14 Min AMRAP - that part makes me laugh
60 cal row
50 T2B
40 Wall Balls
30 Cleans
20 MUs
RUN: 2.6 miles
I guess I am back in the blogging mood. I take time off but then I feel like I have all these thoughts just taking up space in my brain. Once I get them out, I can move forward. So, to start off the new year, I'm getting rid of the space from this year.
Reflection is important. My life is busy. I like this quote, "Don't become too preoccupied with what is happening around you. Pay more attention to what is going on within you." - Mary-Frances Winters
2015 had some sad moments that have left holes in my life. However, those holes were quickly replaced with new love and now found memories.
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery, radiation and healing followed. The older I get, the more I realize the strength my mom has had for many years. She's a fighter. I also realized through all of this that even though my parent's marriage wasn't a success, there is a strong appreciation and respect for one another and most importantly, for their kids. My dad was there for us. My dad hurt because we hurt. He is a man of character through his actions and unspoken words.

I have a lot to be thankful for in 2015, as well. My biggest accomplishment was my new job! I have been working at UD for 10 years. I have always loved my job (minus 1 day) and knew that this was my fit. When I did a little shift in jobs, I REALLY realized how much I loved my job and was aggressively ready to tackle the next step. I am fortunate to work with great people.
We also found a new church. We took a small break from the worship service back in May and began looking for a new church in August. We ended up at a church I never imagined attending and haven't quit going since our first visit. I have a dear friend, Julie, to thank for that! Most importantly, Nick also goes with us. You don't realize that you've needed something until it was there. He was what I needed. I needed him to be invested in our faith journey with me. It feels good. My soul is full and my marriage is being strengthened.
The best news: My mom is cancer free and has been back to running, running and more running! My kids are healthy! Nick and I are healthy and there's nothing more than important than that!
Within our gym family, we have found some of the most wonderful people. We have great friendships. It's hard sometimes to imagine what my life was life before all of these people. Where the heck were they?! I waited 34 years to find friendships like this and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I have some big goals for 2016. There are things that Nick and I want to tackle that will test our faith, patience and sanity.
My life is full. I am thankful. I'm ready for 2016!
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