needed Josalyn (and her other family) in my life just as much as Josalyn needed me in her life.
I am amazed at the beautiful young lady she is growing up to be. She is a true testament of hard work and determination.
I have enjoyed sharing my passion of exercise with Josalyn. We started running together when she was in 4th grade. This year, she started Crossfit. She's amazing. I wouldn't trade that time spent with her for anything. Some of the best conversations come out of the time spent between just the two of us.
God knew what he was doing when he gave me this crazy life and I'm enjoying the ride!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
WOD: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15....
Strength: 2 RM bench
Strength/Skill: Squat Snatch
I must admit, I'm feeling pretty good day! I have been eating clean (100% paleo, 100% of the time), not even coffee or any caffeine, for three days now. I know, it's not a lot but I'm shooing for 10 days before I go for my next goal.
I went to the gym last night and did 5 hand stand push ups in a row. IN A ROW. Not one, fall down, two fall down, etc... For whatever reason, the deadlift weight seemed heavy, but it was just the day. Then, I went into my two rep max for bench and was only shy 5 pounds of my 1 rep max= awesome.
I woke up this morning feeling great. The sun was shining so I'm sure that had something to do with it. I have Girls on the Run practice tonight and I never leave there feeling crappy! I'm looking forward to going for a run tonight with Josalyn, too!
Enjoy the sunshine!
Strength: 2 RM bench
Strength/Skill: Squat Snatch
I must admit, I'm feeling pretty good day! I have been eating clean (100% paleo, 100% of the time), not even coffee or any caffeine, for three days now. I know, it's not a lot but I'm shooing for 10 days before I go for my next goal.
I went to the gym last night and did 5 hand stand push ups in a row. IN A ROW. Not one, fall down, two fall down, etc... For whatever reason, the deadlift weight seemed heavy, but it was just the day. Then, I went into my two rep max for bench and was only shy 5 pounds of my 1 rep max= awesome.
I woke up this morning feeling great. The sun was shining so I'm sure that had something to do with it. I have Girls on the Run practice tonight and I never leave there feeling crappy! I'm looking forward to going for a run tonight with Josalyn, too!
Enjoy the sunshine!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
WOD: Teams or 2
P1: 5 ring dips, 10 cleans
P2: 5 DB thrusters, 10 c2b
100 DUs
75 burpees
50 t2b
25 front rack lunges
Once thing I have noticed over the past several weeks is that I tend to manage stress by over controlling something else in my life. This week, it is my diet. Clean and concise. I typically don't over think my work too much, but I have a project that is on my mind 24 hours a day. Well, 23, when I work out I'm not thinking about it.
Tonight, I vow to leave the project at work and devote my time at home to my family.
The sun is shining and the snow is melting. God is good!
P1: 5 ring dips, 10 cleans
P2: 5 DB thrusters, 10 c2b
100 DUs
75 burpees
50 t2b
25 front rack lunges
Once thing I have noticed over the past several weeks is that I tend to manage stress by over controlling something else in my life. This week, it is my diet. Clean and concise. I typically don't over think my work too much, but I have a project that is on my mind 24 hours a day. Well, 23, when I work out I'm not thinking about it.
Tonight, I vow to leave the project at work and devote my time at home to my family.
The sun is shining and the snow is melting. God is good!
Monday, February 17, 2014
WOD: Teams of 3
DB High Pulls Down
DB Lunges Back
back and forth box jumps while waiting
EMOTM 10 min
5 Burpees
5 Push Ups
Legs on machines
My brownie bacon delight turned out a success! I had a few left over so I delivered them to John in fear that I would eat them all! All of the food at the Bacon Feast was delish.
I'm ready to commit to working out 5 days this week with an additional cardio 3 days. I too measurements and photos this morning and it's time to get this train moving!!! Do you use My Fitness Pal? If so, follow me : jcreech1. I love that app. I only use it as a guide but it holds me accountable.
Happy Monday!
DB High Pulls Down
DB Lunges Back
back and forth box jumps while waiting
EMOTM 10 min
5 Burpees
5 Push Ups
Legs on machines
My brownie bacon delight turned out a success! I had a few left over so I delivered them to John in fear that I would eat them all! All of the food at the Bacon Feast was delish.
I'm ready to commit to working out 5 days this week with an additional cardio 3 days. I too measurements and photos this morning and it's time to get this train moving!!! Do you use My Fitness Pal? If so, follow me : jcreech1. I love that app. I only use it as a guide but it holds me accountable.
Happy Monday!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
WOD: 21-15-9
DB Squat Cleans
50 burpees
I started a Girls on the Run team at Connor's elementary school this spring. We have had two practices. I can't tell you how rewarding this experience has been and it's only the first week!!! Yesterday we talked about positive thoughts and how we control what we let in our minds and what we get out. When the girls were talking about being strong, athletic, smart, pretty their faces lit up with huge smiles. You could see them sit up straighter as their confidence grew. My heart has been over pouring with love as I get to know these girls and watch them grow. I am sad that it is only for 12 weeks!
I hope that if any of you every have the opportunity to volunteer for this program, you strongly consider it. Or if you don't have the opportunity, create it for yourself! We are moving forward and not looking back!
DB Squat Cleans
50 burpees
I started a Girls on the Run team at Connor's elementary school this spring. We have had two practices. I can't tell you how rewarding this experience has been and it's only the first week!!! Yesterday we talked about positive thoughts and how we control what we let in our minds and what we get out. When the girls were talking about being strong, athletic, smart, pretty their faces lit up with huge smiles. You could see them sit up straighter as their confidence grew. My heart has been over pouring with love as I get to know these girls and watch them grow. I am sad that it is only for 12 weeks!
I hope that if any of you every have the opportunity to volunteer for this program, you strongly consider it. Or if you don't have the opportunity, create it for yourself! We are moving forward and not looking back!
Monday, February 10, 2014
competition #3 in the books!
I am glad it is over. I was a nervous wreck from 9am until 3pm when my heat started. It actually went a lot faster than it felt when I was watching the other teams.
My nutrition was spot on, I was stretched out and I had plenty of sleep. The only thing that surprised me was my performance in the first two events was the same as the Sunday before when we practiced. I thought for sure I would get more reps.
My team did amazing. Rick and Sandy had an awesome score on the overhead squats. Ready to start kicking it into high gear for fun and not for competition!
My nutrition was spot on, I was stretched out and I had plenty of sleep. The only thing that surprised me was my performance in the first two events was the same as the Sunday before when we practiced. I thought for sure I would get more reps.
My team did amazing. Rick and Sandy had an awesome score on the overhead squats. Ready to start kicking it into high gear for fun and not for competition!
Friday, February 7, 2014
WOD: 7 min AMRAP
5 KB 7Swings
7 Box Jumps
It's the night before the competition. I worked out 7 days in a row with today as my rest day and tomorrow the big day. Registration doesn't begin until 11am so that will give me plenty of time to sleep in and get solid rest.
I'll post tomorrow after we are finished and hopefully have a few pictures.
I still need to figure out what I'm wearing and pack my bags!
Nighty Night!
5 KB 7Swings
7 Box Jumps
It's the night before the competition. I worked out 7 days in a row with today as my rest day and tomorrow the big day. Registration doesn't begin until 11am so that will give me plenty of time to sleep in and get solid rest.
I'll post tomorrow after we are finished and hopefully have a few pictures.
I still need to figure out what I'm wearing and pack my bags!
Nighty Night!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
WOD: 5 burpee bar jump overs
10 WBs
3 minutes rest
max S2O in 90 seconds
This was my second time doing this WOD to see if my score was any better. I regret to post that it actually got worse. I felt like I had the flu. I rested on the ground and my head was spinning. A similar feeling I get when I am drunk and need to pass out. I had a few people say I might have been dehydrated.
I have this competition on Saturday. I'm not really that excited. I'm not nervous and I'm not anxious. I just want it to be over. I'm mad for allowing myself to let others make me feel like I'm not good enough. I control how I feel and it needs to stay that way. I know I give 100% and I know what I'm capable of giving. That's all I can worry about.
This too shall pass.....
10 WBs
3 minutes rest
max S2O in 90 seconds
This was my second time doing this WOD to see if my score was any better. I regret to post that it actually got worse. I felt like I had the flu. I rested on the ground and my head was spinning. A similar feeling I get when I am drunk and need to pass out. I had a few people say I might have been dehydrated.
I have this competition on Saturday. I'm not really that excited. I'm not nervous and I'm not anxious. I just want it to be over. I'm mad for allowing myself to let others make me feel like I'm not good enough. I control how I feel and it needs to stay that way. I know I give 100% and I know what I'm capable of giving. That's all I can worry about.
This too shall pass.....
Monday, February 3, 2014
Monday, Monday, Monday
WOD: 7 hang snatch
15 ohs
I took a picture this morning of me with my Spark. I thought it was funny that my drink matched my shirt. I'm not 100% sold that Spark does anything great but it does keep me away from Diet Coke.
Last night I worked with my team on the competition workout. It was possibly the worst 90 minutes of my life. I have never "crossfitted" for that long except for Murph and that was only 59 minutes!
Saturday I was able to get in my morning WOD and then run 4 miles. It felt great and I'm looking forward to the weather warming up so I don't need the motivation to go outside!
I'm going to take it easy at the gym this week. Need to save my fuel and muscles for Saturday!
15 ohs
I took a picture this morning of me with my Spark. I thought it was funny that my drink matched my shirt. I'm not 100% sold that Spark does anything great but it does keep me away from Diet Coke.
Last night I worked with my team on the competition workout. It was possibly the worst 90 minutes of my life. I have never "crossfitted" for that long except for Murph and that was only 59 minutes!
Saturday I was able to get in my morning WOD and then run 4 miles. It felt great and I'm looking forward to the weather warming up so I don't need the motivation to go outside!
I'm going to take it easy at the gym this week. Need to save my fuel and muscles for Saturday!
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