WOD: 15 Burpees
15 DB Thursters
5 rounds
If you know me well, you know I'm always up to trying something new. I have a lot of "trying something new"s lately. I got my hair cut. That could be considered new, but it's always the length that is the old me. I am going to commit to getting a manicure every two weeks. Why? Because it feels good and I really like it. I also bought about 8 new dresses for the fall. I dislike wearing pants. they are so uncomfortable. There's nothing like trying to find a pair of slacks that fits your waist, thighs, caves and long legs. I'm either wearing pants the the seam is going to bust at my butt crack or they are baggy and look like bell bottoms.
I had a lot of success on the Advocare 24 day challenge. I love the supplements and have really narrowed down what seems to work well with my body while running/lifting.
There were a few gals in the gym that had tried the Whole 30. I have had a few meals that were whole 30 and decided to continue to make those for my family. They were easy and tasty. So, I decided to go for it. Take the leap. It's only 30 days. I don't consider myself one to jump on the latest trend. Often times I jump on years after the trend started. I'm also up for a new challenge and anything that will help me learn more about food, myself, portions, nutrition and wellness. I am a perfectionist.
Day 1: I woke up and ate more than I normally do. Whole 30 doesn't count calories (I still do to an extent because it's a habit).
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 2 slices of bacon.
Lunch: lettuce, ground turkey, sweet potato with coconut oil and cinnamon.
Dinner: 2 eggs, bacon, ground turkey. HOLY HEADACHE! I thought I was getting sick. Like flu sick. I have to live without Spark for 30 days. At 9pm, I ran through the Tim Horton's drive thru and grabbed a coffee. It took the splitting pain away until I fell asleep. Success! I survived the first day!
Day 2: Nick was away at drill and he claims that he is going to do this challenge with me. So, I thought it would be helpful to get a 2 day start so I knew what I was in for before I had him asking me a bunch of questions. What did I learn today? No snacking! Three meals.
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 2 bacon. Tim Horton's coffee that I drank all day. No way was that headache going to come back. Did a little grocery shopping. Bought a bunch of new meats that I generally don't buy but know I will get sick of ground turkey eventually.
Lunch: avocado, pork loin steak, sweet potato, coconut oil, cinnamon. The sweet potato really takes the edge off.
Snack: before I learned that you shouldn't snack, diced banana, unsweetened coconut flakes, almonds.
Dinner: lettuce, ground beef, avocado.
For a total of 1600 calories.
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623 calories (57% fat, 25% carbs, 18% protein) |
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Monkey Salad (bananas, unsweetened coconut flakes, almonds) |
I must admit, I was a little tired the first two days. I'm not sure if it was because of the food or just because it was the weekend, I was running around like a mad woman or that Nick was gone and I was doing a lot of my own. I feel good. I feel full. Also, there is a rule that you aren't supposed to weigh yourself for 30 days. I broke that rule more than once. God, what is my problem. I suck at the scale part. I hate the scale!
*disclaimer: I'm not expert at the Whole 30 Challenge. I don't even own the book. I just google everything. I will probably make some mistakes along the way. Please feel to chime in and correct me if I'm eating something that I shouldn't have.